The Media Industry

Funny how the AP avoids saying "As the AP reported earlier ...."

Because that was the story released from Kiev. This was apparently an operation to try to catch or identify the killers. Curious what musberger's take on this will be. Assuming he's not in hiding with his go bag. ;)
Because that was the story released from Kiev. This was apparently an operation to try to catch or identify the killers. Curious what musberger's take on this will be. Assuming he's not in hiding with his go bag. ;)

I get what happened - Russians are sneaky. Go figure.
But I wrote about the AP's own behavior. Whatever the Russians did or did not do does not give the AP a shield to hide behind. They reported it. Then they walked it back anonymously as if they never reported it in the first place. This was cheesy, disingenuous and dishonest -- the sad triumvirate that defines the state of our media. Which is what this thread is about
The NYT finally got something right
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LOL. That's what Trumpians think of right leaning journalists?

98% of the population would agree that Sheppard Smith is a liberal hack. He proves it everyday when he’s on. Even most far left libs would admit that. So I’m guessing you are talking about Chris Wallace. I think for the most part he’s down the middle. I questioned in the past if he’s a slight to the left guy but not enough matter. But once Trump was elected he has moved further left. His balance goes out the window.
If Democrats want to lose, think and talk like this and let your incompetent hacks like Ben Rhodes repeat it and the New York Times take it somewhat seriously. Even if your really think you're too good for the American people, to actually say so is just plain stupid. This is ten times more alienating, smug, and out of touch than the 47 percent comment, though it's not getting the outrage that Mitt's comment got.
If Democrats want to lose, think and talk like this and let your incompetent hacks like Ben Rhodes repeat it and the New York Times take it somewhat seriously. Even if your really think you're too good for the American people, to actually say so is just plain stupid. This is ten times more alienating, smug, and out of touch than the 47 percent comment, though it's not getting the outrage that Mitt's comment got.
Reading that you would've thought that Obama was God's gift to Americans and we were to obtuse to see it.
Reading that you would've thought that Obama was God's gift to Americans and we were to obtuse to see it.
Of course Maureen Dowd is, as usual, a drooling left wing hack. What Dowd fails to grasp is that the truth is 180 degrees opposite her perspective. Those of us good Americans weren't too obtuse to see how glorious President Hussein was, instead we were perceptive enough to see how phony he was, how destructive his policy goals were, and rightfully rejected the even more phony and destructive HRC as his successor .
The reason that Dowd can see Obama as "above the fray" and a "uniter" is that she and other NY libs have so thoroughly dismissed conservatives and moderates as "Fox New watchers" that don't know anything anyway and are beyond redemption, that the most progressive, narrow view of our culture can be seen as uniting. For these people, "uniting" means "uniting all the people I already agree with" and "giving hope" that we can move ahead and leave these other people behind or marginalize them enough to where they no longer matter.
I'm starting to think news services just have a social media beat where someone stalks all the Trumps, and finds any where even ONE PERSON says something objectionable, and then they write an article about it:

The link is titled "Trump Jr. may think twice before posting on Instagram." He posts a graduation photo of him and his kid from their pre-K ceremony, and ONE PERSON comments on it, prompting an anti-Trump story that frankly, is pretty sketchy to begin with:

A Head Start pre-K teacher in New York City who asked to speak anonymously told Yahoo that her school doesn’t have everything it needs to help students, particularly special-education students. “We really don’t have the resources to serve the children the way that they should be served,” she tells Yahoo Lifestyle. The teacher also says her school saw cuts to the special-education program after Betsy DeVos became the U.S. secretary of education. <BOOM> (She can’t say whether or not the cuts are directly correlated to federal changes, though, because she receives funding from both the city and the federal government-sanctioned agency in charge of her school.) <BOOM> And the lack of resources for special-education students can take attention away from other pre-K students too, she says.
Wow. Just... wow...

That was my reaction too. I understand why people embrace liberalism. Even if I don't do it, I get why others do. What I don't understand is the unbridled arrogance and delusions of grandeur, self-importance, infallibility, and self-righteousness that so often seem to go with it in recent years. Obviously not all liberals are like that, but their thinkers and their leaders clearly are. They really think they've got this "life thing" figured out. If they were just unencumbered by annoyances like the public, the Constitution, institutions like the family and the church, etc., they really think they'd be able to create utopia.

I don't think I've ever seen a group of people who think so much of themselves with so little basis for it, and it isn't as though they haven't had a chance to carry out their agenda. Their ideology has been tested countless times in several contexts (in the United States and all over the world), and their record just doesn't support that degree of arrogance. On their best day, they've produced mediocrity. On their worst day, they've produced famine, destruction, and deaths into the tens of millions. I think a little humility is in order.
Usually when we say that the NY Times is in bed with the democrats, we don't mean it literally...

This particular journalist gets around. Within the last 2+ years shes worked for Buzzfeed, Politico and now the NYT for the past 7 months. Is sleeping with your source a violation of ethics? That sounds like sleeping with your supplier in the corporate world which is a termible offense in companies I've worked for.

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