The Media Industry

Lol! The Mueller report was a giant "how's my a$$ taste" for those who consistently scream FakeNews yet Garmel keeps on chewing. It must be an acquired taste.
Weird, I could have sworn they didn't indict Trump, find collusion, conspiracy or obstruction. I guess I better brush up on my reading comprehension.
The Rise of the Right Wing in Israel does not enjoy the broad support of the American Jewish population. Racist Bibi and Trump are two peas in a pod and there is no doubt in my mind US "Republicans" support his Israel more than the moderate/left wing. I'm agreeing with you and your racist friends.

Kahanist party rips into AIPAC after criticism of Netanyahu's support

What Another Round of Netanyahu Will Mean for American Jews
Happy to be a racist supporting Netanyahu.

It's one thing not to support Netanyahu, and quite another to support Palestinians instead of Israel as the Libs do. Think about the Palestine Today quote above; if the Israelis don't fund terrorist groups that want to kill Israelis, the Palestinians will rise up against Israel.

That is the group Democrats in Congress support. That is antisemitism. That is your party.
Lol! The Mueller report was a giant "how's my a$$ taste" for those who consistently scream FakeNews yet Garmel keeps on chewing. It must be an acquired taste.

LOL! Dude, you're so delusional it's not even funny. If you or any one else here still believe this was a legitimate investigation after all that we know then you're an idiot. Sorry to be so blunt but it's true.
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Lol! The Mueller report was a giant "how's my a$$ taste" for those who consistently scream FakeNews yet Garmel keeps on chewing. It must be an acquired taste.

This coming from a guy that keeps motor-boating the Democrat leaders a$$ crack no matter how crazy his party has gotten.
LOL! Dude, you're so delusional it's not even funny. If you or any one else here still believe this was a legitimate investigation after all that we know then you're an idiot. Sorry to be so blunt but it's true.

Kerp chomping, brother. I'm not judging anyone's fetishes.
Barr's also in cahoots with Trump too, isn't that right, Husker? LOL! What's left of this "collusion" crap will be collapsing within the next few months. Seeing y'all's desperation is hilarious.

Yeah Gamble the libs are still using the strategy of playing offense because that’s all they have left and they are trying to keep the focus off of those who were behind the corruption of fake everything with the Russians. The hammer is about to come down and I promise you there are many wetting their pants over this. Of course the media will do everything they can to spin it and go after other fake stories.
Yeah Gamble the libs are still using the strategy of playing offense because that’s all they have left and they are trying to keep the focus off of those who were behind the corruption of fake everything with the Russians. The hammer is about to come down and I promise you there are many wetting their pants over this. Of course the media will do everything they can to spin it and go after other fake stories.

They're scared shitless. That's one of the reasons why they feel a need to destroy Barr and his credibility.
They're scared shitless. That's one of the reasons why they feel a need to destroy Barr and his credibility.

Exactly!!! They **** their pants when Hillary didn’t win to protect them. None of this would be exposed if President Trump didn’t spoil their game.
Hillary and Slick Willie have been masters at projecting their sins onto others. It's why I posted what I did to Husker a few responses ago.

The truth of Hillwilly is that if they are claiming something bad about a political opponent you can absolutely bet your mortgage that they were doing the same or worse.
Hillary and Slick Willie have been masters at projecting their sins onto others. It's why I posted what I did to Husker a few responses ago.

The truth of Hillwilly is that if they are claiming something bad about a political opponent you can absolutely bet your mortgage that they were doing the same or worse.
I just couldn't believe it was in the Tribune

What if it wasn't the Russians?

I have no problem with the Sputnik people being required to register as foreign agents. Ditto for RT. However, I question the merit and appropriateness of requiring the networks who carry them to do so. All they're doing is honoring a contract. Furthermore, they're American citizens. If they want to pitch propaganda to the public, they're allowed to do that. We have a First Amendment.

And where do we draw the line? Google, Apple, and Amazon all carry the RT News apps that allow users to watch RT News on their phones and their TVs (through Chromecast, Apple TV, and Fire TV). Do Google, Apple, and Amazon have to register as foreign agents? I'll bet they don't, and they shouldn't. However, I'm not sure why they don't when a radio station does.

It's stuff like this. People who claim there's no blatant media bias see this headline and say "So what's the big deal? It's true, isn't it?"

Here you have a story deliberately crafted and adjusted so that the first and most important impression is that it's another preventable death caused by a concealed carrier. Boy those gun nuts, amiright???

Never mind that the guy was shot because he pulled a gun on a person himself. Never mind that HE was the one who was charged in the incident. There's a gun problem in Chicago and it's all those concealed carry people walking around defending themselves. A 20-year-old kid is now dead because someone had the gall to not let himself get shot while parking his car.

Fortunately it's being ratio'ed back to the Stone Age, as people are starting to pick up on this stuff.
Good catch, Prodigal. I have a stone age question myself. What does "getting ratio'ed" mean? I think I know, but I'd appreciate if someone could shed light on the term for me.

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