I don’t know how I could be more disappointed. Can Trump do anything but ramble? He didn’t answer the questions asked and then got off onto illegal immigration on every question. He didn’t answer anything with facts and data. He didn’t correct the moderator when the moderator said an after birth abortion is not legal in any state. Trump never said that, he said it’s been proposed and some people want to do it, that’s all. He can’t even point out he isn’t against abortion for the reasons Harris used in her example. And that wasn’t all. But the worst part was getting off topic on every question and getting into something ridiculous like people eating dogs. Every question he turned into something bad illegal aliens are doing. He did not come across as professional and the leader of this country.
Meanwhile, Harris was polished, articulate and on point. She answered the questions and was professional even though she has no intention of doing the things she says she will do. In fact, has the intention of doing just the opposite in many cases. But it doesn’t matter because of her presentation. She sounded believable and stayed on topic.
Harris may just win this thing now, and all because the Republicans insisted on Trump. Any other Rep would have a significant lead over Ms. Communism. Ramaswamy would have ripped her a new a******. Trump came across as an angry old man with no solutions other than criticizing the opponent. It may feed his base, but did nothing but turn off the undecideds. As stupid as it sounds, the Taylor Swift endorsement will sway more independents than Trump did last night.
And the ironic thing is there’s so many things he could done to help the uninformed voter, just like Worster pointed out above, but he didn’t do it. And he can’t even smile. Finally, no one gives a damn about how big rallies are.