Schaub to Houston/Carr gone

You guys are hilarious. If I were to make a list of the things I hate, the Texans wouldn't be anywhere near it. They wouldn't even be on an exhaustive list of things I care about. Pretty much everyone else on this thread who has disagreed with you has said the same thing. But, yeah, you're probably right, you would know better than we. While you're at it, what else am I supposed to hate?
Where do you even come up with a stat like Mario Williams was at 72% last year? Seriously 72%? Not 70%, or 75%? Did you use some numbers to come up with this 72%?
I was sort of down on the Texans until I read this thread and realized that Mario Williams wasn't 100% last year, Ahman Green is ready to come back from two worthless seasons and hold on to the rock for the first time in his career, and that Vince Young isn't as good as we thought he was.

Thanks for the boost, Admiral. Any insights on how I could feel better about the Bush administration?
what are you talking about, chives?
do i have any ideas on how you would feel about the bush administration?
i see you're new, so i'll spare you, but that's the west mall forum and i would have to know the context anyway????
Admiral is a very good caricature of a typical Texans fan. I applaud him for his efforts. It's hilarious!

Texans fans, this is how it stands:

Is it surprising that people on a Texas BBS are talking about a Texas team? Should one expect that team to be ignored? I cannot see how.

Now, that team has at worst deliberately and at best stupidly snubbed the best and most popular QB ever to come out of the state of Texas. Believe it or not (and I know this is shocking), Texans like their own.

So is it hate for the Texans that motivates these endless threads? (And yes, they will last as long as a certain QB is in the NFL.) Not really. Not hate anyway.

Rather, this is the reaction of a large group of football fanatics in the home market of one team who have chosen to fanatically support a rival team. In the end, love for one hometown player carries more weight than geography, and for Texans, who, while known for many positive traits, are also known for a certain degree of xenophobia, that takes a lot.

It takes a lot, and the reaction has been merited. So get used to it. We told the Texans they needed a QB, and the best one in a generation was there for the taking. They could have earned our goodwill for another generation at least. They refused. Every move to correct that mistake deserves and will receive our derision.

The team lost the player who should have been their savior to a division rival. As such, their success (or lack thereof) will always be compare to the division rival. Deal with it.

Schaub may be a good player. Time will tell. But the simple fact is that the Texans could have had a better player when he was there for the taking. We have no obligation to forgive them for passing on him. Ever. We dont hate Schaub - he may be a fine player. But it is really, really funny and sad that the Texans would give up so much now to correct a problem they denied they had when the solution was in their grasp. So we laugh.

We laugh especially because we do not view this as merely overpaying a little to solve a problem. We view it as overpaying to solve the problem they denied existed. We pointed it out and begged them to solve it with Vince. Instead they paid $8 mil to keep Carr on contract another year, before dumping him and giving several draft picks and a contract only slightly less than Vince's to fix that very same problem. This is a Texas team. They could have solved it here at home, once and for all, instead of paying a fortune for inferior guys from California and Virginia.

So yeah, I agree that Schaub is better than Carr. So is half of this board, FWIW. But he'll never be compared to Carr, rather to Vince. Good luck with that.
No, what's strange is trying to compare Vince Young to the other Texas players in the NFL. It shows a complete and total lack of understanding of his impact on the Longhorns, his abilities as a football player, and his importance to a football team. And to be honest that kind of ignorance has convinced me that HoosierHorn is correct and you have ties to the Texans.
AugieBall hit the nail on the head. Great Post.

I'll add that if Matt Shaube turns out to be great it will be like putting a chocolate coating on a dog turd. It is still going to taste like **** when you start to chew.

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