The Media Industry

The thing is though, that reporter isn't being hypocritical (in her own way). Her value system doesn't include being honest or consistent. Her value system is defined by attacking Rs and supporting Ds. She cares about power nothing else. If she sees those 2 tweets side by side as Justin Hart presents, she would shrug her shoulders and never think about it again. She only wants to spread the gospel of the woke Cathedral.
Today in dumb lib news:

It's so sick. They are not intelligent people. Or they think we're not paying attention and we're the idiots. However it should be clear to any Liberal who considers themselves to by informed: they are being led around by the nose.
The thing is though, that reporter isn't being hypocritical (in her own way). Her value system doesn't include being honest or consistent. Her value system is defined by attacking Rs and supporting Ds. She cares about power nothing else. If she sees those 2 tweets side by side as Justin Hart presents, she would shrug her shoulders and never think about it again. She only wants to spread the gospel of the woke Cathedral.

Because she is mentally ill. It is time to call it what it is. They kind of pathological lying should be aggressively countered in public, on prime time with the exact lay-out side by side, with her picture and name in bold fonts.
If the government in charge is akin to Cuba, Russia, et al; then maybe “freedom” is anti government. Kind of like how if I yelled hook’em in Norman or “poor aggy” in college station it would be “anti” the current regime.

He perhaps should have clarified that if that's the case. The problem with the NYT is that many of their writers are woke so I'm not going to give him/her the benefit of the doubt.
Interesting though they didn’t say anti ‘Cuban’ Govt slogans but Bubba gotta Bubba. Always finds the silver lining.
Here's news from Yahoo...

Why are people mad at Chick-fil-A? A rundown of the chain's past and present anti-LGBTQ controversies

it just suddenly appeared without context and completely at random. Somebody woke up this morning and decided to take a pot shot. The hysterical thing about is that Chick Fil A is bar none the most popular fast food place in Liberal Austin Texas. You should see the lines in the drive-through. They cause traffic jams. They have three lines going and servers walking out to the cars. Their success story is over the top.

But you know, SOME people don't like them so that's all that matters.

They managed to sneak in a picture of two men kissing.
Here's news from Yahoo...

Why are people mad at Chick-fil-A? A rundown of the chain's past and present anti-LGBTQ controversies

it just suddenly appeared without context and completely at random. Somebody woke up this morning and decided to take a pot shot. The hysterical thing about is that Chick Fil A is bar none the most popular fast food place in Liberal Austin Texas. You should see the lines in the drive-through. They cause traffic jams. They have three lines going and servers walking out to the cars. Their success story is over the top.

But you know, SOME people don't like them so that's all that matters.

They managed to sneak in a picture of two men kissing.
I've been aware of the anti chikfila thing from the left for some time. That said, I get excited when I see an employee with experience there. I almost hired a nurse just out of school because she had that on her resume. I also eat there often. They're a good company and I kind of disagree with their policies. Kind of like a lot of friends of mine. We disagree and I still am friends with them.
I've been aware of the anti chikfila thing from the left for some time. That said, I get excited when I see an employee with experience there. I almost hired a nurse just out of school because she had that on her resume. I also eat there often. They're a good company and I kind of disagree with their policies. Kind of like a lot of friends of mine. We disagree and I still am friends with them.
What policies do you disagree with?
The hysterical thing about is that Chick Fil A is bar none the most popular fast food place in Liberal Austin Texas.

I believe the Braker/183 spot was at least at one point the most profitable CFA location in the world.

And liberals ought to love Chick Fil A given the way they treat their employees is night and day compared to pretty much every other fast food company.
I believe the Braker/183 spot was at least at one point the most profitable CFA location in the world.

And liberals ought to love Chick Fil A given the way they treat their employees is night and day compared to pretty much every other fast food company.

My wife worked there for a while when they reopened after the remodel. It was crazy busy.
I've been aware of the anti chikfila thing from the left for some time. That said, I get excited when I see an employee with experience there. I almost hired a nurse just out of school because she had that on her resume. I also eat there often. They're a good company and I kind of disagree with their policies. Kind of like a lot of friends of mine. We disagree and I still am friends with them.

But other than the Switzer ********, you're not a very polarized person. To many in both parties, people who disagree with you aren't misguided or have a different point of view. They are evil and worthy of contempt. To a large number of white progressives, opposition to anything in the LGBT agenda or frankly any socially conservative position is a signal of rank bigotry and hatred. You don't disagree with gay marriage. You hate gays and want to actively hurt them. You don't just want to keep people from pulling their dicks out in front of little girls in locker rooms and keep big, strapping dudes out of women's sports. You hate trans people and want to single them out for discrimination and hurt.

