The Media Industry

Most college graduates used to lean Right. Why the change? And I'm not asking rhetorically. I think it's an interesting issue to ponder.
Look at the political association of the vast, vast majority of college professors and administrators. There is very little heterogeneity (wow, look! A conservative with polysyllabic capability!) on most college campuses, and depending on the field of "study" (should that read field of indoctrination?) there is essentially zero diverse viewpoints taught in classrooms.

Lots of diverse skin tones, lots of diverse genders, lots of other diverse trivial human characteristics, but no diverse thought.
Free tip: calling the other side stupid doesn't play well when you use a jab that's basically the equivalent of a 5th grader on the playground. It sort of steps on your point.

When are you going to apply that same lens to conservatves on this board? You say rational things like this then go silent or even "like" the blows from conservatives. There is a word for that.
Second, the reverse of this trend used to be true. Most college graduates used to lean Right. Why the change? And I'm not asking rhetorically. I think it's an interesting issue to ponder.
That's an interesting question. I suspect most of the engineering and business graduates tend to be more conservative. Would be interested to see how political affiliations vary by major and which majors pay out over the long-term. My hypothesis is that conservatives tend to be more value driven so they wouldn't waste their time getting a degree that doesn't pay out.
Second, the reverse of this trend used to be true. Most college graduates used to lean Right. Why the change?

Maybe because they hadn't undergone a 4-year leftist brain washing?

Back in "the old days" most college graduates were white males going into white collar jobs, i.e. Republicans.
When I was at UT in the 80s, most of the campus was already liberal, but not the business school. The b-school was staunchly right wing and I loved it for that, sort of an oasis in the lefty desert. I am told that is not the case anymore.
When I was at UT in the 80s, most of the campus was already liberal, but not the business school. The b-school was staunchly right wing and I loved it for that, sort of an oasis in the lefty desert. I am told that is not the case anymore.
Based on a conversation with one recent business major, it still is but I could tell there was pressure to conform to the liberal view
Why is this?
It's not a rhetorical question, there is an answer
I feel like when I was young, there would have been news articles and probably even news programming about such topics, but not anymore
What is the answer?

United States added to list of most dangerous countries for journalists for first time

"At least 63 professional journalists were killed doing their jobs in 2018, a 15 percent increase over last year, said the group, Reporters Without Borders. The number of deaths rises to 80 when all media workers and people classified as citizen journalists are included, it said in its annual report."

"The world's five deadliest countries for journalists include three — India, Mexico and, for the first time, the United States — where journalists were killed in cold blood, even though those countries weren't at war or in conflict, the group said."

"Meanwhile, the shooting deaths of five employees of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, in June propelled the United States into the ranks of the most dangerous countries for the first time."

So basically five people are killed because someone is crazy and acts out a long-standing vendetta against a newspaper, and that now labels the U.S. as a dangerous place for journalists throughout the country and reflects some growing danger about the safety of American journalists, where they are apparently being gunned down in cold blood.

If you don't want to get called "Fake News," don't print stuff like this.
Holiday Classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Accused of Being 'Seriously Problematic'

So this is a great example of how media bias perpetuates itself and continually polarizes the country.

It starts with somebody at HuffPo who is paid to write things that people will tweet about. Maybe he's an SJW, maybe he sympathizes with them, maybe he just knows how to get them worked up, and maybe he's a troll that writes stupid stuff because he know it will anger people. Who knows? Regardless, he puts together a pretty idiotic description of how a show is "problematic," and since HuffPo has a decent follower base, it quickly gets seen by lots of people. A minority who are SJW crazies take this and run with it without really thinking about the message. A few squishies on the moderate side say "well, I'd never thought about this, but I didn't realize it was hurting people! Maybe I should rethink this." And the majority say something like:

But it gets buzz, and now magazines who claim they are keeping their finger on the pulse of the country see it and say "hey, a controversy!" And now they write an article about a "controversy" and how "some viewers" are troubled by something. Never mind that "some viewers" was a couple of HuffPo writers who thought this would be a good way to earn their paycheck this week. All of a sudden, this is a "national discussion on bullying" and is treated with actual seriousness when it should have been ratioed off Twitter in an hour.

