The Media Industry

Zuckerberg wants to have it both ways. He wants to be a publisher and acknowledges "responsibility" for content (which frankly should leave Facebook wide open for copyright infringement lawsuits, defamation lawsuits, etc..., and I hope that happens) but then he argues that he relies on the members to "report" content that needs to be addressed. (I believe that's a lie.) If you're responsible, and you claim the moral high-ground to be the arbiter or truth, you better have a mechanism in place where you actually control that content. And you'd better be honest about how it works.
Zuckerberg wants to have it both ways. ....

EU Commission wants British media barred from reporting that terror attacks and crimes are committed by Muslims. Link. Don't let anyone tell you the press in Europe is free.
"The “us” here includes Chozick and the other reporters following the Clinton campaign. She is indignant whenever Clinton disregards them, and she obsesses over what the candidate thinks of her. “I still wanted, more than anything, for Hillary to see me as a fair reporter,” Chozick worries early in the race. “She really, really hates me,” Chozick moans to her husband over the phone during a stop in Iowa. “The less I interacted with Hillary,” Chozick muses as campaign reporters seem to get less and less access to Clinton, “the greater her imperial hold on my brain became.”"

Wow does that sum it up. "HILLLARYYYY! I LOVE YOU!! Oh why won't she notice me? Doesn't she know how special I think she is? Maybe if I write another glowing article about her, THEN she'll return my affections. Why won't she talk to us? Doesn't she know we just want to help? If only she'd open up about how amazing she is, then EVERYONE could see what we already know... Alas!!!"
"The “us” here includes Chozick and the other reporters following the Clinton campaign. She is indignant whenever Clinton disregards them, and she obsesses over what the candidate thinks of her. “I still wanted, more than anything, for Hillary to see me as a fair reporter,” Chozick worries early in the race. “She really, really hates me,” Chozick moans to her husband over the phone during a stop in Iowa. “The less I interacted with Hillary,” Chozick muses as campaign reporters seem to get less and less access to Clinton, “the greater her imperial hold on my brain became.”"....

She sounds just like Stzrok, Page and Comey
I read the Post article and Chozick's Times article. The idiocy these people live in is just baffling, and they wonder why so much of the country doesn't trust them to be fair. She's all worried about how much Hillary likes her. How many Times reporters are worried if Trump likes them? How many worried if Mitt Romney liked them? I'm sure none. And does she know what her friggin' job is? A reporter isn't supposed to be "liked." A reporter is supposed to report, whether the people reported on like it or not.

And the suggestion that the Times was too tough on Hillary? Damn, the Times (and all the big mainstream media outlets) did almost everything they could to hand the White House to her. Did they fawn over her the way they did for Obama? Probably not quite. That was Goebbels-level propaganda, but it was in that ballpark. And of course, from the time of the GOP convention until election day, they were in a full-blown demonization effort on her opponent. They were as tough on him as her campaign was.

And spare me the ethical qualms about reporting on the e-mails. For starters, they greatly deemphasized the contents of the e-mails. Most of the reporting that came from mainstream media outlets focused on the security breach, the Russian angle, etc. The reporting on the contents mostly came from right-leaning outlets. Furthermore, did the Times have any reservations about reporting on the contents of Trump's leaked tax return? LOL. No chance in hell. And that leak was just as improperand also illegal. I didn't have a problem with them reporting on that, but you can't have it both ways. If it was wrong to report on the e-mails, then it was wrong to report on the tax return.
2 black men asked to leave Starbucks. The news goes nuts for days. Their are protests, closing of stores, firing of people. Lawsuits on the way. We have not heard the last from these 2 men. Two black men are asked to swipe their Gold's Gym card for the second time as the front desk attendant didn't see them the first time.
Major media coverage, protests, future lawsuits, yada yada.

Meanwhile, 2 policemen shot while simply eating their lunch. A few stories, then tumbleweeds. This is what happens when police are demonized, and white people are made to feel guilt stricken over the smallest perceived slight to POC.
I know it was a white man who shot the police, but we have created an environment where people feel like police are evil, and out to get people.
Nice job, media.
Just think of all the Millennial idiots who never had the opportunity to see such great anti-establishment heroes on the silver screen.

It's probably better that they missed it. They'd be suicidal after this scene.

In factf, they couldn't handle 5 minutes with the great Sam Kinison. The guy was way too rough. Hell, he was pretty controversial for his day. I don't remember him being particularly racist, but he was extremely tough on the gays and misogynistic as hell.

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CNN likes to chide Fox News trying to say they are the real fake news. But, with this latest Joy Reid anti-gay tempest, they are out in the open admitting that do not care whether journalists ever tell the truth about anything. All CNN cares about is whether the journalist supports the right political party and ideology

At least they are finally being honest

I get tired of hearing CNN and liberal outlets reframing the issue and claiming that people cry "fake news" because they see something that they don't agree with.

Here's a good example from Mollie Hemmingway's dismantling of the Nunes hatchet job from the Times:

The Farm Story That Wasn’t
Another example of Nunes’ supposed conspiracy-mongering was also dramatically false. Zengerle wrote that Nunes “began his political career, appropriately enough, because he believed he had uncovered a sinister plot.” He was “utterly convinced that his alma mater was secretly planning to close its campus farm.” The College of the Sequoias announced it was selling 160 acres on which its campus farm sat, and Nunes decided to run for the school’s board of trustees to save the farm.

Zengerle then writes:

There was just one problem: The farm didn’t need saving. ‘We were selling off the old farm, and we were putting the money in a fund to buy a bigger piece of land to build a new farm,’ says John Zumwalt, who was then on the board. ‘Of course we weren’t going to get rid of it.’ (Agriculture has long been one of the college’s largest departments.) But in a community like the Central Valley, Nunes’s theory about a plot to close the farm resonated with voters, and he unseated the incumbent.

