The Media Industry

Romney is no different than McCain, Biden, Sanders, Boener, Pelosi or Clinton. They are politicians there solely to pad the pockets of themselves and their cronies. The sooner all Americans realize that the better. How else does someone as poor as Bernie Sanders become a multi millionaire on his government salary?
Romney was very rich before he jumped in the pig pen of politics.
And when you were listing pigs you inadvertently appear to have left off the loudest squealer of them all———President Bone Spur!!!!

Romney was very rich before he jumped in the pig pen of politics.
And when you were listing pigs you inadvertently appear to have left off the loudest squealer of them all———President Bone Spur!!!!

But he’s not an obese pig because he grew at least an inch in his 70’s to trick the BMI charts.
But he’s not an obese pig because he grew at least an inch in his 70’s to trick the BMI charts.
That fraud would be all I needed to know to vote for an addle brained socialist that is destroying our international credibility, economy, and border. Fug that fat azz Trump and his record unemployment and economy!
Since CNN, msmbc, fox, oan have zero credibility, who does?

At this point, almost nobody. We basically don't have a media anymore when it comes to politics, which is itself becoming broader and broader. Instead, we have competing partisan propagandists who fake being legitimate media. You can still find individuals within the media who are less hackish than the norm. For example, Chris Wallace on Fox at least tries to be fair most of the time. Brett Baier often does too. I think Jake Tapper at CNN tries at times. The rest of both networks are ****, and I gave up on MSNBC years ago, so I have no idea anymore and don't care. The most credibility now is held by those who admit to their ideological biases.
Yahoo hack basically lying about the Democrats clear political interest in gutting law enforcement (Don't forget the calls to abolish ICE too).

GOP ramps up misleading attack on Democrats' policing policy

There are probably Democrats who are attacked as more anti-cop than they actually are. It's not unfair to point out facts that diminish the characterization of all Democrats as soft on crime. The problem I have is that this same journalist won't do the same thing to Democratic attacks on Republicans that aren't entirely fair or even total ********.
There are probably Democrats who are attacked as more anti-cop than they actually are. It's not unfair to point out facts that diminish the characterization of all Democrats as soft on crime. The problem I have is that this same journalist won't do the same thing to Democratic attacks on Republicans that aren't entirely fair or even total ********.

No doubt there are Democrats who want law and order. I just felt the broadbrush was typical of the media running cover for all of them.

They just had a shoot out on 6th Street and 14 people were wounded. Incredibly, there were no deaths. One perp has been detained and the other is at large. In the article it was revealed the Austin PD is down almost 300 officers due to retirements and suspension of cadet classes. Some of the City Council came right out and said we need to hire more cops. Others were silent on that point.

Here is the Mayor's comment:

"Austin Mayor Steve Adler said, "The uptick in gun violence locally is part of a disturbing rise in gun violence across the country … One thing is clear – greater access to firearms does not equal greater public safety."
At this point, almost nobody. We basically don't have a media anymore when it comes to politics, which is itself becoming broader and broader. Instead, we have competing partisan propagandists who fake being legitimate media. You can still find individuals within the media who are less hackish than the norm.

Deez, I find individuals who don't work for news corporations to be more trustworthy. In general they are motivated personally to find out what is going on, they don't have alliances that bias their reporting, and they don't have enough money and cover to protect them if they were being dishonest.

The problem is you have to find them and vet them on your own.
mchammer, the US would be in a much better place now if Americans would have taken McCarthy serious and kicked the Reds out of the government completely and completed the blacklisting of Hollywood.
No doubt there are Democrats who want law and order.

I mean the VP made her reputation by putting drug offenders in jail. She was a ruthless prosecutor of black males. The Democrats are now more aligned with Neocon foreign policy than Republican voters. They are much more likely to start a war in Syria. Good on Biden that he has backed off in Yemen a bit. But it wouldn't surprise me if things lit up again in the ME with Biden.
mchammer, the US would be in a much better place now if Americans would have taken McCarthy serious and kicked the Reds out of the government completely and completed the blacklisting of Hollywood.
OMG. Someone exhaling McCarthyism. We are about two years away from “I-35 interchange is stupid, you know who had good roads? Germany in the 1930’s, that’s who”.
McCarthy was correct. Go look. Once the USSR fell the records were opened and the USCP and guys high up in the Democratic Party were communicating with Moscow directly or KGB. It was really ugly.

He was an ******* and accused a few that weren't Commies and and verbally attacked political opponents of all shades. But he was right there were Commies all through the Democratic Party of the 40s and 50s. Eisenhower wanted to play nice with the Left and Republicans went along because he was a great general. But he was a squish when it came to political ideology.
Deez, I find individuals who don't work for news corporations to be more trustworthy. In general they are motivated personally to find out what is going on, they don't have alliances that bias their reporting, and they don't have enough money and cover to protect them if they were being dishonest.

The problem is you have to find them and vet them on your own.

Plenty of them do good work, but your average American isn't going to find the time to research and vet them. That's makes it tough for them to have a big impact.
Plenty of them do good work, but your average American isn't going to find the time to research and vet them. That's makes it tough for them to have a big impact.

Worse yet, when the average American confuses opinion with fact. The blurring of those lines in media and wannabe media "bloggers" has demonstrated just how ignorant many Americans have become. Collectively, we abandoned critical thinking skills in search for content that confirms our personal biases.
Worse yet, when the average American confuses opinion with fact. The blurring of those lines in media and wannabe media "bloggers" has demonstrated just how ignorant many Americans have become. Collectively, we abandoned critical thinking skills in search for content that confirms our personal biases.
I know one in particular that repeats falsehoods.
we abandoned critical thinking skills in search for content that confirms our personal biases.
To the average American these days that is their ‘vetting’. But in fairness today’s schools don’t teach critical thinking they are too busy reeducating sexual orientation. Makes me sick.
To the average American these days that is their ‘vetting’. But in fairness today’s schools don’t teach critical thinking they are too busy reeducating sexual orientation. Makes me sick.

From my experience (sons in college AND a wife that previously taught Middle School social studies) they ARE teaching the kids to think on their own. This is the one aspect of the American education system excels at compared to the rest of the world.

Critically analyzing the biases of the content they are consuming has led to them questioning some of the indoctrination we did as parents and as a society. Millennials are resistant to group think and are generally well informed.
From my experience (sons in college AND a wife that previously taught Middle School social studies) they ARE teaching the kids to think on their own. This is the one aspect of the American education system excels at compared to the rest of the world.

Critically analyzing the biases of the content they are consuming has led to them questioning some of the indoctrination we did as parents and as a society. Millennials are resistant to group think and are generally well informed.
And you have empirical evidence of this, right?

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