If you support voter ID, you can't have a good faith fear of potential fraud. You're a neo-confederate who's no different from a Jim Crow defender. You and the guys putting black kids in segregated schools and lynching them for trying to vote are morally equivalent.

And of course, the politicians reinforce all of this, because it benefits them. It keeps the base energized, focused, and turning out. Biden promised not to do this sort of thing, but on this he's turning out to be as bad as anyone.

If you look at the world that way, then a company like Chick Fil-a is truly something to shun. It's like patronizing a business run by Richard Spencer.
Michael Wolff (who is admittedly a bit of a jackass) goes on Brian Stelter to talk about his new book (which is hostile to Trump) and ends up telling Stelter that he's sanctimonious and basically that the media sucks.

Guys like him are why Trump's criticisms of the media resonate. He's an ugly combination of blatant partisanship, pretentiousness, arrogance, self-importance, and sanctimony. It's very irritating.

I'd be OK if we forced the division of "commentary" and "news" in some way. The only commentator on CNN I pay attention to is Fareed Zakaria. His International Relations focus and guests are enlightening, even if I disagree with the position at times.
I'd be OK if we forced the division of "commentary" and "news" in some way. The only commentator on CNN I pay attention to is Fareed Zakaria. His International Relations focus and guests are enlightening, even if I disagree with the position at times.

Ditto on Fareed. It's not that I think he's always right. In fact I probably disagree with him more often than not. However, he's knowledgeable and doesn't act as though his point of view is the only one with validity. He has a humility that most journalists and commentators don't have. And though he clearly has opinions, he's not an overt partisan. Most of these networks have a few useful voices among the hacks. For example, I pretty much ignore Fox News commentators, but I do take Chris Wallace and Brett Baier seriously as guys who generally try to be fair.

I'd be ok in principle with separating news and commentary organizations. I'm just not sure how to constitutionally force it within the framework of the first amendment free press guarantee. We couldn't make it impossible for them to be combined, but it might be possible to be a little creative with the antitrust laws at least in limited circumstances.
Ditto on Fareed. It's not that I think he's always right. In fact I probably disagree with him more often than not. However, he's knowledgeable and doesn't act as though his point of view is the only one with validity. He has a humility that most journalists and commentators don't have. And though he clearly has opinions, he's not an overt partisan. .

His anti Trump rants turned me off. Even as the economy was booming and unemployed rates at record low levels, his hatred couldn't be hidden. If he'd keep his biased opinions to himself I'd feel differently about him.
Ditto on Fareed. It's not that I think he's always right. In fact I probably disagree with him more often than not. However, he's knowledgeable and doesn't act as though his point of view is the only one with validity. He has a humility that most journalists and commentators don't have. And though he clearly has opinions, he's not an overt partisan. Most of these networks have a few useful voices among the hacks. For example, I pretty much ignore Fox News commentators, but I do take Chris Wallace and Brett Baier seriously as guys who generally try to be fair.

I'd be ok in principle with separating news and commentary organizations. I'm just not sure how to constitutionally force it within the framework of the first amendment free press guarantee. We couldn't make it impossible for them to be combined, but it might be possible to be a little creative with the antitrust laws at least in limited circumstances.

I record 3 Sunday shows to watch each week.
1. Fareed Z's GPS for the reasons you mention.
2. FoxNews w/Chris Wallace also for the reason you mention.
3. This Week with George S not for his insight but to glean info from the guests he often has on. With that said, I've skipped ~1.5 months of this show because their guests have become even MORE partisan lately, especially on the left.
His anti Trump rants turned me off. Even as the economy was booming and unemployed rates at record low levels, his hatred couldn't be hidden. If he'd keep his biased opinions to himself I'd feel differently about him.

Fareed has a bias towards International Relations (the show is called GPS: Global Public Square) which successes there were hard to find during the Trump admin.
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Now that's just foolish. During Trump's Presidency ISIS was totally defeated, one of the few military successes we've had in the past 75 years.

Re-negotiation of the NAFTA trade deal, with better terms to the USA. Better trade deals with China as well. Perfect no, wonderful probably no either. But far better than the standard of Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama, which was always to talk tough on China before they were elected, then roll over and beg to have their belly scratched after being elected.

