The Media Industry

I didn't know that Don Jr. posted here. American farmers did much worse under Trump. His trade war with China hurt farmers. Trump’s Trade Wars Have Made Bad Agriculture Policies Worse
But, hey, aid paid to Trump supporters is not referred to as socialism. Trump Tariff Aid To Farmers Cost More Than U.S. Nuclear Forces

Middle East "successes" were laughable.
North Korea kept building the same nuclear arsenal they were working on before.

The US is worse off in the world after 4 years of Trumpism.

Didn't know Hunter Biden posted here either - that explains the dull look and crossed eyes in the profile pic.

Yes Barry, the Commies instituted high tariffs on ag products when President Trump fought back against terrible trade deals - and yet overall trade polices were much improved when he left office, both with China, and the USMC deal being much better than the NAFTA one.

Defeating ISIS, who King Barry had let grow into the largest terrorist organization in history, was no laughable achievement. Furthermore, he was wise enough to order troops out of Syria as soon as the war was over - leading to your crying and hysterical "TRUMP BETRAYS ALLY!!!" post, which predicted a geocide that didn't happen, as anyone with 2 brains cells knew all along.

If you want to compare Middle East results - 8 years under Obama had Syria slumping into a horrid civil war, a short lived Islamic government of Egypt which was a disaster of 1979 Iran in the making, till thankfully and in spite of Obama's efforts, the military threw them out.

ISIS took over half of Syria and Iraq, and Obama ended his terms by flying pallets of money to Iran in some hair-brained "we surrender to you now let's be friends" move. I much preferred Trumps approach of sending Hellfire's via Reaper to their Revolutionary Guard leadership. It was amusing seeing so many leftists broken hearted when Qassim Suleimani was killed - hadn't seen so many black armbands since Castro croaked.

The NOK's are going to keep being NOK's still something unexpected by everyone happens. Till then, Trump lowered tensions to the point that they were no longer firing missiles over Japan every month. Plus as stated, he cut the China Commies out of the deal, so N Korea could no longer be used as a cutout weapon by them to stir the pot whenever the heat was on China.

Now compare that to President Depends. He's surrendered to the Russians on the gas pipeline, is in the process of surrendering to the Iranians again, in return for squat, the Palestinians started another fight as they knew that Slow Joe and company would reward them with millions of dollars for "rebuilding" projects, most of which will be stolen, the rest used for terrorism.

He's China chew toy, as anytime they want to they can leak details of his crooked family's bribe taking. He does have the love of deadbeat Euros, who now can go back to the USA paying to defend them. So he has that going for him - like being loved by your worthless brother in law since you pay his rent.
Such BS. Where’s the outage from the Trump is lying haters.

Biden raises eyebrows with claim he 'used to drive' 18-wheeler truck

Well his wife did kill herself and some of their children when she pulled out in front of one, so maybe that was close enough for Slow Joe.

He also gravy-trained off their deaths for years, while lying that the driver of the truck was drunk, which was a bald-faced lie. Even Poli-fact/Poli-lie couldn't fully cover that one up, instead saying to the effect of "It's not proven that Slow Joe knew it was a lie".

How rotten of a person do you have to be to use your wife's death to your political advantage, and smear the poor truck driver who did nothing wrong?
Jason Miller's new social media application GETTR is being flooded by pro-ISIS propaganda. This is the site the Miller who became CEO was hoping Trump would join exclusively debuted July 1st.

Miller is still stuck in character.
In response to questions about jihadi material being shared on GETTR, Miller told POLITICO that ISIS was attacking the MAGA movement because Trump had destroyed the group militarily. “The only ISIS members still alive are keyboard warriors hiding in caves and eating dirt cookies,” he said in a text message.
MSNBC writer calls for Chris Cuomo to be ****-canned as well. Link. Of course, I have to chuckle, because though everything in this article is true, why weren't media figures calling out this BS at the time it was happening? The conflict of interest was inherent and obvious. And why was the media licking Andrew Cuomo's balls? He was covering up the worst parts of his Covid policy, but even what was known was terrible - sending patients to nursing homes, etc. In short, we could have used a real media when it mattered. It would have saved lives.
And why was the media licking Andrew Cuomo's balls? He was covering up the worst parts of his Covid policy, but even what was known was terrible - sending patients to nursing homes, etc. In short, we could have used a real media when it mattered. It would have saved lives.

