Schaub to Houston/Carr gone

The Green Bay Packers must be ten times dumber than the Texans, then... considering they once traded a first round pick for unproven Atlanta backup Brett Favre. What morons!!!

No, I'm not claiming Matt Schaub is Brett Favre.
i dont understand how someone can keep defending the houston texans for their moves, especially with their track record.
Also, I will say in advance that Rick Smith is an idiot if David Carr isn't traded in the next few days. Acquiring Schaub obviously means Carr isn't going to be here, and it takes away any leverage the Texans had in a trade because everyone now knows they have to deal him. Now, if there's already a deal worked out that will be completed soon, then that's ok. If not, it seems pretty stupid.

Hoping there's word about Carr soon...
This is a lot to give up for Schaub, but I think we'll have to wait and see what the Texans can get for Carr. A team like Oakland or Chicago maybe willing to part w/ their 3rd Rounder, maybe higher for Carr. If so, the deal may not seem so lopsided.
Levi Brown should still be available with the 10th pick and the Texans need OL (stating the obvious).

The Vikings came close to trading for Schaub in April of last year before backing off because they thought Atlanta wanted too much for him. Had the deal been made, Minnesota was projecting Schaub as their starter and signing him to a multi-year deal.

I think the Texans made a good move.

Of course, Schaub is no VY.

They should have taken Vince, but that's water under the bridge. This is a step in the right direction. Then again, as far as I'm concerned, the Texans with Carr were standing on the south pole and needed to go north. Any step in any direction is north.

unproven Schaub > proven Carr

high price to pay, but when you're in the hole, you got to spend to get out. and while Schaub's not proven on the field, he's shown enough for other teams to try and get him as their starter and enough for the Falcons to give him the highest possible qualifying offer (making him worth at least a 1st and a 3rd)

In reply to:

Moving down 10 to 17 >>>>>> Moving down 8 to 10

Of course you're not going to give up two second rounders when you drop down a much more significant amount in the first.
OSR, it is pretty funny. I don't care a bit about the Texans, but their futility is comical. This is what they get for passing on Vince. The other two football boards I spend time on are just general football boards and aren't TEXAS or Texans-related. There is nearly a unanimous consensus that the Falcons won this trade in a landslide. The few people supporting the trade for the Texans are mostly Texans fans and the best they can do is a feeble "What about Brett Favre?" or "Maybe it won't turn out SO bad" defense.
Matt Schaub is 84-161, 1003 yds 6 td, 6int in his career so far.

Prior to 2003 Doug Johnson was 76-126 877yds, 5td, 6int as a Backup for Atlanta. Everyone was so enthused by his performance as the back up when Vick got hurt in the preseason, people thought that team would be functional with Johnson at QB.

They weren't. He struggled Mightily and they were, I believe, 2-8 in the games he started. Vick came back and they ended up at 5-11 that year.

Is Schaub a better talent than Doug Johnson? Yes, but what exactly has he proven in the league? He goes to a team with a bad offensive line and a weak running game. He is behind the 8 ball to begin with. To give up what they are giving up (considering how well they did with their picks after the first round blunder last year) Isn't good.
Using numbers from a quarterback's rookie season in a serious discussion of his value is absolutely ridiculous.
You guys are a riot. If there's any board I thought that wouldn't rely on the lame crutch of "but so and so casual fans think it's a bad trade," it's this one.

If you told anyone
outside of Hornfans last year that Vince Young was a better prospect than Reggie Bush and should go No. 1, they'd laugh hysterically and tell you you're insane. I know this, because I was one of the extreme minority making that case. Tell me, how'd that work out?

It's funny how you guys laugh and make fun of the casual ESPN fans so much, yet now you're relying on them to make your case for you.

Predictable, yet hilarious.
No one here is relying on anyone else to make a case for them. Several people have laid it out pretty well (I know, it's still hard to understand). The point in mentioning a concensus opinion (as opposed to appealing to the argumentation or rationale of "casual ESPN fans") is to point out the flawed logic of Texans fans defending the trade. It's kind of like pointing out aggy's peculiarities by comparing them to normal people. The emphasis isn't on the normal people, it's on how strange aggy is. The contrast is helpful in bringing that out.
I wonder if it gets exhausting incessantly defending the Texans while simultaneously endeavoring to belittle one's fellow posters.

Kinda douchey.

I think Carr is better than Schaub. I hope he gets a shot with a new team.
As mentioned, Holmgren knew Hasselbeck from his Packer days. No one in the Texans organization knows Schaub that well. Hasselbeck also came into a better situation with a team that won a division title with Kitna at QB and a coach who has proven he can develop quarterbacks. In spite of that Hasselbeck sucked at first as a starter and it wasn't until he was benched for Trent Dilfer that the light went on for him.

Schaub's success is by no means guaranteed and that's why it seems like the Texans overpaid for him.
You guys were the ones who started getting personal, not me. I'm all for reasoned debate, but you guys were the ones for the last year calling me and any Texan supporter "aggy" and now in this thread a liar.

I'm all for reasoned debate, just let me know when you guys want to start.

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