The Protesters: Useful Idiots

How does one define that? Is the hotel housekeeper working 40hrs/week under another persons SSN with a child in the school system a "drain"?
It lowers wages on the poor who are here legally. Thus the low cost help that you hire is done on the backs of US citizens.
It lowers wages on the poor who are here legally. Thus the low cost help that you hire is done on the backs of US citizens.

It also lowers the price of the hotel stay. I think overall, Americans don't want to do those low wage labor jobs. From experience, they certainly don't want to be farm labor.
Where are the feminists on this?

More modern Brownshirts - the ironic ones?
One is the son of a well-known judge (Chief Justice of Mass state appellate system) -- arrested for anti Trump vandalism

I looked at several sources including Wiki
Mexico does allow dual citizenship according to other sites.
And just from memory living in Texas I thought so

I would defer to immigration lawyers who deal with the issue every day rather than Wikipedia, which can be edited by anybody at anytime. (You do know I could make Wikipedia say that Jim Carrey was the first President of the United States and that George Washington was a black porn star from the '70s, right?) Nevertheless, since this issue is your big diversion, I'll stipulate for the sake of discussion that every country in the world grants citizenship based on parental citizenship in all situations and that every country always grants dual citizenship and that no country will ever change its rules.

With that stipulated so you can stop doing your dance, what you're advocating is still morally depraved and anti-Christian.

Exactly though we the USA have no control over what another country does just like we have no control over a parent ' s choice to take their own children with them if they go back to their native country .

No, but we do have control over whether the minor child faces that dilemma in the first place.

No straw man. It should not be our role or financial responsibility to rear chidren left behind by their parents.

It is a strawman, because that's not what I'm suggesting. It's another diversion. I'm suggesting that you let the parents stay and care for their own children (until they become adults) unless they show themselves to be a danger to the public.

Nevertheless, are you listening to yourself? You don't think you have a responsibility to care for abandoned children? What Bible are you reading?

Let us not pretend this is not exactly what the illegals are counting on,either that we assume the responsibility or we in the name of giving them economic opportunity allow the illegal parent to stay.

That's why you secure the border and stop the flow. Don't let them in, and don't encourage businesses to hire them if they get in. However, as a country, we haven't given a crap about it for the last 50 years, and our indifference has led to the creation of human beings who are now part of our citizenry. We can't just make them leave their own country or live in foster care because we spent half century caring more about helping very wealthy people get even wealthier through lawlessness and criminality.
Obama is getting an A+ from me on this one. But a lot of the "adults" in my life who voted Hillary - even though they aren't breaking windows of small businesses and curb stomping Trump supporters - are pretty insufferable right now. I feel bad for them, but I hope they snap out of their depression and OD themselves out from all the protesting , change.orging, and Facebooking before Thanksgiving so I can get some work and socializing done around here.

Friends, I've been away from West Mall during the entire election cycle. I just wanted to go on record as one of the "adults" who voted Hillary.
1. I fully support President-Elect Trump, his picks for his Administration, and his right to make the policy decisions he chooses to make in the first 100, 1000 days.
2. I respect and honor the tens of millions of Americans who got him elected, the validity of their concerns, and hope/pray that they are addressed and solved. I also recognize that 99.9999% of Trump voters are not racist ********.
3. I fully denounce any "protests" and the morons who are protesting. I only ask that you try to recognize that 99.9999% of Hillary voters are not acting this way. Maybe they're crying on your Facebook feed -- but why are you on Facebook anyway? :)

We have to start somewhere. If just one of you who only thinks in terms of "us vs. them" reads this and says "OK that is one Dem I sort of know who is acting in a cool way", then I've started ....
Mr D
There is nothing immoral or unchristian about thinking children should stay with their caring parents. It was the parents choice to break our laws.
You ask if there is a responsibility to care for abandoned childrem? Who is forcing them to be Abandoned? NOT THE USA
May I suggest you do more research. A child born to one Mexican parent even if in USA is also a citizen of Mexico. Thus appears to apply to most other countries (at least the countries from which most illegals come) as well
Perhaps you are confusing people who apply for dual citizenship rather than being born into it.
The argument that because one thinks children belong with caring parents rather than a gov't run system we are immoral or unchristian is insulting.
Since children born to illegal parents of another country are also citizens of that country maybe the country of the parent could take over the raising of the child.
I am done with this. I do not need to be insulted because I want our laws respected and not gamed as a way to stay in our country simply because one snuck in time to give birth.
I want immigrants who respect our country enough to do it the lawful way.
Anarchists would have similarly protested Obama's election
But they didn't
So they aren't

Anarchists aren't there to protest and are opportunists. The fact that a large contingent of them are based in Eugene, OR made any protests in Portland a ripe opportunity. One of the "leaders" of the anarchy movement is based in Eugene and hosts his one radio show. Local Portland police have publicly stated that anarchists are the primary challenge there. Surprisingly, when the riots broke out the police asked the peaceful protesters to move to a different location to separate them from the anarchists. One local story I read said that the protesters attempted to stop the anarchists but were threatened. Tree huggers get intimidated easily.

