The Media Industry

The NYT finally admits what everyone already knew
It is their fault NoKos are starving to death
That will probably teach them to stop pimping for socialism

And of course, the editorial blames Trump, even though the North has been doing the same thing to its people across multiple presidential tenures. It has nothing to do with anything Trump has said in the past, and everything to do with the North Korean regime's understanding that to keep power, it has to be seen as the great Defender of the People from Outside Aggression. If we dropped all sanctions tomorrow and sent billions of dollars in trade, it would not go to the people. It would go to line the government coffers and create more weapons, and the people who are being oppressed would never know that it happened.
Rand Paul had not spoken to Boucher in years. Boucher blindsided him. Political violence is on the rise in our little country. And it needs to be chilled, without haste. Federal charges here would be one small step in the right direction.

The 'neighbor' who tackled Rand Paul has been charged with felony assault under federal law. The charges brought by the USAO for the Southern District of Indiana. He faces up to 10 years and a $250,000 fine.
Considering she's had to walk back at least two tweets in the last month on stuff she's gotten wrong, I'm guessing she's not big on thoughtful consideration of content before drawing a conclusion.
(Spoken in the James Earl Jones voice), "this is CNN."

Yes, it really is. They actually considered this a story serious enough to post of their website.
In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they view as spineless and emasculated. The slur has its roots in the concept of cuckolding, or having an adulterous partner.

I don't think they have their facts straight here. "Cuck" is a direct shorthand for "Cuckold". I don't think "cuckservative" is even a thing.
However, since the article is about the actual sexual perversion, not the slang political term, it makes little sense to bring that up.

Of course it makes sense. The writer got a chance to inject conservative name-calling into an unrelated article. What journalist is going to turn that down?

Having said that, maybe the writer actually believes that alt-right lingo really is so wide-spread (since basically if you're right of center, you're "alt-right", so 40 percent of the country probably goes around using alt-right slang.) that it's important to draw the distinction.
When I was at UT those guys were referred to as "squishes".

The cuck reference is pretty specific to the alt-Right. I've never heard a mainstream conservative (even a staunch conservative) use it. They usually say "squish" or "RINO."

They also aren't referring to the same people. Squishes are usually moderate Republicans. When alt-Righters refer to cucks, they're talking about anyone who claims to be a conservative but who doesn't embrace racial identity politics as they do.
Where does one come in contact with an "alt-Righter"? I don't think I know any and I am pretty dang far right, but I never heard "cuckservative" before, so I must not be in the club.
Where does one come in contact with an "alt-Righter"? I don't think I know any and I am pretty dang far right, but I never heard "cuckservative" before, so I must not be in the club.

You probably don't know any and aren't in the club. By the way, that's a good thing.

Alt-Right isn't about how far Right you are. It's about what kind of Right you are. A small government conservative can be alt-Right, but that isn't the defining principle. In fact, plenty of alt-Righters believe in powerful state to pursue their social and cultural goals. The defining principle is the belief that European (preferably Nordic and definitely not Jews) ethnic identity is essential to Western or American values and identity. Basically, if you aren't white, you can't be a real American or a real European, regardless of your beliefs or values.
The defining principle is the belief that European (preferably Nordic and definitely not Jews) ethnic identity is essential to Western or American values and identity.

But the left calls just about anyone who supports Trump an alt-right, so how can you tell? They call Milo that all the time and he's Jewish.
But the left calls just about anyone who supports Trump an alt-right, so how can you tell? They call Milo that all the time and he's Jewish.

Of course, the Left tries to tar every conservative as alt-Right. I'm talking about the people who are actually alt-Right, not the people the Left claims to be alt-Right. Milo is more a provocateur than an ideological alt-Righter. Richard Spencer is a much better example of an alt-Righter in the sense that he pitches the ideology.

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