The Media Industry

A day after taking testimony from Hunter’s best friend on how Sleepy participated in calls, CNN has the story buried at the bottom. Propaganda.
but that is a step up from where all Biden transgressions have been shown. Looks like they are hedging their bets for when the Pyrmid finally craters.
It went from
This is Russian disinformation
Joe doesn't talk to hunter about business
Well of course he talks to his son about things, but he's not involved... even if associates are on the phone... 20x or more...
It went from
This is Russian disinformation
Joe doesn't talk to hunter about business
Well of course he talks to his son about things, but he's not involved... even if associates are on the phone... 20x or more...

The next step is Biden got the money but he didn't do anything illegal.
The next step is Biden got the money but he didn't do anything illegal.
and herein lies the problem. Proving illegal intent is difficult (as Jack Smith knows and will again get spanked for his charges against Trump).

The Justice Department would have to connect the dots between the $10M payoff and the big guy forcing Ukraine to sack the judge. As long as there is an open tap for defense supplies to Ukraine, they would not corporate with the Justice Department. However, it doesn't matter as the Justice Department will not even investigate.
There is no rule of law anymore in the United States. Our politicians, left and right are corrupt, the justice department and IRS are politically weaponized and local DAs are now after federal political opponents while catering to local criminals. I don’t give our republic long.
There is no rule of law anymore in the United States. Our politicians, left and right are corrupt, the justice department and IRS are politically weaponized and local DAs are now after federal political opponents and cater to criminals. I don’t give our republic long.
Which happens first, Republic fails or Texas wins a conference title?

Too hard to tell.
Once again I say “ America is f******. We are too far gone on defying what is right and absolute - a man is a man and a woman is a woman for God’s sake. The rest of this is pure Bull S***. How much more clear can anyone be? A revolt is coming but I do not believe it is in time nor do I believe it will sustain.
Texas should win the conference this year. If not, I don’t see a conference championship with three years in the SEC. I’d put high odds on a collapse of the Republic shortly after the 2024 election.
Once again I say “ America is f******. We are too far gone on defying what is right and absolute - a man is a man and a woman is a woman for God’s sake. The rest of this is pure Bull S***. How much more clear can anyone be? A revolt is coming but I do not believe it is in time nor do I believe it will sustain.
The frog is already cooked and the Republicans let it happen in the 90's and 00's which is why we are now "to far gone".
First, I'm very dubious about the large increase. Either the original number was crazy low or the bar for "hate crime" has shifted way down in a lot of people's minds. I think really it is that bar has shifted and "micro-aggressions" are now enough to qualify as a hate crime for some.

Second, it doesn't get much play because it seems that much of the Asian hate crime is committed by black people. That's certainly not a thing that MSM ever wants to amplify.

Third, everybody knows Asians are actually white (when it is convenient for MSM) and they are only minorities when it is useful (for MSM media)
Spectrum TV's bias is becoming more apparent every day. I watched their new game show targeted at teens and "misinformation" and virtually every question was about one of the left's icons (Greta T., Stacy Abrams, etc)
I am on a treadmill nearly every morning at the gym. They have televisions lined up across the wall and I choose a treadmill which overlooks MSNBC, Fox, and CNN as well as broadcast ABC, NBC and CBS. They also failed to mention Devon Archer meeting with John Kerry prior to the firing of Shokin due to Sleepy's "son of a *****" quid pro quo.

This morning over my one hour working out, Viktor Shokin only appeared on Fox News the entire morning. The others did a fine job reporting on the pending Trump trials and all keep showing his mugshot. The MSM must be changed to either being legitimate news or entertainment. It is by far the most dangerous problem America faces.
The MSM must be changed to either being legitimate news or entertainment. It is by far the most dangerous problem America faces.

It's bad and dangerous, but public education is much more dangerous. CNN and MSNBC have delusions of grandeur. Very few Americans actually watch them, and many who do are adults who know to question them. Public schools fill almost every child in the United States with ********, and because they're kids, most are too naive to know what's going on.
It's bad and dangerous, but public education is much more dangerous. CNN and MSNBC have delusions of grandeur. Very few Americans actually watch them, and many who do are adults who know to question them. Public schools fill almost every child in the United States with ********, and because they're kids, most are too naive to know what's going on.

My son came home one day when he was in middle school and announced that he had learned that dolphins were the smartest animals on the planet, including man. I said that's great to know, next time I'm flying for work I'll make sure the pilot is a dolphin, and I bet the astronauts were really surprised when they landed on the moon that dolphins had already been there. He just rolled his eyes and said "I got it dad". I just said "don't always believe everything someone tells you. Think for yourself."

Of course, his sister became a teacher and is knee deep in woke ideology.

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