The Media Industry

Blaming Biden (Or trump even) for anything relating to Afghanistan would be weak sauce. That said, I totally expect it here.

What exactly is the logic in this? Withdrawl was Trump's policy, so I'm not defending Trump or saying he would have done better. He wouldn't have. However, Biden is the Commander in Chief. He doesn't have to allow this. He's choosing to. So yes, it's pretty much all his fault. And if Trump had won, the same **** would be happening, and he'd be at fault.
What exactly is the logic in this? Withdrawl was Trump's policy, so I'm not defending Trump or saying he would have done better. He wouldn't have. However, Biden is the Commander in Chief. He doesn't have to allow this. He's choosing to. So yes, it's pretty much all his fault. And if Trump had won, the same **** would be happening, and he'd be at fault.
Funny you think the ******* In Chief is actually cognizant of what is happening. Are you still drunk, lol.
I’m truly done with you now. You offer nothing of substance. Ironically, like a juvenile monkey flinging his poo. There are many here with whom I disagree but converse with easily and respect. Good day sir.

I said good day!
You should force him to sponsor. He is a big poster, yet doesn’t sponsor. Let’s go Bubba.
After giving it some thought, I agree that it would be wrong to blame Biden for the same reason that you don't spank a mentally handicapped child for shitting the bed. Biden doesn't have the mental capacity to change what he thought was Trump's policy. I blame the blue anon for giving us this monkey as a president. It is no longer funny since many people have died and will die because of him.
It’s past time for you to sponsor.
It’s past time for you to sponsor.
I was a long time sponsor. I stopped when the speech of other right minded posters was apparently limited while abusive posts of serveral lefties went unpunished. If I can be convinced that the playing field is level, I will sponsor again.
I was a long time sponsor. I stopped when the speech of other right minded posters was apparently limited while abusive posts of serveral lefties went unpunished. If I can be convinced that the playing field is level, I will sponsor again.
How about give a token amount and see how it goes? Whether you give more at a later date would be up to you and we wouldn’t be the wiser. Signed, Dear Abby.
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I was a long time sponsor. I stopped when the speech of other right minded posters was apparently limited while abusive posts of serveral lefties went unpunished. If I can be convinced that the playing field is level, I will sponsor again.

I haven't seen @Dionysus limit the speech rights of anyone based on political beliefs. I've only seen him warn people (of both political persuasions) for name-calling or particularly rude or assholic comments. He freely allows a thorough discussion about the election (including speculation of it being stolen), never censored (or "fact"-checked) anyone for discussing the origins of Covid, nor tried to stop people from taking issue with government authorities. In terms of political discussion, this place is about as free as it gets.
I’ve been warned before and rightly so. I say sponsor in an effort of free speech, great dialogue, education and humor. Dionysus does a great job with HF. We all need to support it especially those of us who are here daily.
I’ve been warned before and rightly so. I say sponsor in an effort of free speech, great dialogue, education and humor. Dionysus does a great job with HF. We all need to support it especially those of us who are here daily.
I've deserved each of my warnings as well. I figure I've been posting here off/on since about 2003 so it was about time.
I haven't seen @Dionysus limit the speech rights of anyone based on political beliefs. I've only seen him warn people (of both political persuasions) for name-calling or particularly rude or assholic comments. He freely allows a thorough discussion about the election (including speculation of it being stolen), never censored (or "fact"-checked) anyone for discussing the origins of Covid, nor tried to stop people from taking issue with government authorities. In terms of political discussion, this place is about as free as it gets.
I disagree, but the last year or so has been good. Time to forgive.
Badgering people into sponsoring when the site does not require it is akin to people badgering others about wearing a mask or getting a vaccine that isn’t required.


@theiioftx love ya otherwise man.
No analogies are perfect, but if no one sponsored HF, then there will likely be no site. It’s akin to saying that if no one is vaccinated, then there will be no one alive as covid kills everyone or kills enough folks that society implodes. Since the latter isn’t true, neither is your analogy apt for describing sponsorship on this site.
No analogies are perfect, but if no one sponsored HF, then there will likely be no site. It’s akin to saying that if no one is vaccinated, then there will be no one alive as covid kills everyone or kills enough folks that society implodes. Since the latter isn’t true, neither is your analogy apt for describing sponsorship on this site.
There are plenty of people who already got vaccinated w/o being brow beat into doing it, just as there have been sponsors here for years w/o the same brow beating.

