The Media Industry

The fire and theater argument is always the last refuge of the scoundrel or wanna-be dictator. Let me put this out to pasture, not for Barry's sake, but for others who hear that same tiresome statement and wish to refute it.

1. It's not illegal to shout fire in a crowded theater. If the theater is on fire, it's what should be done. And if someone thinks the theater is on fire it's what should be done. If it turns out later that the smoke is actually from some dope heads lighting up in the back corner, that's still not a reason not to warn others based on what you think is the case.

2. It is usually illegal to deliberately lie to people in a malicious attempt that can cause harm - though not illegal anymore in California to lie about having AIDS before boofing someone bareback - such is the power of the gay lobby.

Now for our knighted and saintly media class, the courts have invented, out of thin air, the idea that to win a libel/slander suit, you have to prove they've said a lie, prove they knew it was a lie, and did it deliberately out of spite and malice, not just being biased/lazy/stupid like CNN.

And these are the people that are supposed to be our great 4th Estate, who write and speak for a living. If that's the standard for them, then certainly it should be no more for the rest of us, who just want to express our views on political topics.

3. Just for fun, go stand up and shout fire in a crowded theater. You'll get some stares, some shss's, some "hold the noise down". What you won't get is a mad panic towards the door, crushing anyone who gets in the way.

For all the faults of the America public, they are smarter than that. And smart enough to be able to tune out various garbage conspiracy theories, such as that RUSSIA!!! stole my election and controls the White House. If only the FBI had been that smart, but it suited them to use that rubbish to tear down the guy they all didn't vote for. It's what America's own version of the KGB does, and will happen again if the people dare elect a non-Ruling Class candidate.

4. Every dictatorship on the other hand, be they China, North Korea, or the Democrat Party and their Big Tech Overlords, thinks the public is so easily swayed that they should be protected for their own good, but mostly for the good of the Party, from those other, strange, non-approved ideas and thoughts. Otherwise they might be temped to do something like overthrown the dictatorships, or vote Republican.

5. So they attempt to equate views different from their own as lies (using selected rubber stamps like Politfact, Snoops, and the Fakebook Independent Totally Non-Biased No Way Part of Fakebook Oversight Board) to brand differing views all Lies! Dirty, stinking lies!, and a danger to the good of us all, like hollering fire in a theater. So of course, for the good of us all (but mostly the Party) they censor, cancel, and de-platform.

The censorship is so broad and so bad that Big Tech acts in collusion with each other to stamp out non-Party believers, such as when Amazon cancelled their contract with to host Parler, who dared to allow free speech by those who'd been cast out by Twitter.

6. Traditionally, at least before 50% of the political spectrum fully embraced censorship, political speech was considered something that should be protected, argued, debated, insults hurled towards each other and their mama's, but not censored.

But that's changed in the past 10 years, non-coincidently as the left completed its takeover of the education complex, the media, and all tech companies. Democracy and free speech truly were a streetcar they rode till it got them where they wanted to go, then they got off.


Yep. With Big Tech/media and the democrats being in collusion with one another is one of the most dangerous things I've seen in my lifetime and a dangerous threat to democracy.
Yep. With Big Tech/media and the democrats being in collusion with one another is one of the most dangerous things I've seen in my lifetime and a dangerous threat to democracy.
The threat to democracy is how close we are to having multiple gerrymandered state houses throwing out the votes of the citizenry.
Like the bamboo in the ballots? The lab in some ninja’s garage? The Kraken that Powell and Wood are running from?

Hunter Biden's laptop
Covid created in a lab

Election fraud will be the next thing that will be proven to be correct. ;)

The fact they you are okay with the censoring of your political opponents doesn't speak well of you, Bubba. I hope you come to your senses.
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You know it is not "nice" to use a poster's own link to point out the lie in the poster's message.
Facts never matter to people like that,
Yep. With Big Tech/media and the democrats being in collusion with one another is one of the most dangerous things I've seen in my lifetime and a dangerous threat to democracy.
I have pretty much stopped following most news. The Russian collusion non-sense for 3.5 years showed that most "news" is just corporate propaganda. It's fed to us for a purpose.

The biggest story of the past year should be how the COVID virus was leaked from the Wuhan lab. Yet, it's barely even covered now. Wonder why.....
I have pretty much stopped following most news. The Russian collusion non-sense for 3.5 years showed that most "news" is just corporate propaganda. It's fed to us for a purpose.

The biggest story of the past year should be how the COVID virus was leaked from the Wuhan lab. Yet, it's barely even covered now. Wonder why.....
SOLAR WINDS. Say it with me.
The threat to democracy is how close we are to having multiple gerrymandered state houses throwing out the votes of the citizenry.
Gosh, OUBubba - maybe I've been wrong all these years. I thought this country was the United States of America - and the Constitution specifically limits the power of the federal government (the Tenth Amendment). Powers not specifically given to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people - and that would include determining how to elect and send Representatives and Senators to Congress. Guess I'll have to dig out my copy of the Constitution of the United States of America and read it again - my memory is getting hazy as I get older.
Early yesterday, watched CNBC market report which predicted a big sell off due to the upcoming negative job and inflation reports.

CNN had a caption running beside the falling ticker saying it was due to fears of the new Covid variant.
Early yesterday, watched CNBC market report which predicted a big sell off due to the upcoming negative job and inflation reports.

