It's all a giant conspiracy. I'd argue that you guys would only admit defeat when presented with a smoking gun but we know that's not even true given Trump's Access Hollywood tape. Even a smoking gun doesn't matter.
I don't have a problem with Pence's position. My wife and I have a similar rule in that I don't put myself in a position where things could be misconstrued. This generally means that I make sure to leave Happy Hour before I'm left with just a female and I.
I know what I voted for and why. I held my nose to vote because I was concerned about the alternative. Unlike you, I have not and will not cheerlead for the person I voted for. It was a necessary evil which I've admitted to. Still, if HRC WAS the abuser rather than an enabler I hope I'd have the fortitude to not vote for her.
You use that word "conspiracy" a lot when you can't argue your position. It's strange how you don't see a problem with a group of women popping up for the first time when an election is being held after nearly 40 years after his actions supposedly occurred. You're either really naive or are so brainwashed by the media that you refuse to use your critical thinking skills. You really believe that Access tape is a smoking gun? Good grief. There isn't much hope for you, son.