The "fake news" and "enemy of the people" statements really scare the left, but they are absolutely true. I think the problem that the left has is their presumption that the news media is "free". Anytime I see a leftist complaining about Trump's epithets they always so Trump is against the free press or that the free press is so important for holding government to account. They are correct in the statement itself. They are absolutely WRONG though that the press today is free. The press today is a wing of the Democrat party for the most part. It is government media. It is closer to Russian news media than they can even start to imagine.
It depends on what is meant by "free." If we mean that it's not being coerced by government, that's largely true. If we mean that it's politically independent and is mostly driven by a fair pursuit of truth, that's definitely not true and has never been true. The national political media has been solidly Democratic since at least the New Deal and has actively promoted Democratic interests since then.
However, the media has long tried to claim an unearned degree of credibility by claiming to be unbiased and nonpartisan. Previous GOP nominees knew this was BS but generally didn't call the media out for it, because they feared it would lead to more overtly negative coverage. Of course, Trump always treated the media like partisan hacks that they are, and as expected, he gets overwhelmingly negative coverage. (They also hate his worldview and especially hate the people to whom he appeals.)
The media could react in two different ways. It could go out of its way to deny his claims and try to prove their objectivity and the falsity of Trump's claims. If Trump is truly wrong about the press, this is by far the best strategy, because it would destroy his credibility.
The problem with the first strategy is that it only works if Trump is actually wrong about the press. He may not get every specific criticism accurate, but his overall point is true. For the most part, they are the partisan hacks he claims them to be. That forces them to go with the other strategy, which is to double down on their bias (tacitly admitting that he's right) and throw up a straw man like claiming that Trump threatens the constitutional guarantee of a free press and the ability to hold the political leadership accountable. In other words, change the subject and lie.
Why is it a lie? Because a free press doesn't mean that the political leaders don't call BS on them when they're dishonest or unfair. In fact, that actually promotes a free press. In addition, the press doesn't hold the government accountable and doesn't have the credibility to claim that they do, because they spent 8 years dutifully parroting every BS narrative that the Obama Administration put out there.
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