So I was listening to Meet the Press while my car was having maintenance done on it, and I was reminded of how much that show had gone down the hill.
They had Chris Coons as a guest. I heard Coons repeat the Democratic talking point that the FBI investigation was bogus because they didn't interview corroborating witnesses that Ford had identified. Of course, any remotely fair reporter would have asked the following:
1. What are these witnesses' names?
2. Have you talked to them?
3. Did you press the Judiciary Committee to subpoena them?
But instead of doing that, Chuck Todd just let a completely uncorroborated narrative go unchallenged. That's how you credibly get called "fake news."
I also notice that these "news" shows virtually never have both the Republican and Democratic guests on at the same time. The used to be very common, and it worked well, because if the host didn't challenge something, the adversarial guest would. It's almost as if the hosts don't want that to happen now.