The Media Industry

I'll let Ben Shapiro represent my thoughts absent the ACORN sentiment.
Ben Shapiro tweet OKeefe.PNG

When will his supporters stop enabling O'Keefe. Per his tax filings, PV received $4.3M last year to this "charity". As an aside, how crazy is it that PV is a "charity" and his supporters get tax deductions for donating to that clown show?

I agree. Remove his ability to work as a charity. However, I like how self-righteous you get over O'Keefe while you openly support Black Lives Matter. BLM is an organization that will probably be classified as a terrorist organization in the future like Antifa is.
I agree. Remove his ability to work as a charity. However, I like how self-righteous you get over O'Keefe while you openly support Black Lives Matter. BLM is an organization that will probably be classified as a terrorist organization in the future like Antifa is.

I support what the organization is trying to do not the twisted stuff the alt-right tries to pin on them or the tactics that some of their supporters leverage (i.e. shouting Bernie Sanders off the stage in Seattle).
Yet another media horndog
David Sweeney, National Public Radio’s (NPR) chief news editor, left the taxpayer-funded outlet Tuesday after a third female journalist accused him of inappropriate behavior.

Why are all these guys white and liberal?
Anyone have a better explanation than the one I have already offered?

David Sweeney, National Public Radio’s (NPR) chief news editor, left the taxpayer-funded outlet Tuesday after a third female journalist accused him of inappropriate behavior.
....female journalist accused him of inappropriate behavior.....r.

One more observation -- Have the rest of y'all also noticed that when these media-pervert stories hit, journalists outside the news organization in question say "Oh yeah, everyone knew," while journalists inside all claim they had no idea.

It reminds me of the neighbors who live next door to the serial killer -- who always say "He was a nice guy."
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The NYT owned and controlled by a non-US-citizen, foreign monopolist named Carlos Slim. His paper is now openly advocating for direct political action to oppose the President of the United States.

Is the New York Times breaking the law by failing to register as a foreign entity?

The NYT owned and controlled by a non-US-citizen, foreign monopolist named Carlos Slim. His paper is now openly advocating for direct political action to oppose the President of the United States.

Is the New York Times breaking the law by failing to register as a foreign entity?


Something has to be done about the collusion between the democrat party and the major media outlets. This is ridiculous.
The day is not over yet
There is still time for more liberal media sexual harassment scandals
This time, it's a Jake Tapper CNN show producer

Doesnt it seem like nearly all white, male, liberals are sexual predators? At least 80-90% of them, right?

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The day is not over yet
There is still time for more media sexual harassment scandals
This time, it's a Jake Tapper CNN show producer

Doesnt it seem like nearly all white, male, liberals are sexual predators? At least 80-90% of them, right?


90%, cause that is the % of libs in media. Don’t forget oreilly.
One more observation -- Have the rest of y'all also noticed that when these media-pervert stories hit, journalists outside the news organization in question say "Oh yeah, everyone knew," while journalists inside all claim they had no idea....

OK, so, it has come out that Matt Lauer was sexting interns
As well as demanding sex from employees.
But nobody had any idea.
Not his co-hosts.
Not NBC execs.
The day is not over yet
There is still time for more liberal media sexual harassment scandals
This time, it's a Jake Tapper CNN show producer

Doesnt it seem like nearly all white, male, liberals are sexual predators? At least 80-90% of them, right?


Fake news. They have no standards and values.
Matt Lauer was hired by Today Show executive producer Jeff Zucker in 1994. They worked together for 16 years.

Today, Jeff Zucker is the president of CNN

From the everybody knew about Lauer department
This is the low rated Joe Scarborough -- he said he attended a Friars Club event several years ago for a roast of Lauer, and many jokes were made about his sexual pursuits at work.

"The most powerful people in media, and everybody that came up were making fun of Matt Lauer, not pushing himself on people, but the whole thing was, he does his show and then he has sex with people, with employees. ...
"So was this whispered behind closed doors? No, it was shouted from the mountaintops and everybody laughed about it."
More details on Lauer and some of the other politically liberal male crew at NBC are coming out today

One complaint came from a former employee who said Mr. Lauer had summoned her to his office ... When she sat down, she said, he locked the door, which he could do by pressing a button while sitting at his desk. ... Lauer asked her to unbutton her blouse, which she did. She said the anchor then stepped out from behind his desk, pulled down her pants, bent her over a chair and had intercourse with her. At some point, she said, she passed out with her pants pulled halfway down. She woke up on the floor of his office, and Mr. Lauer had his assistant take her to a nurse.
Mr. Lauer issued an apology, expressing “sorrow."