It may well be that there was no bias at all against conservatives or "establishment culture", or no intent to push a progressive agenda of intolerance and censorship of opposing views or a general contempt of anything anyone did before I was born (because all those people were stupid and racist.) But there was enough sympathy that someone at People thought this was an actual valid argument and gave it enough respect to write about it. Or they just said "hey a bunch of people argued about this, so let's make it a thing."

When Trump calls the media "enemy of the people," it's not responsible and clearly hyperbole. But when they do things like this, it's pretty clear that they're not interested in the greater good of our political discourse - and maybe that's not even their role as journalists. But it sure isn't helpful or in keeping with the idea that they want to be considered the bastions of freedom, truth, and rational discourse.
United States added to list of most dangerous countries for journalists for first time

"At least 63 professional journalists were killed doing their jobs in 2018, a 15 percent increase over last year, said the group, Reporters Without Borders. The number of deaths rises to 80 when all media workers and people classified as citizen journalists are included, it said in its annual report."

"The world's five deadliest countries for journalists include three — India, Mexico and, for the first time, the United States — where journalists were killed in cold blood, even though those countries weren't at war or in conflict, the group said."

"Meanwhile, the shooting deaths of five employees of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, in June propelled the United States into the ranks of the most dangerous countries for the first time."

So basically five people are killed because someone is crazy and acts out a long-standing vendetta against a newspaper, and that now labels the U.S. as a dangerous place for journalists throughout the country and reflects some growing danger about the safety of American journalists, where they are apparently being gunned down in cold blood.

If you don't want to get called "Fake News," don't print stuff like this.

Who is killing journalists in the US in cold blood?
Is it one of you?
It seems like the author might be including suicides, in the same way the anti-2nd Amendment people report gun death stats?

When Trump calls the media "enemy of the people," it's not responsible and clearly hyperbole.

Maybe hyperbole but I don't think it's irresponsible. When you look at the amount of people who are living in an alternate reality because of the media it's dangerous. When people say that the wall is too expensive to build at 25-70 billion but don't have a problem spending $100 billion a year on illegals being here we have a problem. When we have people who side on foreign nationals over our president we have a problem. When you have a political disagreement with a lib you're arguing with irrational crap that's been put in his brain due to a dishonest media. Remember when 15-20 years ago you could have a polite political disagreement with a lib without being called a Nazi? I sure do. You could even agree on a few issues together but it's hard to do today because the media has turned today's libs so hard left. That's on the media. This "hate Trump" nonsense is getting to the point of hysteria and it's due to the media. They are deliberately working against the good of the people. Are they the enemy? They're acting like it.
Who is killing journalists in the US in cold blood?
Is it one of you?
It seems like the author might be including suicides, in the same way the anti-2nd Amendment people report gun death stats?


This affirms the point I just made above. A dishonest media putting more junk into the brain of the average liberal. Now I'm going to have to look at this garbage on my Facebook feed from libs blaming Trump for it.:facepalm:
Who is killing journalists in the US in cold blood?
Is it one of you?
It seems like the author might be including suicides, in the same way the anti-2nd Amendment people report gun death stats?

It's mostly due to those 5 journalists that were killed that worked for the Capital Gazette. The shooting wasn't even political but it doesn't matter.

it does look like a mixture of one his other "Trump Cant Do Anything Right" headlines plus his "Let Assad Win" headline and article (same sentiment but not exact wording). Many people are claiming he subsequently changed that original headline above. I dont know if he did or not but this is as far as I am willing to research it. Do you know if he subsequently changed that orig headline? If he didnt and this really is fake news then i will agree with you. My side should definitely not be doing fake news.

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