The Media Industry

Poway Synagogue: White supremacist.

Christchurch Mosque: White supremacist.

Tree Of Life Synagogue: White supremacist.

Mother Emanuel AME Church: White supremacist.

Oak Creek Sikh Temple: White supremacist.

Islamic Center of Quebec City: White supremacist.
Dude, did some Jewish kid beat you out for Valedictorian? It's time to let it go. Stop the hate.
And we need a conservative version of Hollywood as well. Hollywood has been for a long time a propaganda machine and a venue to pushing agendas. The only thing that has happened in the last 3 decades is that they have gotten a lot more polished and capable and as a consequence they are more brazen.

Totally agree. Conservative and Christian art needs to be supported. That is all it takes really, financial support. If people will pay for IT, then IT will be produced. The issue is payment platforms. Can't let the money get cut off.

The other aspect of this is that many movies, documentaries are made accidentally. Stories about the human condition and truth usually bend conservative. That needs to be identified and communicated. People will start to see that the traditional view of reality is just that, real. Art even created by Progressives many times belies their intentions.
I read yesterday that there were 8 other mass shootings in USA last week in addition to the horrific synagogue shooting
Did the MSM report those? 7 of the 8 were black shooters, 1 was hispanic so those don't fit the media narrative.
This cartoon went through more than one level of approval inside the NYT before it was published. They do not say who or how are they being held accountable

This statement is a dodge.


This is really incredible. It's comparable to what you'd see in Nazi antisemitic propaganda. What if any other ethic group had been portrayed this way?

It's easy to see why they have such a hard time condemning Ilhan Omar. This cartoon is pretty much an illustration of what she says.
Given the Jew hating Lib leaders running the Democrat Party, those in Congress, and in the media, this problem will only get worse. It doesn't help when Jews and Libs commit anti-Semitic acts hoping to fan the divisive flames for political purposes.
Of the 30 elected Jewish members of Congress since 2005, 28 have been elected as members of the Democrat Party.

But you keep choking that chicken, hombre.
Classic. You interject Netanyahu's name into the post, and then you make an attempt to criticize your own words. For some reason, you also bring racism and an extreme political party into the conversation. You are incoherent, which again supports the monkey flinging poo description.

Back to the point. Antisemitism among Congressional Democrats is huge. They support Palestinians as mush as Israel. Here's an interesting quote from the scum the Democrats support:

" Palestine Today quotes an "expert" that says that there will be a "third intifada" if the PLO cannot pay the salaries of terrorists and their families as a result of Israel deducting that amount from tax revenue.

Abdel Hadi says , "If the Palestinian Authority can not raise other funds to fill the funds that Israel intends to deduct from the Palestinian Authority revenues, this decision will affect the security situation, especially since the budget of the Palestinian Authority already suffers from a great shortage."

He says that if the Palestinian Authority is unable to provide the amount estimated tens of millions of shekels, the resulting demonstrations "may be the spark of a third intifada."

There have been regular threats of a third intifada for over a decade now."
  • ADL has tracked anti-Semitic incidents for the past four decades and in 2018 recorded the third-highest number of incidents. The total of 2018 incidents decreased by 5% from the 1,986 incidents ADL recorded in 2017. The 2018 total is 48% higher than the number of incidents in 2016 and 99% higher than in 2015. Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents: Year in Review 2018

The goal post always gets moved around when Liberal are playing. Harassment is one of the criteria of the link you posted. But the definition of what harassment is has changed to a broader term.

If I’m testing my heart rate by doing 80 steps a min, it will be much higher if I test my heart rate at 150 steps per min. Just saying.
The goal post always gets moved around when Liberal are playing. Harassment is one of the criteria of the link you posted. But the definition of what harassment is has changed to a broader term.

If I’m testing my heart rate by doing 80 steps a min, it will be much higher if I test my heart rate at 150 steps per min. Just saying.

Exactly. Unless the underlying definitions and data are provided for scrutiny, the questionable statistics are no more than someone's biased view used to support their political goals.

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