The Media Industry

I think there are basically three people who need to be on board in the next couple of days. I haven't written those three off, particularly since Collins has seemed pretty put out by the entire approach by the Dems. Flake is just petty, spiteful, and self-centered enough to stand firm basically to say "Screw You" to Trump. That's the one that to me is the toughest bet.
The gloves are coming off at Yahoo!

Headline: "The Trump tax hikes are on the way! Trump is raising prices on consumers before the midterms."

And of course, there's the actual story...

But Trump is now taking action that is essentially a tax hike on American consumers, and will offset a portion of the tax cuts he has been crowing about for nine months. And in typical renegade fashion, Trump is dismissing political orthodoxy by daring to hit voters with new taxes just weeks before a crucial election.

Trump now plans to impose 10% tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, beginning Sept. 24. The tariff will rise to 25% by the end of the year. That’s in addition to a 25% tariff on $50 billion worth of Chinese imports Trump imposed during the summer. So by Election Day in November, Trump will have placed new tariffs on $250 billion worth of stuff Americans buy every day."

You can argue one way or another about whether you like his tariff policy, and you could certainly say (as I suspect) that any tariffs being levied are part of a negotiation attempt to bring them down on both sides. But to say in a headline that Trump is raising taxes and raising prices on consumer goods is blatantly exaggerating (at best), and dishonest at worst.
Have to disagree. This is a consumption tax that many conservatives support. The downside is that exports get dinged with retribution tariffs. That’s the issue - not the tax per tax policy. Recall tariffs funded the federal government for over 100 years.
Ask and ye shall receive


Horns6721, Chinese tariffs hurt their own people. I would discuss this with them and hold their feet to the fire over things like IP, corporate espionage, etc. But the answer isn't to tax the American consumer because the Chinese consumer is being taxed.
There are many more things that the US-China should negotiate but the US is misbehaving similarly to China on monetary policy and financial policy. We would have to stop inflating our own currency and end the Fed before we started discussing those issues. That is a big part of the problem with China. They centrally plan their economy to reduce unemployment. To do that they produce more than is really needed in a lot of industries. To get rid of the excess supply they "dump" it on the global market. That is actually a benefit to global consumers at the detriment to Chinese producers.

Mchammer, the US financed the government using tariffs when that is all they had was sales, duties, and tariffs. If the Federal government eliminated income, payroll, and corporate taxes all together, I would agree that tariffs aren't that big a deal. But under the current tax structure they are a HUGE deal. My company is being effected greatly because we export. Much of that is going away now.

The goal is always free trade. Less barriers. Less cost. Less regulation. Less rules. Even one side of free trade is better than no sides practicing free trade and that is where we are headed.
I have read that when Susan Rice was Obama's UN Ambr (she preceded Power), the rent was $135,000/mo.
Of course, no media said anything about that at the time.
Haley's rent is less than half that.
Our media is so horrendous they are making me rethink my long held love of the 1st Amendment.

Haley says the NYT knew the truth about the curtains before publication but chose to lie about it anyway

I thought this was somewhat interesting
I only tuned in Levin once and I thought he was much calmer than he seems to be on the radio. However, it was very slow paced and he spent a lot of time reading text out loud, which I always thought was a no-no on TV. Anyway, I may give him another try now.
Also, Ben Shapiro has a Sunday Show now on Fox as well. His first effort was pretty good too.
I watched a bit of Levin's show on youtube. It was good stuff. Very calm as you describe. We need more calm, intellectual discussions of things on TV. I will watch if I find it on. I watched a bit of Shapiro too. The most surprising thing I found on that show was that Jason Whitlock has become a voice of reason. It was refreshing.
Ah, that's true. I hadn't thought of that. Also maybe a husband caught can use Clinton style logic that he hadn't really cheated against his wife.
this from tweet thread -- "Houston has more nudie bars per square mile than any city in America." is this true?

It used to be true, but the city has been cracking down the last 10 years or so, which chased most of them away. So I doubt it is still true
Is there a single adult in our country who would be surprised by this?
I guess we should just be thankful journalists finally found some liberal comedy to share.

The Google news feed has apparently turned into a Vox and Huffpo surrogate as I get to read headlines of random people like Parkland parents and b list celebrities condemn Kavanaugh. Does that really deserve attention on a compendium of news feeds?
The simple solution is to jettison your google news feed.
Jettison all of it. There are alternatives to Google search, maps, cloud, gmail, etc. Many are free and are as good as the Google apps. Confession - I still use my gmail account. It's a bit of a pain to ensure all of your contacts know your new address. I think switching emails is worse in some ways than physically moving.

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