Schaub to Houston/Carr gone

Chris4- your disapperance on this thread after being proven dead wrong exhibits a level of duechocity normally only seen by land thieves and ags on this board.

You've been the Texans biggest cheerleader- acted arrogant, condescending and rude toward anyone who questioned their decision re VY, run down VY (with your ******** about a Rookie who doesn't have a passer rating over 75 or whatever) and guarnateed they'd get some value for Carr.

Come on down and take your lumps, you will be more respected. Or disappear forever like the other cockroaches on this board who have been blistered when their trash talking runs aground- either way.
There's a 96.8% chance that ChrisforHeisman is now posting under a new name, a 64.2% chance he has checked into the Betty Ford Clinic, and a 14.7% chance he is undergoing a face transplant under a plastic surgeon's care in Buenos Aires.

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