The Media Industry

The "fake news" and "enemy of the people" statements really scare the left, but they are absolutely true. I think the problem that the left has is their presumption that the news media is "free". Anytime I see a leftist complaining about Trump's epithets they always so Trump is against the free press or that the free press is so important for holding government to account. They are correct in the statement itself. They are absolutely WRONG though that the press today is free. The press today is a wing of the Democrat party for the most part. It is government media. It is closer to Russian news media than they can even start to imagine.

It depends on what is meant by "free." If we mean that it's not being coerced by government, that's largely true. If we mean that it's politically independent and is mostly driven by a fair pursuit of truth, that's definitely not true and has never been true. The national political media has been solidly Democratic since at least the New Deal and has actively promoted Democratic interests since then.

However, the media has long tried to claim an unearned degree of credibility by claiming to be unbiased and nonpartisan. Previous GOP nominees knew this was BS but generally didn't call the media out for it, because they feared it would lead to more overtly negative coverage. Of course, Trump always treated the media like partisan hacks that they are, and as expected, he gets overwhelmingly negative coverage. (They also hate his worldview and especially hate the people to whom he appeals.)

The media could react in two different ways. It could go out of its way to deny his claims and try to prove their objectivity and the falsity of Trump's claims. If Trump is truly wrong about the press, this is by far the best strategy, because it would destroy his credibility.

The problem with the first strategy is that it only works if Trump is actually wrong about the press. He may not get every specific criticism accurate, but his overall point is true. For the most part, they are the partisan hacks he claims them to be. That forces them to go with the other strategy, which is to double down on their bias (tacitly admitting that he's right) and throw up a straw man like claiming that Trump threatens the constitutional guarantee of a free press and the ability to hold the political leadership accountable. In other words, change the subject and lie.

Why is it a lie? Because a free press doesn't mean that the political leaders don't call BS on them when they're dishonest or unfair. In fact, that actually promotes a free press. In addition, the press doesn't hold the government accountable and doesn't have the credibility to claim that they do, because they spent 8 years dutifully parroting every BS narrative that the Obama Administration put out there.
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See I think there is some level of coercion. The government isn't forcing the press to say or not say things, but the training journalists receive involves intellectual coercion to believe a certain way. Other than that I think you are right on.
Secret Service calls NYT fiction piece on Trump assassination ‘outrageous’

I'm sure this is exactly what the response would have been had it been a piece talking about the assassination of Barak Obama:

"It's very clear what this is: a work of fiction, commissioned by editors of the Book Review as part of a package of five stories penned by a range of spy and crime novelists — in the Halloween edition,” a Times spokesperson said, per Fox News.
Secret Service calls NYT fiction piece on Trump assassination ‘outrageous’

I'm sure this is exactly what the response would have been had it been a piece talking about the assassination of Barak Obama:

"It's very clear what this is: a work of fiction, commissioned by editors of the Book Review as part of a package of five stories penned by a range of spy and crime novelists — in the Halloween edition,” a Times spokesperson said, per Fox News.

A piece like this about the assassination of Obama would never have been published in the first place.
This WAPO writer takes an interesting position on this issue
He could have simply suggested they stop lying about it, but he copiously avoided that
I dont get how people in such important jobs ever get to argue that lying is the superior position

Well organized video -- must watch
It's amazing how often so many different people in the media use the exact same words
It's like they are actors reading lines of script

Less safe here than Russia?

In that case, for her own safety, then shouldnt she just go ahead and move there?

It’s a win-win: She will be safer, and we’d be happier.

See I think there is some level of coercion. The government isn't forcing the press to say or not say things, but the training journalists receive involves intellectual coercion to believe a certain way. Other than that I think you are right on.

I don't think there's intellectual coercion. I think that journalism attracts a certain type of person, and that type of person is usually left-leaning.
In case you were wondering what Bill O'Reilly was doing these days --

"Today is the Eve of all Hallows and many spooky things are happening in America. Here’s a partial list.

- a commentator on Fox News says there is no reason for anyone to be afraid of refugees from Honduras. I didn’t know anyone was afraid of poor migrants. What clear-thinking people are afraid of is a security collapse on the southern border. After all, millions of foreign nationals have already violated that border. Have they not?

- I am somewhat afraid of a politically correct culture that encourages the destruction of Americans who make verbal mistakes. The PC police are running wild in the workplace and on college campuses. Who will stop the madness?

- It is terrifying that so many Americans have no idea that powerful political groups are putting out vicious propaganda unchallenged. It’s an industry now. The far left almost destroyed Brett Kavanaugh based on unsubstantiated allegations that apparently millions of Americans believed. If that’s not a horror show, nothing is."

Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Message of the Day - The Eve of all Hallows
See the video. There is now more evidence Jim Acosta assaulted a woman than there ever was that Brett Kavanaugh did. Poor old Don Lemon tried to warn us about Acosta

At least one person in the room got a good laugh out of Acosta who works for CNN, which is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, which is owned by AT&T, which is owned by Warner Media. He is basically the organ grinder monkey for corporate America.
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See the video. There is now more evidence Jim Acosta assaulted a woman than there ever was that Brett Kavanaugh did. Poor old Don Lemon tried to warn us about Acosta

At least one person in the room got a good laugh out of Acosta who works for CNN, which is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, which is owned by AT&T, which is owned by Warner Media. He is basically the organ grinder monkey for corporate America.

