The Media Industry

If this is all true, then should the NYT reporters and editors turn themselves in to the Feds for abetting a foreign espionage campaign?

It is all such a pile of horsecrap


There isn't a media entity that covered the campaign that wouldn't be "guilty". This must be where Horn6721 got his earlier talking point from. This "blame the media" angle seems to be reaching its jump the shark moment.
There isn't a media entity that covered the campaign that wouldn't be "guilty". This must be where Horn6721 got his earlier talking point from. This "blame the media" angle seems to be reaching its jump the shark moment.

Your analysis is always so faulty
The jump the shark moments have already been listed
(1) Recount!
(2) Fake news!
(4) What next!?
Tucker Carlson with another good effort
I say let Zucker/CNN have Megyn Kelly, move this guy up
As said before, i think this is one of the best ways to expose lefties. Just put them on and let them talk. Give them a long leash. Let their ideas be exposed to the light of day. Liberal ideas and policies never stand up to fact. reason and logic. This is why they go to personal attack so often.

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Was Russia only mentioned after the election? Was fake news only a topic after the election? Be honest with yourself.

Yes, only after Hillary lost did Democrats begin to cling to these ideas/excuses en masse.

As explained to you many times already, it is called avoidance.
They do not want to perform any self-examination function to explain the loss. Not when they were convinced they were going to win. They were popping champagne before the results were even in!

We all know Democrats are self-righteous, hypocritical and petty. This prevents them from undertaking the difficult task of taking a critical look at themselves. Thus, to them, this loss must have been caused by some external force. They themselves cannot be at fault (they never are). This is why they keep vacillating between voter fraud (recount!), fake news or a foreign power.

I have been asking you repeatedly what you guys' new excuse will be (as these others are shut down). And since you wont answer, I assume it's because you can't answer? Why do you not have an answer? It is simple -- because you do not yet know the new excuse. But once you do, you will be in here touting that one.

We will see later if this expectation is shown to correct
Yes, only after Hillary lost did Democrats begin to cling to these ideas/excuses en masse.

Using them en masse? Please point me to that evidence as that's a tremendous strawman when I've already shown these were major topics prior to election night (Russia and Fake news).

As explained to you many times already, it is called avoidance.

I've seen many articles discussing HRC as a flawed candidate. Does that mean that other influences shouldn't also be dissected? Honestly, aside from the Russian influence they also need to evaluate their own data security and likely the menthods the DNC/Campaign is using to communicate.

We all know Democrats are self-righteous, hypocritical and petty. This prevents them from undertaking the difficult task of taking a critical look at themselves. Thus, to them, this loss must have been caused by some external force. They themselves cannot be at fault (they never are). This is why they keep vacillating between voter fraud (recount!), fake news or a foreign power.

The Democratic party isn't alone in demonstrating those behaviors.

I have been asking you repeatedly what you guys' new excuse will be (as these others are shut down). And since you wont answer, I assume it's because you can't answer? Why do you not have an answer? It is simple -- because you do not yet know the new excuse. But once you do, you will be in here touting that one.

I've answered repeatedly with evidence albeit you continually return to the talking points as if they weren't answered. have the recount of which nobody within the Democratic party (your boogeyman) publicly touted as anything important. What's funny is that Jill Stein didn't even claim the results of the election would be reversed which is why her MI/PA recounts didn't pass the muster for a recount.
So, I would say your purported friends recognize what is material and germane, while you are bitterly clinging to your religion and fake news.
I know who won the election and who won the popular vote. The second is not nearly so consequential as the first, but the second one matters. Republicans are working very hard to accomplish the first rule in the Dictator's Handbook -- "Reduce the size of a winning coalition."
We all know Democrats are self-righteous, hypocritical and petty. This prevents them from undertaking the difficult task of taking a critical look at themselves. Thus, to them, this loss must have been caused by some external force. They themselves cannot be at fault (they never are). This is why they keep vacillating between voter fraud (recount!), fake news or a foreign power.

So you deeply understand the motivations and values of people you ignore or denigrate at every turn? Wow Joe Fan, your empathy skills must be off the charts!

I'm not liberal enough to be welcome in the Democrats inner chamber. I'm honestly discouraged the lack of charismatic leaders and creative ideas. Inability to beat a candidate whose campaign had a vast number of self-inflicted wounds and genuine baggage should be causing some soul searching on the left. Maybe it's his coloring, but Trump appears to me to have been the Cleveland Browns of candidates. Hillary, I guess, was the Wellesly College entrant into the NFL.
No it doesn't

It's politics. Every new POTUS claims a "mandate" for change as a strategy to build their own political capital. Donald Trump has gone so far as to lie that he won the popular vote. He's actually one of 5 POTUS ever to be elected without winning the popular vote. His transition team has claimed an Electoral landslide when the margin of Electoral College victory ranks 46th in elector differential.

Time will tell whether Trump and the Trumpsters overplay their hand.
So you deeply understand the motivations and values of people you ignore or denigrate at every turn? ......

