Blocking Sled

Last year I snapped this picture of a Tim Nunez led blocking drill....

sled copy.jpg
Sled me entertain you,
Sled me make you smile,
I will do some new tricks
Some old and then some new tricks,
I'm very versatile.

And when you're real good,
I'll make you feel good,
I want your spirits to climb
So sled me entertain you,
And we'll have a real good time,
Yes sir,
We'll have a real good time!

(apologies to Stephen Sondheim and Jule Styne)
Has there been any word on who (if anybody) will be riding the sled while the horses push it? My vote is for Mad Dog to get up on that badboy and start bouncing like its the pregame huddle.

Think Roy will throw up a hook'em when it's his turn to give the lady a push?
(To the tune of FAME - Apology to David Bowie)

Sled, makes a man take things over
Sled, lets him loose, hard to swallow
Sled, puts you there where things are hollow

Sled, it's not your brain, it's just the flame
That burns your change to keep you insane

Sled, what you like is in the limo
Sled, what you get is no tomorrow
Sled, what you need you have to borrow

Sled, "Nien! It's mine!" is just his line
To bind your time, it drives you to, crime

Could it be the best, could it be?
Really be, really, babe?
Could it be, my babe, could it, babe?
Really, really?

Is it any wonder I reject you first?
Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled
Is it any wonder you are too cool to fool

Sled, bully for you, chilly for me
Got to get a rain check on pain

Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled
Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled, Sled
Sled, Sled, Sled

What's your name?
Fame was a very cool song... I nabbed the lyrics from somewhere off the web...

I hope you aren't thinking I mean the Irene Cara "Fame" from the movie...
Why wasn't R. Lee Ermey a Football coach? I bet anyone could move that sled if he was on it.

"get the hell off my blocking sled private Pyle"
Driving on the southbound feeder today, I remembered sled as I drove by. So I pulled up in the little service driveway and had a look at the old girl. Damn, what a set of knockers. She appears to be in a more shaded area now, probably so the center can't use the old "oooo, it's too hot" excuse when it's his turn to ride.
Dear Sled...
How are you today? I see no one has posted on your official thread today, so I thought I'd give you a shout. I'll be in Austin Thursday night and all day Friday. Maybe I can drop by, shake your pads, and take a picture. I'll probably have to sneak over to see you, but it will be worth it.

Take care, Sled. We love you.
Hoosier, I agree with your idea. Next time I am in Austin, I think I will sneak over and take a few pics with Her Royal Sledness.