There is just one problem: Zengerle’s story was wrong and he deliberately omitted key facts that upend it. I spoke with Zumwalt, who said Zengerle and The New York Times“did a good job of being accurate without being truthful.” He said the Times called him three times and by the second call, he could see what they were after.

“You could tell they wanted me to say that Devin Nunes, when he first got elected, was trying to chase windmills and save a farm that didn’t need saving,” Zumwalt said. While he says he spoke the words above, he also told The New York Times that the other trustees had never publicized their plans for replacing the farm. He said they intended to buy a new farm, but a whole lot of people were skeptical about their future plans.

“We knew what was in our heart but, generally speaking, citizens are wise for distrusting government,” Zumwalt told me. He added, “We didn’t do a very good PR job. Before we started selling off the farm, we should have had a new one. [The New York Times] left that part out.”

Nunes said his campaign focus wasn’t even on saving the farm, although it was an issue of concern to constituents, focusing instead on how he’d bring a “new vision” to the board of trustees. Zumwalt also found it interesting that the paper includes a complimentary quote from him praising Nunes’ work as trustee. “They weren’t trying to make the case that he was a lousy trustee, but that he jumps to conclusions,” he said.
I get tired of hearing CNN and liberal outlets reframing the issue and claiming that people cry "fake news" because they see something that they don't agree with.

Here's a good example from Mollie Hemmingway's dismantling of the Nunes hatchet job from the Times:

The Farm Story That Wasn’t
Another example of Nunes’ supposed conspiracy-mongering was also dramatically false. Zengerle wrote that Nunes “began his political career, appropriately enough, because he believed he had uncovered a sinister plot.” He was “utterly convinced that his alma mater was secretly planning to close its campus farm.” The College of the Sequoias announced it was selling 160 acres on which its campus farm sat, and Nunes decided to run for the school’s board of trustees to save the farm.

Zengerle then writes:

There was just one problem: The farm didn’t need saving. ‘We were selling off the old farm, and we were putting the money in a fund to buy a bigger piece of land to build a new farm,’ says John Zumwalt, who was then on the board. ‘Of course we weren’t going to get rid of it.’ (Agriculture has long been one of the college’s largest departments.) But in a community like the Central Valley, Nunes’s theory about a plot to close the farm resonated with voters, and he unseated the incumbent.

There is just one problem: Zengerle’s story was wrong and he deliberately omitted key facts that upend it. I spoke with Zumwalt, who said Zengerle and The New York Times“did a good job of being accurate without being truthful.” He said the Times called him three times and by the second call, he could see what they were after.

“You could tell they wanted me to say that Devin Nunes, when he first got elected, was trying to chase windmills and save a farm that didn’t need saving,” Zumwalt said. While he says he spoke the words above, he also told The New York Times that the other trustees had never publicized their plans for replacing the farm. He said they intended to buy a new farm, but a whole lot of people were skeptical about their future plans.

“We knew what was in our heart but, generally speaking, citizens are wise for distrusting government,” Zumwalt told me. He added, “We didn’t do a very good PR job. Before we started selling off the farm, we should have had a new one. [The New York Times] left that part out.”

Nunes said his campaign focus wasn’t even on saving the farm, although it was an issue of concern to constituents, focusing instead on how he’d bring a “new vision” to the board of trustees. Zumwalt also found it interesting that the paper includes a complimentary quote from him praising Nunes’ work as trustee. “They weren’t trying to make the case that he was a lousy trustee, but that he jumps to conclusions,” he said.

A great example of tilting at windmills.
Predictably neither of you care about actually distorting news. You don't like the guy, so you're cool with it. Got it.

I think it's pretty funny that you've been pushing Russian collusion with no proof for a year, and you're accusing someone of "fear mongering."

Nah...this is a he said she said with all parties having a different conclusion on the facts. Based on a quick perusal, nobody is disputing the facts. Not sure how you can say any side is wrong in this story as they all only made conclusions based on the information they had, which for some was incomplete.

In the end, this is such a trivial topic that it's a waste of time debating it. Seriously, who cares about Sequoia College selling a farm or not? That's about as local an issue as there is and should amount to only the locals caring or not.
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He does that on his own by taking multiple ubers to get to a White House meeting.

The Oklahoma governor's race is a great example. Videos of people scaling a wall. I mean, I'm sure Texas would pay for a wall along the Red river but there's really no wall impacting the Oklahoma governor. Fear mongering. It's what the right does. As far back as good old Joe McCarthy.
Fear mongering. It's what the right does. As far back as good old Joe McCarthy.

1. You can argue with McCarthy's methods, but he was right. History has shown that communists had, in fact, infiltrated the government.
2. Saw a brief clip from MSNBC touting a man claiming that Mike Pence would put gay people in concentration camps. And no, that's not the first time I've heard that.
3. Journalists just had a black tie dinner where they stood up in front of every camera that would fit into a room and claimed that they were a persecuted class and compared themselves with journalists in other countries who are being killed and imprisoned for speaking out.
4. An anti-Paul Ryan pushing a grandmother off a cliff in a wheelchair.
5. Ronald Reagan won the presidency despite the constant claim that he would launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia.
6. "Republicans hate (insert)."
7. "Republicans want (insert) to fail."
8. "Republicans don't care if (insert) die."
9. "Republicans want more shootings so they scare people into buying more guns." (Actually that's the NRA.)
10. "Republicans say "take our country back" meaning they want Jim Crow laws re-instated."

Those aren't fringe groups. Those are mainstream democrat talking points.

Don't talk to anyone about fear-mongering being "what the right does." It's what people do.

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