The Media Industry

I don't care what Tucker said 8 years ago and I don't think he should be fired for it. It is up to his employer to check that upfront and determine if he is employable or not. But it is much more important for them to monitor what he is saying as an employee. If Tucker is being unjustly accused, his employer needs to show some loyalty.
Morris Dees belongs in prison

SPLC is like a lot of other civil rights organizations. It did some good in the past, but it is a victim of its own success. At this point, it simply doesn't have that much notable work to do - at least not very much that comports with its political agenda. However, guys like Morris Dees still need to make money and frankly, still need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Accordingly, they have to embellish and over-dramatize in order to justify their usefulness.
... However, guys like Morris Dees still need to make money and frankly, still need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Accordingly, they have to embellish and over-dramatize in order to justify their usefulness.

Dees is accused of, among other things, molesting or attempting to molest his step-daughter. My post about this from back in the summer, which went otherwise unnoticed, is below. The charges are old. So it seems like everyone there was cool with it as long as the money kept flowing.

The founder of the SPLC is Morris Dees (I admit I read his book a couple decades ago). He and his wife got divorced back in 1979. Apparently those court records were released recently. In them, the ex Maureene Dees says he "attempted to molest his 18-year-old step-daughter with a sex toy." The step-daughter did testify under oath to these accusations.

But I guess, since he is a liberal Democrat, its all cool? This does seem to be the rule now.



The SPLC is not responding to requests for comment.
Dees is accused of, among other things, molesting or attempting to molest his step-daughter. My post about this from back in the summer, which went otherwise unnoticed, is below. The charges are old. So it seems like everyone there was cool with it as long as the money kept flowing.

I knew nothing about that. It's amazing how little media attention that is getting. What happened to believing women?
There is a legal team with some good 1st Amendment attorneys moving forward with defamation claims on behalf of the children involved
Most people think these suits have long odds. But first, plaintiffs here are "private persons" not "public persons." Further, there have been some recent successes. For example, the extortionist group known as the SPLC settled one this year for $3.375M rather than take their chances going to trial. Talk about chickens coming home to roost
Southern Poverty Law Center settlement with Maajid Nawaz, Quilliam Foundation dings credibility

Go get them Lin Wood
Go get them Lin Wood

It's going to depend on whether he's a limited purpose public figure or a private individual. I think the case that he's a public figure is absurd. All the guy did was show up at a political rally, and then the media went on a full-blown character assassination because they didn't like his hat and his facial expression. He has sought attention himself, but that was since and in response to the defamation. If the media hadn't gone on an unhinged shitstorm, we'd have no idea who Nick Sandmann was.

Nevertheless, if he's held to be a public figure, he'll probably lose, because the Washington Post will be able to raise the "I'm stupid" defense. They'll win on that point. However, that would set up an appeal that could end with the NYT v. Sullivan bring overturned (though that's a long shot), which would be a wonderful thing. It would fundamentally change the way media outlets and commentators function overnight.
Would be nice if, in light of the recent arrests/indictments in the academic admissions arena, some independent journalist would ask how Chelsea Clinton got into Stanford

And how and why does she have a faculty position at NYU?
Glenn Greenwald is one of the few on the hard left who is also honest
Here he is on the US media over the last 2 years

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This Mainstream Media is indeed the enemy of the people. Way before this Mueller announcement the Liberal Media has their credibility shot from daily fake news. Somehow they were able to top that with this. Unless they clean house complete 100% and beg for forgiveness of the American People that they will never betray our trust again, they will have zero credibility for the rest of my life. I’m good with that. They made their bed.
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Some more Greenwald on how MSNBC is still refusing to put anyone on their air who was actually correct about the facts. Again, Greenwald is a leftist

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The View is and always has been an idiotic show that appeals mostly to stupid people. I'm not saying that everybody who watches it is stupid, but it's geared to make itself watchable for stupid people.
The View is and always has been an idiotic show that appeals mostly to stupid people. I'm not saying that everybody who watches it is stupid, but it's geared to make itself watchable for stupid people.
Deez, where did you learn such erudite, in depth analysis to comment on all things, including women shows? You are like the Phil Donahue of Horn Fans. :beertoast:

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