So, people will sponsor without being told to do so.
There are plenty of people who already got vaccinated w/o being brow beat into doing it, just as there have been sponsors here for years w/o the same brow beating.

So, people will sponsor without being told to do so.
Okay, the analogy regards the browbeating, not vaccinating vs sponsoring. Sorry for the bother.
Okay, the analogy regards the browbeating, not vaccinating vs sponsoring. Sorry for the bother.
I sponsor. I think others who post frequently should as well, but unless Dion decides to make it a requirement, then why the hell should I care and tell others what to do?
I sponsor. I think others who post frequently should as well, but unless Dion decides to make it a requirement, then why the hell should I care and tell others what to do?
We tell others what to do all the time, so it doesn’t bother me in the big scheme of things. I sort of ignore it like a lot of stuff here.
And, again, why is up to people like me to help hospitals run their businesses?
Here is another guess. I bet covid patients, though less likely to die (see OK daily death rate is at low pandemic levels), have a lot of therapies now approved. Whereas before they put covid patients on oxygen and some antibiotics, now they have transfusions of monoclonal antibodies and other standardized care not available last year. This ties up beds and staff. This is a good thing. Further, I wonder how many of those hospitalized are overweight. Maybe we have the debate again about charging health insurance by the pound.
Here is another guess. I bet covid patients, though less likely to die (see OK daily death rate is at low pandemic levels), have a lot of therapies now approved. Whereas before they put covid patients on oxygen and some antibiotics, now they have transfusions of monoclonal antibodies and other standardized care not available last year. This ties up beds and staff. This is a good thing. I wonder how many of those hospitalized are overweight. Maybe we have the debate again about charging health insurance by the pound.
Yep, I'm supposed to wear a mask and get jabbed to save freaking ******** who haven't done a damn thing to take care of their own health for decades. So asinine of people to suggest that it is up to me to save those dipshits.
Yep, I'm supposed to wear a mask and get jabbed to save freaking ******** who haven't done a damn thing to take care of their own health for decades. So asinine of people to suggest that it is up to me to save those dipshits.
Interesting take. So, do we exclude from the ******* category the smaller percentage (but still somewhat significant number) of people who might just be the ones who got played the bad gene card and died from the virus or suffered long covid symptoms s/p having the virus?
Ok, I didn't expect this. The Eye hassles and shames liberals into sponsoring and calls them freeloaders, and we mostly laugh it off. But this time he does it to someone of the right, and we get upset about it? That's not a good look.
Interesting take. So, do we exclude from the dip**** category the smaller percentage (but still somewhat significant number) of people who might just be the ones who got played the bad gene card and died from the virus or suffered long covid symptoms s/p having the virus?
Well, since they are not in bad health due to what I already said, then why would they be dipshits? But, again, why is up to me to do things to prevent what Mother Nature already cast upon them with their horrible genetic conditions(s)?
Ok, I didn't expect this. The Eye hassles and shames liberals into sponsoring and calls them freeloaders, and we mostly laugh it off. But this time he does it to someone of the right, and we get upset about it? That's not a good look.
I have said all along no one should be bullied into it. Maybe I didn't say it, and I don't think I will try to find it, but I didn't think Bubba should have been bullied to do so.
The price of freedom is eternal discretion. I think Thomas Jefferson said that. Maybe it was me

I paid the price on Texags and got permanently banned. I loved that place. So crazy. This place is closing in but I Sponsor and keep my ridicule to a minimum We are all anonymous and should pay a premium for the privilege. Sponsor!!!!!
Ok, I didn't expect this. The Eye hassles and shames liberals into sponsoring and calls them freeloaders, and we mostly laugh it off. But this time he does it to someone of the right, and we get upset about it? That's not a good look.
And Sooners, don't forget your favorite Sooner!

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