The Media Industry

My son came home one day when he was in middle school and announced that he had learned that dolphins were the smartest animals on the planet, including man. I said that's great to know, next time I'm flying for work I'll make sure the pilot is a dolphin, and I bet the astronauts were really surprised when they landed on the moon that dolphins had already been there. He just rolled his eyes and said "I got it dad". I just said "don't always believe everything someone tells you. Think for yourself."

Of course, his sister became a teacher and is knee deep in woke ideology.
Don’t give up on your daughter, think long game and precise jabs.
This is what passes for media commentary nowadays. If only Desantis had embraced the white liberal hobby horse, the hurricane would have gone somewhere else.

This is what passes for media commentary nowadays. If only Desantis had embraced the white liberal hobby horse, the hurricane would have gone somewhere else.

Have you noticed the solutions to every problem in the world according to leftists are always the same: universal child care, free housing, government-run healthcare, renewable energy, and expanded medicare and SS?
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Have you noticed the solutions to every problem in the world according to leftists are always the same: universal child care, free housing, government-run healthcare, renewable energy, and expanded medicare and SS?

What about gun confiscation?
It is sad Biden is so far gone his handlers can't control him enough to stop the lying.
What keeping the pathetic creature in office is doing to our world standing is unforgivable.
Demx have no sense of decency or care for our country.

Europeans are getting fed up with 'abuser' Woody Allen. (their choice of words)

I suppose that once a famous old man has banged his then-teenage stepdaughter, he's put a big target on his back...
In all seriousness for Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, this is how you lose your lawyer and nurse practitioner jobs...

And to do this when you have two kids is ridiculous. Their peers will be texting them naked screen shots of their mom for years!
In all seriousness for Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, this is how you lose your lawyer and nurse practitioner jobs...

And to do this when you have two kids is ridiculous. Their peers will be texting them naked screen shots of their mom for years!
I employ NP’s.
Would you vote for her because of it?
Well, apparently whoring yourself out for the cheap gratification of others is considered good training for being a modern day politician. Once you're a politician, whoring yourself out to moneyed special interests is fundamental to the job, at least based on my observations.

But no, I wouldn't vote for her. She's a slutty Democrat. One of those in the VPOTUS seat is plenty enough for my tastes.
In all seriousness for Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, this is how you lose your lawyer and nurse practitioner jobs...

And to do this when you have two kids is ridiculous. Their peers will be texting them naked screen shots of their mom for years!

And of course, she's making herself out to be the victim.

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