Why are all these guys white and liberal?
Anyone have a better explanation than the one I have already offered?
I have an explanation. Lot of people aren't going to like it, but...
Down the line, it seems like most of these people have been baby boom age white men. All of these are people who grew up and were cultivated in the era of Woodstock and the emergence of Hugh Hefner. They were taught that sex was recreational, free, not something that should be shackled or held back in any way, and that btw, did you know that women enjoy it just as much as men do???
So all of a sudden, these guys are older and entering positions of power with lots of disposable income and overblown egos to match. Now's their chance to cash in on that free love dream - and after all, "the girls all seem to like my attention, so I'm sure they want sex. And Hollywood's been telling me for a century that no means maybe, and it's all about seducing them and changing their minds, right? So be a closer! Don't take no for an answer! And so what if I grab someone's boob or butt every once in a while? It's just a body part! Nothing to be ashamed of. We're all naked under our clothes anyway, nothing I haven't seen/felt before, so why should this be a big deal?"
And (not to sound like I'm blaming the victims because I'm not) you've got a least a segment of women who are perfectly happy to go along with the setup for one reason or another. So they get enough success to think that their outlook is accurate, and since most guys stop thinking when the blood starts flowing, they typically can't tell the difference between the women who are actually looking for that sort of attention and those who are just being nice, or polite, or friendly, or whatever.
That's a charitable interpretation. The more cynical is the whole "you've earned it, go get yours" mentality that says that sexual conquest is the reward of making it to the top of the entertainment/media industry. (And is it any wonder that it seems even more pronounced when those two areas mix?)
Regardless, it certainly isn't a blanket explanation, and there are other reasons that probably come apply differently from person to person. But ultimately, we've created a non-stop sexual atmosphere in this country, and then we're surprised when some people actually think that's how it's supposed to be and act on it.