Gee, leading up to the election, the supposed big issue was health care. Today, it's right back to the invasion. Hmmm....
See the video. There is now more evidence Jim Acosta assaulted a woman than there ever was that Brett Kavanaugh did. Poor old Don Lemon tried to warn us about Acosta

At least one person in the room got a good laugh out of Acosta who works for CNN, which is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, which is owned by AT&T, which is owned by Warner Media. He is basically the organ grinder monkey for corporate America.

I'm guessing even Dems want to beat Acosta's ***.
Believe it or not, some gal at the BBC dared to tell the truth about Accosta the Accoster. I feel sort of bad for her, knowing the crap that is going to rain down on her for this. In terms of modern media, what she did here is much more brave than what Accosta did. I hope she does not lose her job over it.

" .... My point is this - the scene was an incredible bit of theatre. We couldn't take our eyes off it. It just went on and on.

You could argue the president came looking for it - he does well, electorally, when he's berating the press.

But make no mistake. The media also does well when they are baiting the bear. The urge to poke can sometimes seem irresistible.

So let's take a step back. What happened in that room was not the ultimate fight for press freedom. This wasn't someone risking life and limb against a regime where freedom of speech is forbidden. This was a bloke sitting in a room full of colleagues who were all trying to ask questions too.

This was a man who'd had his turn and had been told he couldn't hog the whole time.

I've been in high-pressure press conferences. And the art is to ask the single most succinct question that will land you the best possible response.

The achievement is not meant to be one of endurance.

There are plenty of things to berate in the behaviour, language or ethics of Donald Trump. But this moment was not one of them. Pull him up for his lies, yes. But not for wanting to widen the conversation.

The president took CNN's question and then took more. And when he tried to move on, he couldn't. Once the Acosta incident was over, he went on to take questions from journalists from all over the world - for a total of 90 minutes......"

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Acosta was trying to filibuster the presser.

In other news, how about all those stories about the large Antifa mob gathering outside of Tucker Carlson's home, spray painting his car, sidewalk and house? Oh, they also chanted threats, such as "We know where you sleep at night".
Good thing: his kids weren't there.
Bad thing: he wasn't there, his wife was alone, and so frightened she had to barricade herself in a pantry when they began beating on the front door. She called the police, but as far as I know there have been no arrests. And I wouldn't know, because I haven't seen any stories on this.
Evidently, Carlson, Hannity, and Coulter were doxxed and there home addresses are out there on twitter for all to see.
Acosta was trying to filibuster the presser.

In other news, how about all those stories about the large Antifa mob gathering outside of Tucker Carlson's home, spray painting his car, sidewalk and house? Oh, they also chanted threats, such as "We know where you sleep at night".
Good thing: his kids weren't there.
Bad thing: he wasn't there, his wife was alone, and so frightened she had to barricade herself in a pantry when they began beating on the front door. She called the police, but as far as I know there have been no arrests. And I wouldn't know, because I haven't seen any stories on this.
Evidently, Carlson, Hannity, and Coulter were doxxed and there home addresses are out there on twitter for all to see.
That's when you answer the door with a 12 gauge shotgun and let them have it.
Believe it or not, some gal at the BBC dared to tell the truth about Accosta the Accoster. I feel sort of bad for her, knowing the crap that is going to rain down on her for this. In terms of modern media, what she did here is much more brave than what Accosta did. I hope she does not lose her job over it.

" .... My point is this - the scene was an incredible bit of theatre. We couldn't take our eyes off it. It just went on and on.

You could argue the president came looking for it - he does well, electorally, when he's berating the press.

But make no mistake. The media also does well when they are baiting the bear. The urge to poke can sometimes seem irresistible.

So let's take a step back. What happened in that room was not the ultimate fight for press freedom. This wasn't someone risking life and limb against a regime where freedom of speech is forbidden. This was a bloke sitting in a room full of colleagues who were all trying to ask questions too.

This was a man who'd had his turn and had been told he couldn't hog the whole time.

I've been in high-pressure press conferences. And the art is to ask the single most succinct question that will land you the best possible response.

The achievement is not meant to be one of endurance.

There are plenty of things to berate in the behaviour, language or ethics of Donald Trump. But this moment was not one of them. Pull him up for his lies, yes. But not for wanting to widen the conversation.

The president took CNN's question and then took more. And when he tried to move on, he couldn't. Once the Acosta incident was over, he went on to take questions from journalists from all over the world - for a total of 90 minutes......"

We are witnessing the death of the MSM and they know it. The news networks reach a smaller and smaller audience while Fox News has more viewers than CNN and MS NBC combined. The temper tantrums are helpful to killing the last bit of influence they have over independents.
That's when you answer the door with a 12 gauge shotgun and let them have it.

That's where this is heading. Somebody is going to get confronted by these freaks, and he's either going to fear that they are going to get violent or just isn't going to be in the mood to take their ********. He's going to have a weapon on him, and somebody's going to die. And of course, it'll be Trump's fault.

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