The Media Industry

It just keeps going on and on> Will Husker try to say Conservatives are making too big a deal out of this? Or maybe that the poor gay latino did not deserve wine in his face? Or maybe since Tucker is a public figure it is ok?*****-inbox-x
"On October 13, I had dinner with two of my children and some family friends at the Farmington Country Club in Charlottesville, Virginia," Carlson said. "Toward the end of the meal, my 19-year-old daughter went to the bathroom with a friend. On their way back through the bar, a middle aged man stopped my daughter and asked if she was sitting with Tucker Carlson. My daughter had never seen the man before. She answered: ‘That’s my dad,’ and pointed to me. The man responded, ‘Are you Tucker’s *****?’ He then called her a ‘f*** c***.’ "

"My daughter returned to the table in tears," the statement continues. "She soon left the table and the club. My son, who is also a student, went into the bar to confront the man. I followed. My son asked the man if he’d called his sister a ‘*****’ and a ‘c**t.’ The man admitted he had, and again become profane. My son threw a glass of red wine in the man’s face and told him to leave the bar, which he soon did."
We are witnessing the death of traditional journalism. They are big and powerful and regular people like us can't hold them accountable. The only traditional competition is Fox News and talk radio. However, those in power try to remove them from the market or further diminish their message like with the Fairness Doctrine.
CNN suing Trump administration over Jim Acosta's Press credentials:

CNN Sues Trump Administration Over Jim Acosta Press Credentials

When did the 1st amendment guarantee access of certain media members to the President? The Feds certainly cannot suppress the press from reporting whatever they choose, but nowhere is access to elected officials guaranteed. I actually never understood why Republican Presidents didn't ban more of the biased MSM from their press conferences. Helen Thomas should have had her credentials revoked long before she was finally discredited. The entitlement of liberal journalists is amazing.
They just makin it up

I've called it the "Comical" for years because I see it as a joke. Who reads it anymore? Since the advent of the smartphone, I rarely see people with newspapers. Used to be there were newspapers found in every waiting room and many restaurants provided a newspaper for patrons. Rarely see them anymore.
I have been wondering what might happen with Fox News now that Disney has its claws in the rest of Fox. The last I read, they were going to spin off Fox News/Fox Business into its own separate tradeable entity. But I doubt most viewers would ever trust Disney with Fox News as long as they kept a majority stake. But what then?

Maybe this? I have only seen OAN maybe 5 or 6 times total and it seems a much leaner and lower budget production. But the good news is no Shepherd Smith's running around grinning all the time about his big contract renewal either. Anyone else seen OAN?

My cable provider does carry One America News Network. I've seen it a few times. I probably need to check out their internet site because I get most of my news online.
I thought this was interesting. Carl Bernstein calling for the media to edit the President's news conferences because they're propaganda. He wants the media to filter our news for us even more than they do now. Boy has he fallen far from the true faith.

Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein said cable news networks should stop broadcasting White House press conferences and briefings in their entirety because they have become "propagandist exercises."

"I don't think we should be taking them live all the time and just pasting them up on the air because they're basically propagandist exercises because they are overwhelmed by his dishonesty and lying," Bernstein said during a segment of CNN's "Reliable Sources" on Sunday, referring to President Trump. "Maybe we should be there, edit, decide as reporters what is news, and after the press conference or briefing is over then go with that story with clips rather than treating the briefing or press conference as a campaign event, which they really are."

Carl Bernstein suggests media should edit White House pressers before airing them
It is the usual stipulation: Liberals are honest, intelligent people. We are never to be questioned. We know better.

And when they assert it with power then THAT is the real problem.
Trump is taking it on the chin for questioning how long it took to kill bin Laden. It is my recollection (and I know this for a fact because I spent years on a Liberal chat room as a regular contributor) that the Left mocked Bush for not killing bin Laden. They used it as evidence of incompetence. THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. It really makes me sick to hear the revisionism going on.
I thought this was interesting. Carl Bernstein calling for the media to edit the President's news conferences because they're propaganda. He wants the media to filter our news for us even more than they do now. Boy has he fallen far from the true faith.

Carl Bernstein suggests media should edit White House pressers before airing them

What's really remarkable isn't that he says the Administration lies or that it puts out propaganda. Of course they do from time to time. What remarkable is that they spent 8 years pretending their preferred Administration didn't lie or put out propaganda.
Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein said cable news networks should stop broadcasting White House press conferences and briefings in their entirety because they have become "propagandist exercises."

The key to this quote is the phrase "they have become". It is a true statement but the event it refers to happened in the 18th century.
The key to this quote is the phrase "they have become". It is a true statement but the event it refers to happened in the 18th century.

I was thinking the WH itself should cut off the video feed. Without live TV, performance artists like Jim Acosta would lack a stage. Still have the pressers, just no TVs. No cameras = no clowns. Nobody likes clowns anyway.
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I was thinking the WH itself should cut off the video feed. Without live TV, performance artists like Jim Acosta would lack a stage. Still have the pressers, just no TVs. No cameras = no clowns. Nobody likes clowns anyway.