Agreements with Mexico and the Central American countries on illegal immigration, that kept the border from being flooded. Just look at the quarter million per month running across under Slow Joe as a guide for what not to do - course the Democrat party wants high illegal immigrants - they are tomorrow's voters via vote by mail fraud.

The important Israel / UAE / Bahrain accord, normalizing relations between those countries and allowing them to forge economic and political ties. If Trump had a D after his party affliction, he'd have been awarded a Noble peace prize for that.

Moved the embassy to Jerusalem, which was required by Federal law but previous presidents had all waived away, all after running on moving it, then breaking their promise.

Cooling down of relations with N Korea. It's still a dictatorship with nuclear weapons, as it was before he got into office, but he successfully stripped China of their N Korea weapon, as the previous policy was to ask China to control them. So if China wanted something, they'd get N Korea to act up then simmer down. Trump recognized that this was accomplishing nothing except to help China, and cut them out of dealings with N Korea.

Trumps major friction in international relations was with the deadbeat NATO leaches, who don't want to pay their own committed obligation, and fair share, of their own defense, and like a weak US President like Slow Joe, who's willing to use US taxpayer money to protect the Euros, so they don't have to. Trump was finally forcing the the NATO cost issue, and the deadbeats were finally starting to pay their fair share, till Depends came along and took the heat off them.

The goal of the US President in foreign relations should be to look out for US interests, and improve our position in the world, as well as making it overall a better place. If this causes friction with other leaders who don't want to pay their fair share for their defense, or aren't being able to take the US for a ride anymore, so be it. I expect a football coach to win games for his team, not be liked by other coaches, same for a president
Was reading up on the NTY Moscow Bureau chief who was a Stalin apologist and a cog in the Soviet propaganda machine. He won a Pulitzer prize for his bogus reporting on famine in Soviet Ukraine in the 1930s. It seems that the NYTs and American leftists have been useful idiots of communist dictators for quite some time.
Now that's just foolish. During Trump's Presidency ISIS was totally defeated, one of the few military successes we've had in the past 75 years.

Re-negotiation of the NAFTA trade deal, with better terms to the USA. Better trade deals with China as well. Perfect no, wonderful probably no either. But far better than the standard of Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama, which was always to talk tough on China before they were elected, then roll over and beg to have their belly scratched after being elected.

Agreements with Mexico and the Central American countries on illegal immigration, that kept the border from being flooded. Just look at the quarter million per month running across under Slow Joe as a guide for what not to do - course the Democrat party wants high illegal immigrants - they are tomorrow's voters via vote by mail fraud.

The important Israel / UAE / Bahrain accord, normalizing relations between those countries and allowing them to forge economic and political ties. If Trump had a D after his party affliction, he'd have been awarded a Noble peace prize for that.

Moved the embassy to Jerusalem, which was required by Federal law but previous presidents had all waived away, all after running on moving it, then breaking their promise.

Cooling down of relations with N Korea. It's still a dictatorship with nuclear weapons, as it was before he got into office, but he successfully stripped China of their N Korea weapon, as the previous policy was to ask China to control them. So if China wanted something, they'd get N Korea to act up then simmer down. Trump recognized that this was accomplishing nothing except to help China, and cut them out of dealings with N Korea.

Trumps major friction in international relations was with the deadbeat NATO leaches, who don't want to pay their own committed obligation, and fair share, of their own defense, and like a weak US President like Slow Joe, who's willing to use US taxpayer money to protect the Euros, so they don't have to. Trump was finally forcing the the NATO cost issue, and the deadbeats were finally starting to pay their fair share, till Depends came along and took the heat off them.

The goal of the US President in foreign relations should be to look out for US interests, and improve our position in the world, as well as making it overall a better place. If this causes friction with other leaders who don't want to pay their fair share for their defense, or aren't being able to take the US for a ride anymore, so be it. I expect a football coach to win games for his team, not be liked by other coaches, same for a president
I didn't know that Don Jr. posted here. American farmers did much worse under Trump. His trade war with China hurt farmers. Trump’s Trade Wars Have Made Bad Agriculture Policies Worse
But, hey, aid paid to Trump supporters is not referred to as socialism. Trump Tariff Aid To Farmers Cost More Than U.S. Nuclear Forces

Middle East "successes" were laughable.
North Korea kept building the same nuclear arsenal they were working on before.

The US is worse off in the world after 4 years of Trumpism.

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