The Media Industry

Well, he thinks he could be blackmailed with it. If the president's son can be blackmailed then we have issues. At the same time this could also be just a fantasy of a drug addled mind.

On the video hunter is clearly distressed that "the Russians " took his laptop. If he's stressed out about it, it's not because they hacked into his Draft Kings account and bet baseball with his money. He has **** on there that can be used against him... or his dad
On the video hunter is clearly distressed that "the Russians " took his laptop. If he's stressed out about it, it's not because they hacked into his Draft Kings account and bet baseball with his money. He has **** on there that can be used against him... or his dad

You're likely correct.
You're likely correct.

If that laptop contains material detrimental to joe, and joe finds out, he knows his *** and administration is toast

Knowing that his legacy is down the shitter, and the shoe drops on him any time putin wishes, it affects how he governs. Instead of the conventional actions of a potus, he might give in to Russia's pipeline while stopping or slowing our own supply, sign a shitload of EO's on inauguration day before the Russia **** hit the fan and he has no leverage from there on... sound familiar to anyone?

Biden is Russia's puppet now. Plain and simple.
Who cares? Don, Jr. must have done something horrible today that we can all talk about.
As I wrote on another post:

The Biden failure wasn't in withdrawing, it's how it was done.

It's like knowing you need a divorce after 20 years of a failed marriage. You need to end things and get out.

But how Biden did it would be as if you lost the kids, house, cars, investments, savings, TV, contents of your gun safe, and have to escape out the bathroom window and run off into the night wearing only a set of drawers.
As I wrote on another post:

The Biden failure wasn't in withdrawing, it's how it was done.

It's like knowing you need a divorce after 20 years of a failed marriage. You need to end things and get out.

But how Biden did it would be as if you lost the kids, house, cars, investments, savings, TV, contents of your gun safe, and have to escape out the bathroom window and run off into the night wearing only a set of drawers.
You just described Syria.
That's not even remotely true.

The US whipped up ISIS, killed their leader who'd tried to hide in a ditch (Mr. Austere Religious Scholar, as the Bezos Post called him), and then got out at that high point, achieving success without trying to nation build Syria.

This lead to hysterical posts of TRUMP BETRAYS ALLY!!!, and claims of a sure to happen genocide (apparently from fellow NATO member and Article 5 signee Turkey moving about 10 miles into Syria to control a main road). None of which happened.

Syria is how it should be done, Afgan is how it shouldn't.
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That's not even remotely true.

The US whipped up ISIS, killed their leader who'd tried to hide in a ditch (Mr. Austere Religious Scholar, as the Bezos Post called him), and then got out at that high point, achieving success without trying to nation build Syria.

This lead to hysterical posts of TRUMP BETRAYS ALLY!!!, and claims of a sure to happen genocide (apparently from fellow NATO member and Article 5 signee Turkey moving about 10 miles into Syria to control a main road). None of which happened.

Syria is how it should be done, Afgan is how it shouldn't.
That's what Erdrogon would say.
Well, they are a fellow NATO member. If your plan is to kick them out then please, lobby for that here - I remember when the ruling class all claimed Trump wanted to break up NATO because he insisted deadbeats like Germany pay their obligated contribution.

And please, hunt around for any evidence of the geocide against the Kurds you predicted.
Syria is how it should be done, Afgan is how it shouldn't.

Apples and oranges. Syria had a stable, intact state and fighting ISIS was in support of it. That state was there before US involvement and after. Afghanistan was left without a real state, just a sock puppet that fell apart once we left.
I'm not sure I'd call Syria circa 2012 - 2020 a stable, intact state.

Our fight against ISIS was to destroy that terror outfit, not in support of the Assad ruling class.

The concept is whip up on your enemies, come to a high point where you've destroyed most of their outfit (such as the Afgan area after BL was killed), then leave out, without assuming the unwinnable task of turning that part of the world into something that it's never been.
Funny you should post a real link on a CNN reporter wearing a hijab.
There is a Babylon Bee mene with Psaki in a hijab telling us all is well.
I have to say, I though this was from the Babylon Bee:

But, since both the Taliban and CNN hate American, it's a gathering of like minds.

Now make me that sandwich Clarrisa!
Blaming Biden (Or trump even) for anything relating to Afghanistan would be weak sauce. That said, I totally expect it here.
After giving it some thought, I agree that it would be wrong to blame Biden for the same reason that you don't spank a mentally handicapped child for shitting the bed. Biden doesn't have the mental capacity to change what he thought was Trump's policy. I blame the blue anon for giving us this monkey as a president. It is no longer funny since many people have died and will die because of him.
Biden( or someone)sure changed enough of Trump's policies starting his first day in office.
And of course Biden (or someone ) sure altered Trump's plan. We know the result of that
After giving it some thought, I agree that it would be wrong to blame Biden for the same reason that you don't spank a mentally handicapped child for shitting the bed. Biden doesn't have the mental capacity to change what he thought was Trump's policy. I blame the blue anon for giving us this monkey as a president. It is no longer funny since many people have died and will die because of him.
I’m truly done with you now. You offer nothing of substance. Ironically, like a juvenile monkey flinging his poo. There are many here with whom I disagree but converse with easily and respect. Good day sir.

I said good day!

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