The Media Industry

Prodigal, I do believe training and expertise are important in any field. I just don't believe that conventional education is the only way to provide that.

I listen to several bloggers who are actually trained journalists with no access to mainstream media platform but are very good what they do. Experience and fear of being shown in error are as trustworthy to bring truthful news than to have a journalism degree from NYU.
They literally blame everything on him


Now the NYT thinks Beto's sweat doesnt stink - it's now cool to sweat. Explains why they love Al Gore so much I guess


Great job NYT - not only misspelling "Whataburger" but somehow finding a way to point out that he was in a punk band, where people sweat a lot. Of course, they do that in football, basketball, classic rock, indy rock, hay bailing. Basically people sweat in Texas doing a lot of things. BUT THEY ALL SPELL WHATABURGER CORRECTLY.
Great job NYT - not only misspelling "Whataburger" but somehow finding a way to point out that he was in a punk band, where people sweat a lot. Of course, they do that in football, basketball, classic rock, indy rock, hay bailing. Basically people sweat in Texas doing a lot of things. BUT THEY ALL SPELL WHATABURGER CORRECTLY.

By this standard, anyone who walks outside in Houston in July-August is über cool
Even Variety is conceding that 60 Minutes Leslie Stahl was no match for President Trump. Trump "won every segment of the interview because he was utterly unable to brook doubt"

" .... .... Appearing the same weekend as First Lady Melania Trump’s appearance on “20/20,” this would seem to represent a new level of media blitzing on the part of an administration that’s already seen its head get plenty of free promotion during rallies broadcast on cable news. And, like Melania Trump’s utterly-on-message, relentlessly forward-moving TV interview, the President’s interview had effectively the same impact as a rally; it allowed him to bulldoze his chief enemy, the media, while airing his own points at ceaseless length. The lesson the media has evidently not learned yet is not to be sitting right there when he does it.

..... But the interview seemed governed by two motives, both of which played into the hands of a media-savvy President whose refusal to play by typical rules of engagement has been at the center of his rise.

First, Stahl seemed to want to conduct a definitive interview with Trump summarizing his presidency so far. In so doing, she skittered across the map of global and domestic issues, seeming to touch on every topic under the sun, from the ultra-current — the fate of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi — to the more long-range. Questions about, say, North Korea, tariffs on China, climate change, and NATO were met with long bursts of Trumpian verbiage, spilling out so fast they seemed barely able to be edited. What fell away in editing, or what was barely allowed to happen in the time allotted, were many follow-ups.

..... He won every segment of the interview because he was utterly unable to brook doubt — and, at this point, a broadcast dealing with a president who cannot face facts must be armed with real facts of their own. ....."

‘60 Minutes’ Was Outmatched by Trump (Column)
Note not only the dishonesty of the reporter, but the tone with which she approaches the initial request.

She makes it really light, talks about "a fun little piece" about something she "found interesting. And then of course ignore the response and write it anyway, even though he clearly answers her question that the job was posted well before.
Wasn't she specifically stating she saw no problem with someone painting their face back at Halloween to dress up as Diana Ross?

I'm no fan either. Her 2016 performance was horrific.
Wasn't she specifically stating she saw no problem with someone painting their face back at Halloween to dress up as Diana Ross?

She clearly misread the room and you could argue that she was insensitive. But the media is claiming that she was condoning blackface, which is an exaggeration so strong that it's essentially a lie. Everyone I think understands that there's a difference between what is considered "blackface" and dressing up as an African-American. If you want to argue that it's never OK for a white person to dress up as another race, then that's one thing, but equating that with a minstrel show to me is pretty dishonest.
So this ABC chick thought she could outsmart and embarrass Pompeo

Sadly for her, Hezbollah was operational in Lebanon from at least 1982, funded by Khomeini's Islamic State of Iran. "Islamic Jihad" was just another cutout/deniable front for Hezbollah.

Megyn Kelly is annoying, and I've never liked her. (The Right only dislikes her because she wasn't willing to give Trump a table dance like the rest of Fox News was.) However, she actually didn't defend blackface. She only said that dressing like a black person was ok when she was growing up. She got fired for a stupid reason.
Megyn Kelly is annoying, and I've never liked her. (The Right only dislikes her because she wasn't willing to give Trump a table dance like the rest of Fox News was.) However, she actually didn't defend blackface. She only said that dressing like a black person was ok when she was growing up. She got fired for a stupid reason.

Someone in my family suggested last weekend that her entire initial appeal at FNC was as eye candy for 70-year olds

But I will credit her with at least getting through law school and passing a bar. I have long argued that we would all be better off in general if reporters/journalists had that education. If I ran one of those organizations, that is where I would look to hire.

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Some people might try to tell you that this is a bomb. They might scream, ‘bomb, bomb, bomb,’ over and over. They might put BOMB in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a bomb. But it’s not.

Someone in my family suggested last weekend that her entire initial appeal at FNC was as eye candy for 70-year olds

She was eye candy for 70 year old dudes, but that's not all she was. Finding a hot chick to put on TV easy. Finding a hot chick who can go on TV and grill sophisticated guests isn't easy.
I think NBC is grateful Megyn made a remark they could use as an excuse. She didn't bring ratings like they thought but could have not just fired her without enraging so many SJW groups.
She only said that dressing like a black person was ok when she was growing up. She got fired for a stupid reason.

The growing consensus is that she isn't being fired for this. She's being fired because they want a way out of her deal because the ratings stink. Which makes this whole thing even more despicable.

And I'm sorry, but yeah, she's hot. And no, I'm not 70. :D
She clearly misread the room and you could argue that she was insensitive. But the media is claiming that she was condoning blackface, which is an exaggeration so strong that it's essentially a lie. Everyone I think understands that there's a difference between what is considered "blackface" and dressing up as an African-American. If you want to argue that it's never OK for a white person to dress up as another race, then that's one thing, but equating that with a minstrel show to me is pretty dishonest.
I agree that it should not have been a big deal. But she was quick to jump on the me too bandwagon against her former boss and others at Fox. She had no knowledge of the incidents. So, I see poetic justice here.
This is why terms like "enemy of the people" and "fake news" resonate. Look at the dates. The media knew that Avanetti's "witness" to back up Swetnick's allegation against Brett Kavanaugh was bogus as early as September 30. Did they report that? Nope. Even the headline is disingenuous. These aren't "new" questions.
The "fake news" and "enemy of the people" statements really scare the left, but they are absolutely true. I think the problem that the left has is their presumption that the news media is "free". Anytime I see a leftist complaining about Trump's epithets they always so Trump is against the free press or that the free press is so important for holding government to account. They are correct in the statement itself. They are absolutely WRONG though that the press today is free. The press today is a wing of the Democrat party for the most part. It is government media. It is closer to Russian news media than they can even start to imagine.

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