The Media Industry

USA Today calls out the political media for BS in the immigration coverage. Link. Trump says enough things that are worthy of fair criticism and disagreement. Why lie?
I wonder what percentage was thinking of CNN specifically when they answered the question?

Axios poll shows almost 2/3 of those polled say the US media deliberately misleads

Nearly all Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (92%) say that traditional news outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories at least sometimes

Back in 1976, according to Gallup, 72% of the American people thought the traditional media was trustworthy or very trustworthy. In 2018, it has completely reversed. Let that sink in
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CNN: “US threatened nations over breastfeeding resolution”
NBC: “Report that U.S. suppressed breastfeeding resolution shocks advocates”
Daily Beast: “U.S. Stuns World Using ‘Blackmail’ to Oppose International Breastfeeding Resolution”
USA Today: “U.S. threatens nation over world breastfeeding resolution, shocking health officials”

Oh wait...

Every two years the World Health Assembly convenes and discusses public health issues. In 2016, a proposal was discussed that would extend bans on marketing formulas and other supplemental nutrition. Since the 1980s, governments, non-governmental organizations, and corporations have been limited from marketing formula for infants six months of age and younger. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants should be fed breast milk exclusively for the first six months after birth.

The 2016 discussion was about extending the ban of marketing food supplements to children as old as three years of age. The proposal was controversial even in the Obama administration. While the U.S. delegates largely went along with the crowd two years ago, they made sure the resolution was only “welcomed” at the World Health Assembly, as opposed to “endorsed.” This meant that mothers seeking information about how to feed their children could get at least some information on the products being sold and distributed to them.

Cut to 2018, when some delegates wanted to revisit the issue of limiting the marketing of non-breastmilk options for mothers, reopening some of the contentious debates from 2016. While breastfeeding is ideal, anti-formula activists can be a bit radical in their support of the ideal. As Erik Assadourian wrote in his article, “Baby formula has no place in a sustainable future“: ...

The United States suggested a shorter and more streamlined resolution that encouraged promoting exclusive breastfeeding as well as global initiatives to encourage breastfeeding in hospitals. Delegates from around the world debated for a few days, culminating with all member states in the room reaching consensus on a final draft. On a video available on the World Health Organization web site, the involved parties openly discuss how they reached consensus, emphasize the importance of reaching consensus, and then applaud the passage of the consensus document. The public discussion and applause of the process is a far cry from the “stunned” “shock” alleged in media reports.

The U.S. delegation doesn’t agree with a public health policy of keeping information away from women who are feeding their children. But that doesn’t mean that they oppose exclusive breastfeeding or its encouragement. Describing radical anti-formula efforts as “encouragement of breastfeeding,” as media reports did, is extremely tendentious.
Here, NBC's fake news got ~12,000 retweets
NBC's correction of its fake news got 30 retweets
They know this is how it works, it's why they do it


The US is being the only sensible nation on the breastfeeding thing is what I see. Exclusive breastfeeding does not work in every situation. What if the mother had problems during childbirth to where she is on pain meds afterwards? What if the mother has some mental health issues, such as depression, and so she is taking some meds for that? My own wife had great pain in her breasts after childbirth due to blocked ducts (something like that, it's been 20 years) and the doctor had to give her meds that basically dried her up so she made no milk. These know-it-alls that insist that breastfeeding is the only acceptable way to nourish your baby are crackpots IMO.
That one event kinda encapsulates every trend right now.
92 YO Mexican( elderly illegal?? who came to USA for better life??)
( is he frauduently collecting SS?)

attacked by a black woman( was she triggered by seeing work opportunities taken from her by illegals?)
with 4 y o child( was child snatched away from her when she was arrested?)

many on left already blaming Trump who as we know is racist and hates blacks and Hispanics as well as loves separating young children from their parents. So who in this story does Trump dislike more? The Mexican or the Black woman? How did he get them to do this ?

what is still missing in this story is what the old man was saying to the Black woman to enrage her
and what connection the Russians have to all this.
The Dems aren’t even in control of their party anymore. The MSM dictates their narrative and are making them look so foolish.

“AND JUST LIKE THAT, The Democratic Party went from screaming about ILLEGAL Babies being separated from their ILLEGAL Parents at the Border To Screaming about their right to kill American Babies.
“AND JUST LIKE THAT, The Democratic Party went from screaming about ILLEGAL Babies being separated from their ILLEGAL Parents at the Border To Screaming about their right to kill American Babies.

That's the conservative narrative stated almost as if you can't hold an opinion on both topics simultaneously.
That one event kinda encapsulates every trend right now.
92 YO Mexican( elderly illegal?? who came to USA for better life??)
( is he frauduently collecting SS?)

attacked by a black woman( was she triggered by seeing work opportunities taken from her by illegals?)
with 4 y o child( was child snatched away from her when she was arrested?)

many on left already blaming Trump who as we know is racist and hates blacks and Hispanics as well as loves separating young children from their parents. So who in this story does Trump dislike more? The Mexican or the Black woman? How did he get them to do this ?

what is still missing in this story is what the old man was saying to the Black woman to enrage her
and what connection the Russians have to all this.

On the Left, below party politics (just like below Trump on the right), there are differences of opinion. If you think all Democrats/Liberals are in favor of gay marriage then I'd say you'd be wrong. It's the same with illegal immigration. There are a very high number of people on the Left who are in favor of enforcement of our laws. But party politics "trumps" all. It's the same on the right. Many Republicans were very upset about Trump but they losing to Hillary would have been much worse in their eyes.

That's why we need that third party right in the middle. It would be the most diverse party around and the most rational in many ways in the sense of compromise.
That's why we need that third party right in the middle. It would be the most diverse party around and the most rational in many ways in the sense of compromise.

Without a proportionate representation system of some kind, third parties virtually can't survive. In addition, moderates aren't motivated enough to launch a political party.
The problem with adding a third party is that once it's established, the pressure is off for the other two parties to moderate. And now you've just split the electorate three ways, meaning that a candidate who could only hope to get a quarter of the vote normally can now have a real shot to win, if he/she gets a few breaks along the way.
What was Jim's question? Usually it's something like "Don't you think that your evil reign of fascist policies is enabling America's enemies overseas?" Or something to that effect.
What was Jim's question? Usually it's something like "Don't you think that your evil reign of fascist policies is enabling America's enemies overseas?" Or something to that effect.

That's the problem with Acosta. Trump might act like a jackass, but Acosta is such a shallow partisan and a sanctimonious tool that it's impossible to feel sorry for him.
"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football."

- Malcolm X (1963)
"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football."

- Malcolm X (1963)

Yep, like I've said before, the self-loathing white liberal is the most obnoxious demographic group, because of the sanctimony.

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