Schaub to Houston/Carr gone

the greatness of this thread is causing me to not get much work done today...

waiting on texans press conference and listening to giff nielsen...
I am a native Houstonian and a Texans fan. I have been embarrassed and felt betrayed by the team's player personnel moves since their inception.

But I think you have to look at this move in the proper context. The Texans have a new GM who was not around for the drafting of Mario Williams and the huge bonus payment to Carr. He has recognized and is now willing to admit that Carr is not the answer at QB. After paying him all that money, many GMs/owners would have stuck their heads in the sand and stayed with Carr forever rather than admit an error. Smith is admitting the mistake with this move and is trying to clean it up.

Sure, it looks stupid that the Texans were pro-Carr just a year ago and now are trying to deal him for a pack of Hubba Bubba. But that's better than sticking with Carr when you know he's never going to produce at a high level.

According to John McClain, Schaub has been a hot commodity for the last year or so, but Jim Mora would not trade him, period. Petrino obviously is but asked for a lot in return. There is apparently a lot of feeling around the league that Schaub is a high-quality QB who can be a productive starter in the NFL. Obviously the Texans feel this way too, otherwise the trade makes zero sense. Now, that may seem redundant for the Texans, but it does seem that the new GM is not an idiot.

If Schaub turns out to be another Brett Favre, then obviously this will be remembered as a genius move. If he turns out to be Matt Hasselbeck, it still looks pretty good. Anything less than that, though, and this will not be remember fondly as a good trade.

And as someone who is not an orangeblood, I can tell you that I was not pissed at the Texans for passing on Vince. I was pissed for them passing on BOTH Reggie AND Vince. I could understand the arguments for one or the other. I could not understand the argument that neither of them should be the #1 pick.

Time will tell.
If anyone that has ever called themself a Texan fan but was/is pissed about the draft last year it's one thing to voice your opinion on the subject but I get the feeling from some of ya'll would still call them stupid if the Texans had more sucess than the Titans when VY retires.

I am not saying they will but I really think some of ya'll feel that way and I just don't get it.
schaub is considered a hot commodity by more than john mcclain. several well placed nfl sources have said that he's amongst the most sought after young players this offeseason and that minnesota would have been able to seal the deal if they had agreed to swap their first round pick. they wouldn't and now the texans have staub.
you can hate on the texans all you want, but at the end of the day, this was a very good move and the team is improved. i'm just happy that this question is answered before draft day. schaub is not john elway, i'm not saying that, but he's solid and allows the texans to focus on other areas in this draft. you haters won't ever get it, though.
DrewDevil = best post trying to defend the Texans. Very well presented but still...

Even though Schaub MAY turn out to better than anyone expects, one high second round pick would be a much fairer price to pay for what they know about him at this point. They simply are not at a point where one player can turn this around. He is not likely to bring anything to the table that they don't already have in Carr considering he will be stuck with the same supporting cast. If they were only one player away, then giving up both second rounders might be worth the risk. It will be interesting to see who they actually missed out on with those picks come draft day.

A.S. -

Be reasonable about Schaub. The reason people aren't discussing how Schaub is a lock is because he isn't a lock. He certainly should be good. But evaluating the situation using the assumption that he is 100% guaranteed to be a very good to great QB is folly.
I'm guessing that folks in favor of this deal must also think Jerry Jones made a great, awesome move in the Joey Galloway deal. After all, there is no long term price too great to pay as long as you upgrade one position in the short term.
very good move. The Texans have to get a new QB. The team has lost all confidence in Carr, and quite frankly I think Carr has zero confidence in himself.....he's the Brad Lidge of starting QB's now.

The Texans were going to have to spend one of their top two picks this season on a QB to groom for the job, with Sage starting until the rookie was ready in a few years.

There draft was going to look like this:

1 - Quinn or OL or Landry
2 - OL or QB
etc, etc.

Instead it now looks lke this:

1. Levi Brown
2. Matt Schaub
etc. etc.

The only thing they gave up was next year's two. Who knows what if anything they'll get for Carr...3rd. 4th?

Good deal.
I think now they might even trade down some more to recoup the 2nd rd pick they gave up in this deal. We shall see, however. Given their recent track record, I wouldn't put anything passed them. Jason Babin and Phillip Bucanon, anyone??
Your analysis shows exactly why the Texans gave up a little too much in the deal. This deal would have been a great deal for the Texans if they had only given up one of the two second rounders. When you say "all they gave up was..." a good front office personnel group would immediately think did we have to give that up? The Hasselbeck data point suggests the answer is no.
they didn't give up too much. they HAD to get rid of david carr. atl didn't get enough from a team that was down to its last option. however, atl was also about to be in the position of getting nothing for schaub, as he would be a UFA after 2007. they screwed the pooch by not trading schaub last year when he had more interest from more teams.
I like the Bears idea. Briggs wants to leave. What a better way to punish him for acting like a baby then to trade him to Houston for David Carr. I would love to see that happen.
The difference in the trade can pretty much be summed up in that most of the people in Atlanta are very happy with the deal. Schaub was gone after this year, so they get 2 2nds and they move up. From the looks of this thread, I can't say that most Houston fans are happy with their end of it.
Multiple people on ESPN say it was a good trade for the both teams.

That won't matter to the boat loads of people on this site that don't care about the Texans but continue to make post after post after post about them.
Don't bother, Admiral...Nothing you can say will make the Texan haters change their tired act. The Texans have had a good off-season and I like the risks associated with this trade. Now I'd like to see the Texans get Levi Brown with that 10th pick (and hopefully we will see a healthy Charles Spencer).

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