Jokes about women’s appearances were routine ... a director saying he “wanted some milk” in reference to one woman’s chest and making inappropriate comments about women over an audio feed with multiple people listening ... colleagues playing a crude game in which they chose which female guests or staff members they would prefer to marry, kill or have sex with.

traveling with Mr. Lauer for a story, she said, he asked her inappropriate questions over dinner, like whether she had ever cheated on her husband. On the way to the airport, she said, Mr. Lauer sat uncomfortably close to her in the car; she recalled that when she moved away, he said, “You’re no fun.”

In recent weeks, NBC News was criticized for passing on an exposé of Mr. Weinstein by an MSNBC contributor, Ronan Farrow. Mr. Farrow’s reporting later appeared in The New Yorker, and helped set off the current wave of revelations about abuses by powerful men in media and entertainment.
Where do our in-house liberals disappear to with these revelations?

Apparently we represent and are supposed to defend all liberals? More team (not principal) politics I guess. I have no interest in that conversation. Just as I said before, good riddance to anyone that is practicing sexual harassment, especially to the degree Matt Lauer reportedly has. BTW, is now a good time to mention that I've never seen a single episode of the Today show?
Why are all these guys white and liberal?
Anyone have a better explanation than the one I have already offered?

I have an explanation. Lot of people aren't going to like it, but...

Down the line, it seems like most of these people have been baby boom age white men. All of these are people who grew up and were cultivated in the era of Woodstock and the emergence of Hugh Hefner. They were taught that sex was recreational, free, not something that should be shackled or held back in any way, and that btw, did you know that women enjoy it just as much as men do???

So all of a sudden, these guys are older and entering positions of power with lots of disposable income and overblown egos to match. Now's their chance to cash in on that free love dream - and after all, "the girls all seem to like my attention, so I'm sure they want sex. And Hollywood's been telling me for a century that no means maybe, and it's all about seducing them and changing their minds, right? So be a closer! Don't take no for an answer! And so what if I grab someone's boob or butt every once in a while? It's just a body part! Nothing to be ashamed of. We're all naked under our clothes anyway, nothing I haven't seen/felt before, so why should this be a big deal?"

And (not to sound like I'm blaming the victims because I'm not) you've got a least a segment of women who are perfectly happy to go along with the setup for one reason or another. So they get enough success to think that their outlook is accurate, and since most guys stop thinking when the blood starts flowing, they typically can't tell the difference between the women who are actually looking for that sort of attention and those who are just being nice, or polite, or friendly, or whatever.

That's a charitable interpretation. The more cynical is the whole "you've earned it, go get yours" mentality that says that sexual conquest is the reward of making it to the top of the entertainment/media industry. (And is it any wonder that it seems even more pronounced when those two areas mix?)

Regardless, it certainly isn't a blanket explanation, and there are other reasons that probably come apply differently from person to person. But ultimately, we've created a non-stop sexual atmosphere in this country, and then we're surprised when some people actually think that's how it's supposed to be and act on it.
A gf of mine has run for Congress in Mexico twice. The married male party head has tried to bang her repeatedly.

Sexual overtones and advances became so repeated she required future meetings to involve others in a public place to discuss a third run.

She says those type of sexual advances are commonplace and well known to all in Mexican politics.

Just saying, labeling this a white thing is ridiculous. Just so happens other races tend to keep it in house or have a culture with no recourse as it's the norm.
Meanwhile our great President is kicking *** with the economy. The Market set another record AGAIN. Also a 3.3% GDP. So Obama never got to GDP up to 3.0% in 8 years and President Trump has never been below it. Just a coincidence right?

But, there are more important things to discuss like how the Liberal party trying to keep the Russian collusion by the Republicans going. That's not panning out so they are desperate needing other news so to not talk about how great this President is doing they are now even having to eat their own with all their liberal sexual predator's and their enablers. That's the biggest sign how great President Trump is doing. If he was bombing with the economy the MSM would be on an all out assault on how bad he is tanking the economy that Matt Lauer would still have a job.
So Obama never got to GDP up to 3.0% in 8 years and President Trump has never been below it. Just a coincidence right?

One of these days some of you will realize not to take everything JoeFan posts as gospel.

US GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

If you don't like by Quarter here it is by year.

Here is the formal chart.
GDP Growth Rate.PNG

The economy is doing well but the exaggerations are beyond ridiculous.


  • GDP Growth Rate.PNG
    GDP Growth Rate.PNG
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One of these days some of you will realize not to take everything JoeFan posts as gospel.

US GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

If you don't like by Quarter here it is by year.

Here is the formal chart.
GDP Growth Rate.PNG

The economy is doing well but the exaggerations are beyond ridiculous.

If I'm wrong I'll apologize for my mistake. So what I'm seeing with your scale is you are showing the growth rate in billions of dollars not adjusted with inflation. I believe the growth is in percentage form of money and the inflation rate. Am I wrong? If I'm right then it's not an exaggeration.

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