To be fair, didn't much of that come out after the major NY wave of COVID? There is also still debate on much of that narrative.
MSNBC writer calls for Chris Cuomo to be ****-canned as well. Link. Of course, I have to chuckle, because though everything in this article is true, why weren't media figures calling out this BS at the time it was happening? The conflict of interest was inherent and obvious. And why was the media licking Andrew Cuomo's balls? He was covering up the worst parts of his Covid policy, but even what was known was terrible - sending patients to nursing homes, etc. In short, we could have used a real media when it mattered. It would have saved lives.
I'm guessing that "writer" did not feel that way at the time. This reminds me of how Bill Maher has been of the big talking heads the last decade that has helped get us to where we are with what he now is decrying on the far left. And, now, somehow, conservatives cheer him on for it. How about F Bill Maher and writers like this? Their opinions now mean very little.
To be fair, didn't much of that come out after the major NY wave of COVID? There is also still debate on much of that narrative.

I don't know exactly when it came out, but it was known long ago. I first heard about it probably a year ago. It's not new.

And is there much debate? It seems pretty obvious that Covid positive patients coughing all over a bunch of elderly people nearly all of whom have preexisting conditions would be pretty dangerous, especially if we're calling it dangerous for healthy, 30 year old teachers to be at school.
Summary from a Cuomo-positive article:
the order likely killed nursing home patients but we don’t know how many:

Why ‘Cuomo’s death order’ didn’t really cause NY’s nursing home carnage. A reality check

We don't know how many. That is true. However, let's be consistent. We shutdown almost the entire economy because it was considered too dangerous for people to interact with each other.

We had freakouts about "super spreader" events like going to the beach, political events (except BLM protests), kids going to school, etc. Well, this involved people we knew to be Covid positive going into nursing homes - places where virtually everyone inside is elderly and has preexisting conditions. I almost can't imagine a more dangerous scenario for spreading Covid.
Summary from a Cuomo-positive article:
the order likely killed nursing home patients but we don’t know how many:

Why ‘Cuomo’s death order’ didn’t really cause NY’s nursing home carnage. A reality check

To be clear, it certainly wasn't a good decision to push recovering COVID patients to Nursing Homes from 3/25 - 5/11. The impact of that decision is hard to discern. The rate of nursing home deaths remained unchanged throughout the summer after the policy ended.
We don't know how many. That is true. However, let's be consistent. We shutdown almost the entire economy because it was considered too dangerous for people to interact with each other.

We had freakouts about "super spreader" events like going to the beach, political events (except BLM protests), kids going to school, etc. Well, this involved people we knew to be Covid positive going into nursing homes - places where virtually everyone inside is elderly and has preexisting conditions. I almost can't imagine a more dangerous scenario for spreading Covid.
I live in Austin. The local rag (The Austin American Statesman) is totally Liberal. Look at this from their online front page:


They are so arrogant that they lectured the Governor on this WHILE Biden waves them over! This is so sick.
I live in Austin. The local rag (The Austin American Statesman) is totally Liberal. Look at this from their online front page:


They are so arrogant that they lectured the Governor on this WHILE Biden waves them over! This is so sick.
If you fail to do your job, you have no more title to the job.
I live in Austin. The local rag (The Austin American Statesman) is totally Liberal. Look at this from their online front page:


They are so arrogant that they lectured the Governor on this WHILE Biden waves them over! This is so sick.

Every headline is either to fear monger or promote conservative hate.
Well, he thinks he could be blackmailed with it. If the president's son can be blackmailed then we have issues. At the same time this could also be just a fantasy of a drug addled mind.

In a messed up way, I kinda wonder if it's not impossible to really blackmail Hunter Biden. We know he's a cokehead. We know he's a crook. We know he bangs hookers and strippers and that he's a deadbeat dad. We know he drops n-bombs. I guess we could find out that he likes child porn or engages in beastiality (unlikely since he didn't go to OU or A&M), but the point is that we're running out of potential things to damage his reputation.
In a messed up way, I kinda wonder if it's not impossible to really blackmail Hunter Biden. We know he's a cokehead. We know he's a crook. We know he bangs hookers and strippers and that he's a deadbeat dad. We know he drops n-bombs. I guess we could find out that he likes child porn or engages in beastiality (unlikely since he didn't go to OU or A&M), but the point is that we're running out of potential things to damage his reputation.

That could be the case. However, if old man Joe is mentioned on those laptops doing nefarious things it gets real interesting.
Yet still the smartest known to slowjoe

And just remember, it was a big story when Jenna Bush was caught partying and getting drunk in Austin when she was 19 years old. But Hunter Biden snorting coke, banging hookers, and associating with sleazy foreign crooks to make money isn't newsworthy at all.
That could be the case. However, if old man Joe is mentioned on those laptops doing nefarious things it gets real interesting.

Agree, and of course, if this was a Republican president's kid, not only would it be covered, it would be the only story until the laptop was found and its contents fully exposed. Then they'd spend a year commenting about the "implications" of the story.

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