The Media Industry

Per On the social media platform Twitter, a ratio, or getting ratioed, is when replies to a tweet vastly outnumber likes or retweets. This means people are objecting to the tweet and considering its content bad.

I had no idea either. But now I do. Insert "the more you know" music here.
Prodigal, sounds like good news to me. I feel more secure knowing that honest, innocent individuals can protect themselves from evil people.
I have a stone age question myself. What does "getting ratio'ed" mean? I think I know, but I'd appreciate if someone could shed light on the term for me.

Sorry about that - yeah, when you get ratio'ed on Twitter, that means that you get more comments than likes. Typically, that means that people are just rebutting or ridiculing or arguing with you rather than agreeing with you.
You forgot the poop emoji.

On a serious note, when you continue to scream FAKE when Mueller showed most of the reporting to be accurate one can only assume that the screamer enjoys consumption out of the opposite end.

A lot of the reporting hasn't been accurate. I know that you want it to be so bad but it isn't. The media lies to you constantly and you eat it up for breakfast. You don't even realize the whole investigation of Trump is going to be shown to be a fraud. I can' t wait to see how you're going to spin it.
A lot of the reporting hasn't been accurate. I know that you want it to be so bad but it isn't. The media lies to you constantly and you eat it up for breakfast. You don't even realize the whole investigation of Trump is going to be shown to be a fraud. i can' t wait to see how you're going to spin it.

Spin what? I have the Mueller report on my side. You have...Trump. Only one of those two have already proven to make fraudulent statements. You've chosen your side despite the facts being against you. I get it...reality is a ***** sometimes thus we all have our coping mechanisms. Running around with my fingers in my ears screaming FAKE NEWS is not a method I prefer.
Spin what? I have the Mueller report on my side. You have...Trump. Only one of those two have already proven to make fraudulent statements. You've chosen your side despite the facts being against you. I get it...reality is a ***** sometimes thus we all have our coping mechanisms. Running around with my fingers in my ears screaming FAKE NEWS is not a method I prefer.
You have reached Aggy-level delusional. Wait until the IG report comes out. Wait until the report on the CIA spying on Papadopoulos before the Steele dossier was known.
Spin what? I have the Mueller report on my side. You have...Trump. Only one of those two have already proven to make fraudulent statements. You've chosen your side despite the facts being against you. I get it...reality is a ***** sometimes thus we all have our coping mechanisms. Running around with my fingers in my ears screaming FAKE NEWS is not a method I prefer.

The fact that you take the Mueller report seriously really shows your ignorance. Mueller saw what was going on in the FBI. Instead of being the adult in the room he went along with the charade. You're going to be proven wrong in time just like you always are.
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You have reached Aggy-level delusional. Wait until the IG report comes out. Wait until the report on the CIA spying on Papadopoulos before the Steele dossier was known.

In a way I feel sorry for him. He's a victim of the MSM and he doesn't even know it.
Buzzfeed strikes again.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see the whole interview here. And frankly, Cernovich doesn't have the credibility to be taken at his word. We need to see the actual documents.

And I say this as someone who likes Ben Shapiro and knows that, not only does he not promote antisemitism, he's one of the biggest targets of antisemitism. But none of that adds to Cernovich's credibility.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see the whole interview here. And frankly, Cernovich doesn't have the credibility to be taken at his word. We need to see the actual documents.

And I say this as someone who likes Ben Shapiro and knows that, not only does he not promote antisemitism, he's one of the biggest targets of antisemitism. But none of that adds to Cernovich's credibility.

I didn't post the full thread, just selections. I don't know the guy and don't care, really. The issue is that Buzzfeed decided to run a story claiming that this guy was inspired to anti-semitic hate crimes by reading Ben Shapiro, which would have been ridiculous on the face of it. But the problem is that they're claiming that he told the FBI this, and he never did, it's not in any of the records. They're getting this from the defense attorney's brief, which actually says that his girlfriend read some things including Ben Shapiro, and passed them on to the boyfriend. That's not exactly the same as being radicalized by reading Ben Shapiro.

He does link to the court docs in his thread.
The issue is that Buzzfeed decided to run a story claiming that this guy was inspired to anti-semitic hate crimes by reading Ben Shapiro, which would have been ridiculous on the face of it.

It is ridiculous on its face. Shapiro is Jewish and strongly hostile to antisemites.

But the problem is that they're claiming that he told the FBI this, and he never did, it's not in any of the records.

I'll admit that I'm not well-versed in Twitterese, but I didn't see that. I saw one piece of what appears to be the interview.

He does link to the court docs in his thread.

I'll take your word for it, but I didn't see that.
Spin what? I have the Mueller report on my side. You have...Trump. Only one of those two have already proven to make fraudulent statements. You've chosen your side despite the facts being against you. I get it...reality is a ***** sometimes thus we all have our coping mechanisms. Running around with my fingers in my ears screaming FAKE NEWS is not a method I prefer.

Here is a nice preview of what is to come:

'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies | RealClearPolitics
More here:

Report: Declassified Docs Will Show That Samantha Power's 2016 Unmasking Efforts Were Related to Israel

“According to investigative journalist Sara Carter on Fox News' Hannity, last night, some of the documents will reveal that FBI "informant" (spy) Stefan Halper recorded both George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, and there is exculpatory evidence on those tapes. In addition to that, according to Carter, one of the biggest revelations will pertain to Power's unmasking efforts.”

If someone decided to exclude exculpatory evidence from the fisa application, then someone is going to jail.
There is no way Obama didn't know that all of this stuff was going on. He's either behind it or saw it happening and didn't care.

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