The Media Industry

The leads today on Drudge vs. the HuffPo



By the way, if anyone wants to read the actual article, it's a level of stupidity that you'll rarely see even in modern media.

Just keep in mind that Arianna Huffington was so annoying that her husband not only left her but did so for a dude. He gave up on her entire gender. If you understand that, the article makes more sense.
If I had not watched ABC news this morning I would not have believed it.
The 3 Americans being held prisoner by NK were released ovrnight..
How did ABC handle it?
They started the 8 amCDT hour with a blurbon the Taylor Swift -Katy Perry riff, how many days it is until the royal wedding ( Stephanopolis wants them to elope) ,the story on Cohen allegedly taking 500k,the "rare scathing remark" Obama made on Trump ending the Iran deal
and then a paragraph on NK. I am not even sure they actually said the American prisoners were released. maybe they did.
After the commercial break they spent the next segment on the Swift Taylor riff which was described as GMA Cover Story.
Did they not give more coverage because the American prisoners were of Korean descent? That would be racist.
And then the NYTimes trying to smear Trump and Pompeo.
Headline;" At a Key Moment, Trump’s Top Diplomat Is Again Thousands of Miles Away.”
“Senior State Department officials were momentarily speechless on Tuesday when asked why Mr. Pompeo did not delay his trip by a day to be in Washington during Mr. Trump’s Iran deal announcement.”

Momentarily speechless? uh NO . Nothing was disclosed because Pompeo was AGAIN in NK

and guess what? Obtaining the release of Americans being held prisoner and firming the details on the upcoming meeting between Kim and Preident Trump.

I know the NYT will explain their error.
This may explain how Shepard Smith's contract was renewed

" .... FOX News’ Vice President of News & its D.C. bureau Managing Editor is under investigation for killing stories detailing FBI corruption as well as national security exposés uncovering corruption during the Barack Obama administration, according to well-placed sources inside the network.

Bill Sammon runs FOX’s behemoth D.C. bureau operation and is the Vice President of news at FOX. Sammon has come under fire after distraught employees complained that he has interjected his personal politics into FOX’s news content, dictating what stories could be published by the network and on FOX’s website.

No, this is not CNN. This is “fair and balanced” FOX News.

One official said a formal complaints have been filed against the top editor and executive.

Sammon is the boss of a number of staff and writers in FOX’s powerhouse D.C. bureau, just a stone’s throw from the Capitol. His understudies include Catherine Herridge, FOX’s top national security reporter. Herridge did not return requests for comment to this story.

Sammon is a never-Trumper” one FOX official said. “He hates Trump’s guts and has spiked just about every story that could make Trump look good. That includes FBI corruption because it vindicates the president for firing (James) Comey and hammering (Andrew) McCabe.”

In the news business when an editor or publisher deliberately tables or hides a story it is referred to as “spiking” a story. Sammon, according to network insiders, has spiked dozens of top-level stories and prevented FOX reporters from publishing exclusives.

Now the top brass at FOX are examining a number of similar allegations....."
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This may explain how Shepard Smith's contract was renewed

" .... FOX News’ Vice President of News & its D.C. bureau Managing Editor is under investigation for killing stories detailing FBI corruption as well as national security exposés uncovering corruption during the Barack Obama administration, according to well-placed sources inside the network.

Bill Sammon runs FOX’s behemoth D.C. bureau operation and is the Vice President of news at FOX. Sammon has come under fire after distraught employees complained that he has interjected his personal politics into FOX’s news content, dictating what stories could be published by the network and on FOX’s website.

No, this is not CNN. This is “fair and balanced” FOX News.

One official said a formal complaints have been filed against the top editor and executive.

Sammon is the boss of a number of staff and writers in FOX’s powerhouse D.C. bureau, just a stone’s throw from the Capitol. His understudies include Catherine Herridge, FOX’s top national security reporter. Herridge did not return requests for comment to this story.

“Sammon is a never-Trumper” one FOX official said. “He hates Trump’s guts and has spiked just about every story that could make Trump look good. That includes FBI corruption because it vindicates the president for firing (James) Comey and hammering (Andrew) McCabe.”

In the news business when an editor or publisher deliberately tables or hides a story it is referred to as “spiking” a story. Sammon, according to network insiders, has spiked dozens of top-level stories and prevented FOX reporters from publishing exclusives.

Now the top brass at FOX are examining a number of similar allegations....."

I had to run and check to ensure this wasn't coming from The Onion. The news side of FoxNews has had more objectivity. The problem has been the graying of the lines between News and Opinion. In consecutive statements Hannity has said he's "not a journalist" then claims to "break more news" than anyone else.

BTW- CNN has a similar issue in recent years.
Another piece that I think warrants consideration. A big weapon that the Right needs to wield more often is actual news reporting. Op-eds are fine, but reporting stories that the mainstream media can't ignore would greatly increase conservative influence. But we need somebody to start acting like a real news outlet the way the Washington Free Beacon used to.
Another piece that I think warrants consideration. A big weapon that the Right needs to wield more often is actual news reporting. Op-eds are fine, but reporting stories that the mainstream media can't ignore would greatly increase conservative influence. But we need somebody to start acting like a real news outlet the way the Washington Free Beacon used to.