CNN had a caption running beside the falling ticker saying it was due to fears of the new Covid variant.
Amazing how they questioned every investor out there to be able to report that fact.
Gosh, OUBubba - maybe I've been wrong all these years. I thought this country was the United States of America - and the Constitution specifically limits the power of the federal government (the Tenth Amendment). Powers not specifically given to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people - and that would include determining how to elect and send Representatives and Senators to Congress. Guess I'll have to dig out my copy of the Constitution of the United States of America and read it again - my memory is getting hazy as I get older.
Yeah, dig it out. My point is that the right is writing clauses into these election bills that will allow the state house to change the vote of the people on the whiff of a turd as opposed to actually stepping in said turd. If the left were doing it you'd be raising all kinds of husker hell.
Yeah, dig it out. My point is that the right is writing clauses into these election bills that will allow the state house to change the vote of the people on the whiff of a turd as opposed to actually stepping in said turd. If the left were doing it you'd be raising all kinds of husker hell.
Except that is not what is actually occurring. You really need to spend some time READING the statutes and proposed pieces of legislation instead of blindly believing what your Avenatti-loving talking heads are telling you to think...
mb227, nothing will work with OUBubba and SeattleHusker they are true believers in the Cathedral. To think or speak outside of its holy dictates will get them excommunicated and sent to secular hell. They can't chance it.

If Avenatti is the hero one second, then they have to sing of his virtues. If he is the next second in jail, they can't say they were wrong. The Cathedral spake it thus. The only righteous response is to ignore Avenatti's fall from grace and act like he never existed.

By the way, that is what happened in the USSR too. Those who were purged were removed from history. They were erased from all documents including pictures. They simply never existed once they became unclean.
If the left were doing it you'd be raising all kinds of husker hell.
OUBubba, I'm raising the BS flag on you on this one - I'm willing to bet that the state legislatures controlled by Democrats (such as the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, not to mention the New England states) draw districts to suit their preferences - as the Constitution allows. Surely even an Osoner can grasp that fact. :)
If Avenatti is the hero one second, then they have to sing of his virtues.

Just out of curiosity, did Husker or Switzer ever sing of the virtues of Avenatti? Switzer may have, because he was hot and bothered about the Stormy Daniels fiasco, but I don't recall SH doing anything like that. And I don't remember any Avenatti love from Switzer either, but I'm less certain of it. Porn stars and sleazy lawyers start looking good when you live in Oklahoma.
Just out of curiosity, did Husker or Switzer ever sing of the virtues of Avenatti? Switzer may have, because he was hot and bothered about the Stormy Daniels fiasco, but I don't recall SH doing anything like that. And I don't remember any Avenatti love from Switzer either, but I'm less certain of it. Porn stars and sleazy lawyers start looking good when you live in Oklahoma.
I likely did. :)
That said, diminishing the whole thing over a "porn star" and a "sleazy lawyer" spackles over the fact the GOP nominee oversaw his attorney who paid the sleazy lawyer out of campaign funds (eventually) to keep the porn star quiet about the sex that she had with the nominee while his third wife was recovering from giving birth to his 5th child.

Avenatti is a turd. Trump still committed acts that were historically disqualifying with Stormy and he seemingly committed illegal acts in covering it up.
That said, diminishing the whole thing over a "porn star" and a "sleazy lawyer" spackles over the fact the GOP nominee oversaw his attorney who paid the sleazy lawyer out of campaign funds (eventually) to keep the porn star quiet about the sex that she had with the nominee while his third wife was recovering from giving birth to his 5th child.

Avenatti is a turd. Trump still committed acts that were historically disqualifying with Stormy and he seemingly committed illegal acts in covering it up.

Whatever was uncovered is legitimate to an investigation. But I think what Deez is referring to is how Liberals flock en masse with their emotionally charged neediness to ANYONE who attacks Trump.

That's TDS.
Do you have an example of a state that has rewritten laws that allow overturning a legitimate vote of the people "on the whiff of a turd"?
Just out of curiosity, did Husker or Switzer ever sing of the virtues of Avenatti? Switzer may have, because he was hot and bothered about the Stormy Daniels fiasco, but I don't recall SH doing anything like that. And I don't remember any Avenatti love from Switzer either, but I'm less certain of it. Porn stars and sleazy lawyers start looking good when you live in Oklahoma.

For the record it was clear that Avenatti was a sleaze from his very first PC. Somewhere I posted his business history in which he'd declared bankruptcy, taken money from business partners, etc. Essentially he was the type of lawyer Trump wishes he had on his payroll which made all the back and forth between Avenatti and Trump so entertaining.

Found a few posts I made about Avenatti for reference:

Notoriety? Political impact? Avenatti's release of Cohen financial details was bazaar. Though it's interesting that Cohen is profiting off his Trump relationship, that has nothing to do with Daniels.

Did you see Avenatti offered to represent Cohen? Is that dude any more than a public shill? Does he actually do any legal work?

Attention-whores will always be whores. He must have felt he wasn't being mentioned enough in the news...similar to our POTUSx attempts to scream "look at me!"
That said, diminishing the whole thing over a "porn star" and a "sleazy lawyer" spackles over the fact the GOP nominee oversaw his attorney who paid the sleazy lawyer out of campaign funds (eventually) to keep the porn star quiet about the sex that she had with the nominee while his third wife was recovering from giving birth to his 5th child.

Avenatti is a turd. Trump still committed acts that were historically disqualifying with Stormy and he seemingly committed illegal acts in covering it up.

I don't like it and would find it disqualifying if I made the rules, but that went out the window when we decided it was ok to get blown by the staff under the desk and lie to a grand jury to cover it up and cheat in a civil trial. That's worse.

Basically covering up a sleazy sexual encounter is ok. It's even ok to break the law and try to financially harm other people to do it. Would we draw the line with physically harming others to do it? Maybe. We haven't had to deal with that yet. But it a Democrat is doing it, I'm sure you'll find a way to rationalize it.

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