The Media Industry

I wouldn't lead with this. I'd lead with his agenda and the economy. However, I'd be prepared to slap around any media figure who acts like a jackass, and obviously there will be plenty of opportunities to do this. I'd find some stupid-*** comment from Jim Acosta and throw it at him anytime he asks a gotcha question.
Another great Carlson segment on how the media collectively suddenly dropped the "Russian Collusion" story. I think this is from Tues or Weds this week
It's easy to see why Soros keeps trying to get him kicked off the air, he makes too much sense, drives them crazy

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This is quite the twitter stream story by a writer who "has contributed to HuffPos and New York magazine." If you have 90 seconds, click it once and they will all open

Great Vid UTChe
It is like "they" did'nt think we out here were actually paying attention.
Someone likened what all the Dem Pols and media are doing to Toto pulling back the curtain but Oz just keeps screaming into the microphone.
They all know the truth but have to pretend they don't so they can keep calling for investigations and continued CNN MSNBC NBC etc reports on the "beginning of the end".
This is quite the twitter stream story by a writer who "has contributed to HuffPos and New York magazine." If you have 90 seconds, click it once and they will all open

What I don't understand is this tweet.

Perhaps people "with an agenda" will "twist" this incident to say the media colludes with political parties because Ali just accused a media figure of colluding with a political party.
What I don't understand is this tweet.

Perhaps people "with an agenda" will "twist" this incident to say the media colludes with political parties because Ali just accused a media figure of colluding with a political party.

I think he was being specific, one incident with individual, saying he suspects others will use it to generalize about all of the media. And maybe if we were able to look at this story as a stand alone, he might have a point. Maybe. But, given the context, it is impossible to do that. Instead it is just more confirmation of their overall bad behavior.
With today being April Fools Day, it seems to me that this would be the one day CNN would tell the truth.

Speaking of CNN, have to go all way down to #35 before they appear in the ratings

Here is a related article about how one Tucker Carlson broadcast has a higher rating than all 3 of CNN's prime times shows combined

"... Fox News' ratings exploded last week after Attorney General William Barr sent his letter to Congress saying that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

At first, CNN responded to the blow out in ratings with CNN's Brian Stelter claiming: "Since the letter's release on Sunday, there hasn't been much news."

After Stelter's claim was widely mocked, CNN launched a new attack on Fox News, specifically targeting Carlson — after Carlson dominated their entire prime time line up.

"Over the last month, Tucker Carlson's commercial breaks have had only a smattering of ads from lesser-known brands," CNN tweeted on Tuesday night. "It might be a new normal for the Fox News host, who has endured ad boycott campaigns since he made racist remarks on immigrants in December."
* * *
Carlson responded to the far-left's attempts to silence him in a fiery statement on Fox News, saying: "One of the only places left in the United States where independent thoughts are allowed is right here, the opinion hours on this network. Just a few hours in a sea of television programming. It’s not much, relatively speaking. For the Left, it’s unacceptable. They demand total conformity....."

Tucker Carlson Beats CNN's Entire Prime Time Line Up Combined. CNN Isn't Taking It Well.
Here is the full segment^
Best "Reliable Sources" they ever made
They still dont get it, probably never will

Carpe Donktum responds --
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I’m actually going to agree with you. There was so much more to criticize just how bad Obama was as President than for Fox to bring up golfing. Of course I don’t like our President to call the family of James Foley the American Journalist that got his head cut off by the JV team (ISIS) then give a quick response to the media then rushed to the course like it didn’t even happen.

Maybe I’m more pissed that he did nothing about the non-Kobe Bryant (ISIS) and allowed them to grow and I’m just taking it out on him because he played golf.

Now that I think about it, I’m more pissed that he didn’t play more golf and left the American business alone to prosper instead of regulating the hell out of them. America would have recovered much faster had Obama played golf everyday and not report to his job.

Or how he allowed the businesses to leave America and then didn’t get his own magic wand to wave to get them to come back to the US like President Trump did.

I’m not worried about your little film clip you posted. Obama made excuses with things like the GDP’s 1% is the new normal while Trump has shattered that myth and all of his policies that have help America flourish.
Seems like a big pie, with an interesting source
It's almost like .....


I don't believe that data at all. When I graduated high school in 1987 and entered the Army I would say only 15% or less of people I've known had NOT "tried marijuana". I smoked twice in my life almost 30 years ago and am not a user but would fall into the 51% they claim have tried it. That doesn't mean I would support legalization. Maybe we should start a poll to see who has "tried" it not meaning who smokes regularly. I bet a very high % have at some point in their life.

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