Do conservatives want news? It seems they get upset at Foxnews whan the get real news. I think they prefer opinion and call it news. Opinion is also much cheaper to produce.
Do conservatives want news? It seems they get upset at Foxnews whan the get real news. I think they prefer opinion and call it news. Opinion is also much cheaper to produce.

I think they want news as much and as little as liberals do. What I think both want is news that is on their terms and reinforces their political biases and assumptions.
I think they want news as much and as little as liberals do. What I think both want is news that is on their terms and reinforces their political biases and assumptions.

No!!! The right just wants honesty from the media. Honesty supports the right’s views. The left media is having to make up stuff that’s fake news to support their agenda. There is no debating this anymore. Look no further that the latest reporting that Trump thinks all immigrants are animals. He was asked about MS 13 in the sentence before that statement. There’s no defending this or acting like both sides are guilty of lying. This has gotten crazy but the MSM.
If that were true, then FNC's highest rated shows would be their news programs and shows like Fox News Sunday rather than dick-slappers like Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

This comment pretty much proves my point.

:smh: :rolleyes1: I think people like to see the issues actually debated. Fox is the best at giving both sides a voice, unlike CNN who has a token republican every once in a while. Morning Joe has one every once in a while as well. That's not good tv accept for people like SH that goes there for their marching orders for the up coming new issues. You might not agree with what you call dickslappers, but they are 100 X's more truthful than all the intentional lying with the fake news networks have been doing Since Trump became a legit candidate and President. Let me know if you want to get in a pissing contest with examples from those two Dick-slappers vs the fake news on who intentionally lies the most. I will give you a complete beat down!
:smh: :rolleyes1: I think people like to see the issues actually debated. Fox is the best at giving both sides a voice, unlike CNN who has a token republican every once in a while. Morning Joe has one every once in a while as well. That's not good tv accept for people like SH that goes there for their marching orders for the up coming new issues. You might not agree with what you call dickslappers, but they are 100 X's more truthful than all the intentional lying with the fake news networks have been doing Since Trump became a legit candidate and President. Let me know if you want to get in a pissing contest with examples from those two Dick-slappers vs the fake news on who intentionally lies the most. I will give you a complete beat down!

It's remarkable. I don't think you actually read my post, or if you did, you just saw me take a shot at Fox News, and your brain shut down. At no point did I defend the mainstream media outlets or say they were better than Fox, so why go on that tirade? Keep in mind that my post was in response to SH questioning whether conservatives wanted to see news, implying that they don't and that liberals do. I disagreed with him.

Fox News' competitors' ratings are also dominated by dick slappers or shows that give a platform to dick slappers. Furthermore, their dick slapping bleeds into their news programs. For example, Meet the Press and Fox News Sunday both give a platform to dick slappers (their so-called commentators who are usually partisan hacks who got jobs with newspapers). However, Chuck Todd is a flagrant dick slapper himself. Chris Wallace is not. Like I said originally, both conservatives and liberals want news, but they want it with their spin on it, so it will reinforce their biases and worldview.
However, Chuck Todd is a flagrant dick slapper himself. Chris Wallace is not.

I’ve always been a huge fan of Chris Wallace. I actually think he’s the best. But I did notice a change since Trump has been elected. I watch him every weekend for the most part challenging both sides. But I’ve also notice he challenges the Trump people (which I’m okay with) much more than he has anybody else ever and even comes across as mad at times. I also noticed he seems to not challenge the people that attack Trump when when necessary. He has his moments that he does but it’s not what I’m use to seeing from him. I’m so use to him doing followups on people that are doing their typical talking points and bending the truth and he just seems to move to another topic without his no nonsense of crunching people that are obviously not being honest. I’m all for him challenging everyone, but he does have a dislike for the President and it shows when he lets the left attack dogs off the hook.
I have also noticed that but thought I was not seeing things clearly.
Ex;He was questioning a member of the admin and seemed angry as Chris tried to get the admin person to change their mind.
I have also noticed that but thought I was not seeing things clearly.
Ex;He was questioning a member of the admin and seemed angry as Chris tried to get the admin person to change their mind.

I also thought I wasn’t seeing things clearly the first time. But after seeing it over and over again it became more clear to me.
I’ve always been a huge fan of Chris Wallace.

Wallace reminds me a lot of Tim Russert. Meet the Press used to be far and away my favorite of these shows. Russert was at least as liberal as Chuck Todd was - worked for Mario Cuomo. However, his professionalism and integrity were stronger than his partisanship, so if his ******** sniffer tipped him off, he'd go after Democrats as hard as he went after Republicans. Once he died, the show started going downhill. David Gregory was more partisan, and Chuck Todd was a massive stepdown from Gregory. I tolerated him for awhile, but once I heard him interview John Podesta about the DNC emails, and he didn't ask a single question about the contents of the emails, it became clear to me that he's nothing more than hyperpartisan propagandist with no journalistic integrity whatsoever. By the time it was over, I think Todd was fondling Podesta under the table. I haven't watched the show since.

Wallace is much more like Russert. He's on a Right-leaning network, but he largely ignores his employer's politics and goes after anybody if they BS him.
Wallace is much more like Russert. He's on a Right-leaning network, but he largely ignores his employer's politics and goes after anybody if they BS him.

I actually believe Shep Smith and Chris Wallace although they are employed by Fox News are actually on the left. The difference is watching Chris Wallace you'd never know it..........until Trump was elected. I guess he also got the "TDS" (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

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