This is why Barry Goldwater opposed C-SPAN.
Nate the Skate does not understand how or why conservative content continues to do so well on social media. He think the problem lies with Facebook. He thinks there must be something wrong with people who do not agree with his ideology. His solution, echoing that of most liberals these days, is for FB to remove or censor Ben Shapiro, et al.

Is this guy smart enough to be trusted with national polling?

Facebook is purging pages by the thousands. Most of them libertarian or right leaning. If Nate doesn't think they are trying, I would hate to see them trying.
OK this is a perfect example of media bias. I haven't been following the Mississippi election that closely, but Hyde-Smith won despite a couple of comments about attending a public hanging (basically saying that she thought enough of someone that she'd come to whatever event he invited her to come - probably not the best choice of events) and "voter suppression" (referring to joking about making it harder for college students to vote while talking to students at a college and possibly poking fun at their rival school). Clearly a couple of off-the-cuff remarks that she shouldn't have made, but likely weren't that big a deal.

So how does the Yahoo feed of the HuffPo article covering her election win?

"Cindy Hyde-Smith's Response To Whether She Regrets Racist Comments: 'I'm A Cowgirl'

The top story of the night: "Mississippi Senate incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) didn’t use the opportunity of an election win to express regret for making highly controversial statements throughout her campaign, instead saying that she’s a cowgirl who likes western movies."

Except that in the very next graph...

When asked whether she regretted any of the racist remarks about public hangings and voter suppression, she said that she’s apologized and wants to move forward, then offered the following explanation:

“I’m a cowgirl and when a cowgirl references western movies that I’ve seen hundreds of, and somebody twists it, that’s just it, you’ve gotta roll with the punches.”

Notice what they did there. The point that she has apologized is ignored. But the article claims she doesn't express regret.

Then... the "I'm a cowgirl" comment is portrayed as her response to why she said what she said. The implication is "cowgirls say racist stuff all the time!" When actually she's just saying that she used an analogy that she's seen in movies while growing up.

You can argue whether she should have said those things or whether she's a good pick or not. But this thing where we use "six degrees of separation" logic to tie everything to racism is on full display here.
Just more evidence that MSM and current social media platforms need to be competed out of the market. Secede from as much of it as you can. Find alternative platforms. Admittedly, they don't function as well as Facebook/Twitter, but something has to give.
Just more evidence that MSM and current social media platforms need to be competed out of the market. Secede from as much of it as you can. Find alternative platforms. Admittedly, they don't function as well as Facebook/Twitter, but something has to give.
It will not surprise me if some of the purging quickly finds its way into the various shareholder litigation pleadings being bounced around the federal courts. The purging is inconsistent with the claims Twitter, et al include in the annual reports about their business model. And since they ARE publicly traded companies, that places a different standard upon them for consistency than if Twitter and Facebook were privately held operations...
OK this is a perfect example of media bias. I haven't been following the Mississippi election that closely, but Hyde-Smith won despite a couple of comments about attending a public hanging (basically saying that she thought enough of someone that she'd come to whatever event he invited her to come - probably not the best choice of events) and "voter suppression" (referring to joking about making it harder for college students to vote while talking to students at a college and possibly poking fun at their rival school). Clearly a couple of off-the-cuff remarks that she shouldn't have made, but likely weren't that big a deal.

So how does the Yahoo feed of the HuffPo article covering her election win?

"Cindy Hyde-Smith's Response To Whether She Regrets Racist Comments: 'I'm A Cowgirl'

The top story of the night: "Mississippi Senate incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) didn’t use the opportunity of an election win to express regret for making highly controversial statements throughout her campaign, instead saying that she’s a cowgirl who likes western movies."

Except that in the very next graph...

When asked whether she regretted any of the racist remarks about public hangings and voter suppression, she said that she’s apologized and wants to move forward, then offered the following explanation:

“I’m a cowgirl and when a cowgirl references western movies that I’ve seen hundreds of, and somebody twists it, that’s just it, you’ve gotta roll with the punches.”

Notice what they did there. The point that she has apologized is ignored. But the article claims she doesn't express regret.

Then... the "I'm a cowgirl" comment is portrayed as her response to why she said what she said. The implication is "cowgirls say racist stuff all the time!" When actually she's just saying that she used an analogy that she's seen in movies while growing up.

You can argue whether she should have said those things or whether she's a good pick or not. But this thing where we use "six degrees of separation" logic to tie everything to racism is on full display here.

You don't even have to get past the headline to see the bias. It presumes that her comment was racist. I do think it was a dumb thing to say, but the idea that it's beyond debate that it was racist is laughable.
Another victim of the Purge. Funny I hadn't heard of her until Twitter banned her.

I'd never heard of her either until a couple days ago. She seems a little nutty, but this reminds me of the Alex Jones ban (except she's hot). Banning them gives them far more credibility than just letting them talk.

And of course, the idea that social media is politically neutral is absurd. Even Zuckerberg admits that Facebook is biased. It actually makes me respect him more.

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