These anarchists have appeared at many protests in the PNW with their highlight being the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle.

Are they all anarchists? No, but a large portion of them are. This is why you aren't seeing violence in other cities, compared to Portland.
Friends, I've been away from West Mall during the entire election cycle. I just wanted to go on record as one of the "adults" who voted Hillary.
1. I fully support President-Elect Trump, his picks for his Administration, and his right to make the policy decisions he chooses to make in the first 100, 1000 days.
2. I respect and honor the tens of millions of Americans who got him elected, the validity of their concerns, and hope/pray that they are addressed and solved. I also recognize that 99.9999% of Trump voters are not racist ********.
3. I fully denounce any "protests" and the morons who are protesting. I only ask that you try to recognize that 99.9999% of Hillary voters are not acting this way. Maybe they're crying on your Facebook feed -- but why are you on Facebook anyway? :)

We have to start somewhere. If just one of you who only thinks in terms of "us vs. them" reads this and says "OK that is one Dem I sort of know who is acting in a cool way", then I've started ....
I know we but heads often Chango...but you Sir, are a gentleman.

And for what it's worth, I very reluctantly voted for Trump. He better do a good job for everyone or else him and the Republican party will pay dearly in 2018.

In a month or two, I'm sure we'll go back to insulting each other about guns and race baiting...but that means the World is back to normal again.
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Mr D
There is nothing immoral or unchristian about thinking children should stay with their caring parents. It was the parents choice to break our laws.
You ask if there is a responsibility to care for abandoned childrem? Who is forcing them to be Abandoned? NOT THE USA
May I suggest you do more research. A child born to one Mexican parent even if in USA is also a citizen of Mexico. Thus appears to apply to most other countries (at least the countries from which most illegals come) as well
Perhaps you are confusing people who apply for dual citizenship rather than being born into it.
The argument that because one thinks children belong with caring parents rather than a gov't run system we are immoral or unchristian is insulting.
Since children born to illegal parents of another country are also citizens of that country maybe the country of the parent could take over the raising of the child.
I am done with this. I do not need to be insulted because I want our laws respected and not gamed as a way to stay in our country simply because one snuck in time to give birth.
I want immigrants who respect our country enough to do it the lawful way.

That's fine. See it your way. Be offended all you want, but you're the one who said this:

It should not be our role or financial responsibility to rear chidren left behind by their parents.

And that ain't Christian. Jesus would not have an "it's not my job" attitude toward children who are left behind by their parents. I think he'd say something along the lines of, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Maybe I'm wrong. We don't know the immigration status of the parents of the children Jesus was referring to or where their parents were. He might say, "get these damn Mexican kids outta here. If they aren't worth their own parents time, they sure as hell aren't worth my time." But I can't find a biblical example of him taking such an approach, so it seems out of character for him to do that.
So this idiot Harrigan was forced out
Wonder where he will pop up next?
Will say alot if some company gives him quick job

This series is Matt Harrigan, CEO of Packetsled (a start-up)
First came -- “I’m going to kill the president-elect.”
Then, after his friends pointed out the possible illegality of his threats, he wrote, "Bring, it secret service.”
After another attempt to intervene from friends, Harrigan wrote -- “Nope. Getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the white house [sic] that suits you [expletive deleted]. I’ll find you.”
Why does everyone act as if Canada, or any other decent country, allows you to waltz over and establish residence without applying for citizenship?
This drives me nuts! The USA is no different from other countries, but people are acting like we are the only country that is picky about this.
Why does everyone act as if Canada, or any other decent country, allows you to waltz over and establish residence without applying for citizenship?
This drives me nuts! The USA is no different from other countries, but people are acting like we are the only country that is picky about this.

We're far less picky than most.
Like most countries, Canada would willingly take affluent technology-skilled immigrants.

Of course, Vancouver just implemented at 15% tax on all home purchases from foreign buyers and if the home isn't occupied all year it will fine the homeowner $7k/day. That doesn't sound friendly to someone trying to emigrate to Canada. Of course, the primary purpose of that tax was to stem the vast influx of Chinese buyers.
Like most countries, Canada would willingly take affluent technology-skilled immigrants.

Of course, Vancouver just implemented at 15% tax on all home purchases from foreign buyers and if the home isn't occupied all year it will fine the homeowner $7k/day. That doesn't sound friendly to someone trying to emigrate to Canada. Of course, the primary purpose of that tax was to stem the vast influx of Chinese buyers.
Racist colonial ********.

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