Schaub to Houston/Carr gone

I think it's a good move...if only for the fact that the Texans gave up two 2nd-round picks to not draft Brady Quinn. In fact, if I had a choice of hearing "with the 8th pick in the draft, the Houston Texans select Brady Quinn" or "with the 8th pick in the draft, the Houston Texans select nobody and will pass," I'll take the latter. So, the 2nd round picks and the swap of positions in the first round is worth the trade for Not Brady Quinn.
May end up being a good move but seems a bit out of nowhere for Houston to me. That is alot to give up to get a back-up QB. They can probably still get their guy at #10 they wanted at #8.

For Atlanta I guess they are putting themselves in the Brady Quinn sweepstakes otherwise they will just end up paying a little extra $ for that #8 pick.
I have to agree that this is a lot better than drafting Brady Quinn, but the fact that they just gave Schaub a $48 million contract with $20 million in the first 3 years (meaning the contract isn't very backloaded and they will have to eat big cap hits before they get a chance to find out if he is going to work) isn't helping their case very much. That is a lot of value and cash to give up for guy whose entire resume is one game against New England 2 seasons ago.
Was ChrisforHeisman once Chris Applewhite? If not, I apologize. But his whiny style is very reminiscent.

I re-read the first couple of pages of this thread, and for the record, no one got personal with Chris. He just started in with his sarcasm and snide remarks.

I like Schaub. I always thought he'd be good as a starter somewhere. I don't care for the Texans. I haven't liked them since they announced their name. I don't really give a **** though because they suck *** and will suck *** for the foreseeable future. Schaub will unfortunately be swept up in this vortex of suck during the coming years.
schaub is the real deal. he's got a classic throwing motion and reads defenses well. at least, that's according to one of atlanta's scouts.
The Falcons tried to trade Schaub last year and started out wanted a 1st round pick. Ultimately, the best offer they got was a 3rd so the Falcons decided to keep him. One year later, with only minimal play, Schaub is now worth 2 2nd rounders and swapping first round picks.

Having watched Schaub in preseason since his rookie year and in mop up duty, I think he will be a very good QB, if he has a line and a running game to protect him. He seems to make good decisions on the field.
Schaubs ability is and performance is irrelevant to the fact that Houston Texans will for ever suck donkey balls for not taking VY.

If I'm ever voted into the Texas legislature I'm going to get a resolution passed for the state to officially recognize the Texans as the "Houston Texans - the team that didn't draft Vince Young."

I'm a native Houstonian and I hate that we have an NFL team that is the joke of the league. Matt Schaub doesn't fix that. Winning three championships over then next 15 years MIGHT make a difference, but I doubt it. f them in their fing eye sockets.
The Texans have as much chance to win 3 championships as Rice does...

They are now officially the worst franchise in the NFL, move over Arizona and Detroit...
we're not trying to reverse it. we're moving on. and we're movinig on with matt freaking schaub who has been called "a can't miss talent" by at least 3 gm's.
What amazingly logical and wonderful evidence to make your case, Turd.

So classic and predictable... when you know you can't respond with a logical argument, go for the lame picture or not-so-witty one-liner and try and run from the debate. I'm used to it, though, so it's ok.
So you think that six-year, $48 million deal was quite a steal, eh? I'm pretty sure Kevin Kolb wouldn't have cost so much. I'm not sure why you're bringing up Welker, but since you did, I'll mention that he's a LOT more proven than Matt Schaub. He's a legit starting WR and a premier kick-returner. All we know about Matt Schaub is that he's a decent backup QB with a really, really good agent.
no, aragon, that is not all we know. we know that he's considered a lock to be at least good. read up a little before you post.
i counted 4 gm's (if you include houston's) who have said as much.
A.S. -

That's just one more irony in the arguments. Texan fans defended the Williams pick up to and throughout the season by saying you can't judge it so soon. Now they're already moving to the "it's over, move on" defense. When exactly was it alright to discuss the incompetence of that decision? According to most Texan fans, it was never appropriate. The only thing they wouldn't argue against was ignoring it. Unfortunately it happened and people can discuss it whenever they want.

CfH -

You have to get over this idea that people are blinded by hatred. You are one of the most emotional posters on this subject, probably the most emotional.

Also, your apparent belief that being theoretically slotted in a current position in the upcoming draft means you're worth that draft pick in a trade isn't necessarily true. As in all fields, people are willing to overpay for potential and possibility. If Philip Rivers were on the trading block right now there would be many people claiming he would be the #1 overall pick in the upcoming draft. The Chargers most likely would not be able to get the #1 pick in a straightup trade with Oakland. The Chargers would have to reciprocate with their #1 and probably a lower pick as well as a throw-in.

Truth be told, I think NFL people overvalue their draft picks. From that viewpoint the Houston trade isn't that bad, especially considering their historically demonstrated drafting acumen, or lack thereof. But the fact is that draft picks are overvalued and therefore Houston overpaid because they could have kept more of their picks to maximize trade possibilities in the near future. That's why Atlanta fans, media, and personnel overwhelmingly think they made a great trade. If 90% of the people associated with the team you just concluded a trade with think it was a fantastic deal then you absolutely gave them too much.

I think Matt Schaub has a chance to be a very good QB. But that's not all you look at in a deal. Trading is about maximizing your value. The Texans, as usual, did a poor job of that. Actually getting Schaub and dumping Carr is a great decision. That's doesn't make it a good trade, though.
i think people should discuss it whenever they want. in fact, i think as popular as they are (guaranteed 10 pages a thread), they should have their own board on hornfans. or horntexansfans, or something.
what you shouldn't do is overlook how mario williams did with a bum foot and how much of a lock matt schwaub is. mario is said to be recovering and will be much closer to 100% this next year. he was around 87% last year. i think that's important when evaluating his impact.
what don't you people get?? an 87% mario williams and a 100% david carr is much different than a 100% mario williams and even an 87% matt schaub. iit's better. progress is being made.
you can choose to ignore it, though, but you won't be in aggreement with many nfl gm's. sorry.

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