Blocking Sled

Looking at that picture of the Blocking Sled makes me want to touch myself.

It makes me hot. I'm steaming for the Blocking Sled.

This is on the Denius field. Hmm.

As you can see the weather is crappy, I took this 20 minutes ago on my burrito run.
I once new a sled. It was a priveledge, it was an honor, itwas......a sled. If I designed a healthclub tommorrow, there wouldn't be any aerobics allowed unless they involved a sled. F kickboxing, give me sled-ing.
There once a sled from Nantucket
who saw our fat boys and said, "suck it!"
Then came day
when the heft went away
And the Horns drove that ***** back to Nantucket!
Tommy: Can't believe you've never been [sled pushing]before. Get ready to live. Ssshhhh! She's sleeping. What you do is, you put your shoulder into her and you push.
Paul: And?
Tommy: They fall over! Hee hee hee...
Paul: And this doesn't strike you as kinda dumb?
Tommy: We're family, we're gonna be doing lots of dumb stuff together. Wait 'til Christmas.
I just sled blocked my admin into the wall. She's a little pissed. I bet next time she comes into my office she will be in her hitting(linebacker) stance.