Yes I do. It is very easy. How? I am glad you asked.
The reason it is so easy is that we we get it from all directions, at all times, whether we want it or not --

Social media (look at what Facebook, Google and Twitter did during this election)
Cable news (CNN, MSNBC, Al Jazeera (is this still even on?), Megyn Kelly)
Financial News - Bloomberg = ridiculous! Even CNBC is bad (they sent poor Ric Santelli to "thought camp" after he mildly made fun of Obama)
Network News (CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS)
Network Television -- ever watch Law & Order, or The View? How about Seth Meyer, Steven Colbert, or Himmy Kimmel? Did you ever watch David Letterman monologues? (year after year, decade after decade). Even NCIS was recently throwing shade on Trump
Cable TV - most all the pay channels (led by HBO). Have you read what the new season of Homeland (Showtime) will be about? the threat from the racist alt.right. Did you ever watch Jon Stewart or the Colbert Report? How about the Bill Maher Show?
Newspapers -- NYT (owned & controlled by a shady foreign billionaire without objection from the left) , WAPO (which has basically become Jeff Bezos' blog), the LA Times and every paper controlled by Hearst (horridly biased). Even the regular news under Murdoch at the WSJ has a liberal slant (but not the editorial page, yet)
Hollywood -- No explanation needed here, hopefully
The Music Industry -- [most of CW excepted (but not all -see dixie chix)]
Book Publishing -- jeez

From our perspective, this is why your question is so naive. American's are bombarded with constant messaging of the liberal point of view in all parts of life. It is impossible to escape (unless you are willing to live the life of a hermit).

This is one of the big things you guys missed about this election. You are sill missing it. All of this stuff ^ played a big role in Trump's victory. The American people (or enough of them) finally got sick of it. They grew tired of always being told they are wrong, they are stupid, they are racist, they are privileged, they are bigots, they are xenophobes, they are homophobes, they are islamophobes, their institutions are inferior, they are corrupt, they are backwards, they bitterly cling to their religion, they bitterly cling to their guns and they are deniers.

But, by all means, please keep doing it.
Why do I say this?
So glad you asked.

Here is my response --
Look at the House.
Look at the Senate.
Look at the White House to be.
Look at the state Legis.
and look at the state Governorships.
And (soon enough baby!!!!) look at the SCOTUS (my personal #1)
You guys are killing yourselves and you still dont yet recognize it.
Time will tell whether Trump and the Trumpsters overplay their hand.

Here is my response --
Look at the House.
Look at the Senate.
Look at the White House to be.
Look at the state Legis.
and look at the state Governorships.
And (soon enough baby!!!!) look at the SCOTUS (my personal #1)
You guys are killing yourselves and you still dont yet recognize it.

Conditions are ripe for overreach yet again.
It's politics.
Wrong again. It's the Constitution. And the Electoral College

Every new POTUS claims a "mandate" for change as a strategy to build their own political capital.
Over 300 electoral votes and you can say that.
Plus, the people have already spoken on this mandate with their vote on the US House -- the closest thing to a direct democracy that we have ever had.

Donald Trump has gone so far as to lie that he won the popular vote.
My memory is that he qualified by saying "if all the illegal immigrants votes were excluded...." And he may be correct about that. Isn't this the primary motivation for liberal-controlled states to give illegals drivers licenses?

He's actually one of 5 POTUS ever to be elected without winning the popular vote.
Gee, you guys were not complaining at all about Bill Clinton's 43%
Wrong again. It's the Constitution. And the Electoral College

Over 300 electoral votes and you can say that.

Is 300 electoral college votes a magic number? The 74 vote margin in the electoral college would put Trump at 46th in size of margin. Yes, I can say that.

Plus, the people have already spoken on this mandate with their vote on the US House -- the closest thing to a direct democracy that we have ever had.

Yet while the Democrats were losing House seats Obama defeated Romney worse than Trump did HRC. Mixed messages?

My memory is that he qualified by saying "if all the illegal immigrants votes were excluded...." And he may be correct about that.

And that was a lie. No evidence other than a single tweet from a Right-wing source that has since backed off the statement supports that claim.

Isn't this the primary motivation for liberal-controlled states to give illegals drivers licenses?

I tend to think that it's for safety reasons. I'd like to know that some of the landscaping crews that traverse my neighborhood are qualified to drive. I'm not perpetually looking for a leftist or righty boogeyman though.

Gee, you guys were not complaining at all about Bill Clinton's 43%

I voted for Ross Perot.
Is 300 electoral college votes a magic number?

Good lord. No 300 is not a majority.

Yet while the Democrats were losing House seats Obama defeated Romney worse than Trump did HRC.
Trump gained close to 4% over Romney.
I think Hillary had something like 2% loss over Obama.
But, again, this is focusing on the wrong issue

And that was a lie. No evidence other than a single tweet from a Right-wing source that has since backed off the statement supports that claim.
I cant really rmbr this and dont have time to go look it up

I tend to think that it's for safety reasons.
There is variance b/w what they (Calif politicans, for example) say and what they mean

I voted for Ross Perot.
That makes no difference to the issue stated
Good lord. No 300 is not a majority.

I did not say that. I was specifically referencing the narrative Trump himself called "an electoral landslide".

Trump will win the Electoral college. He'll surpass the 270 vote margin by 30+ electors.

Trump gained close to 4% over Romney.
I think Hillary had something like 2% loss over Obama.
But, again, this is focusing on the wrong issue

I cant really rmbr this and dont have time to go look it up

Obama and HRC will end up receiving the same amount of votes. HRC is within ~100k votes of Obama at last count. Trump received ~2 million more votes than Romney.

My point was that Obama defeated Romney in the Electoral college by 126 electors. It was both a challenge to some mystical claim of a "mandate" due to the EC win and/or demonstrating HRC is has close to a 3 million popular vote lead.
Actually what Trump said was he would likely win the popular vote if all the illegal votes were taken out.
Please notice he did not say illegal aliens votes just illegal votes
Stein and Hillary ' s recount exposed exactly what Trump was saying. In one city alone there were many illegal votes, more votes than ballots cast. In another county more votes than people regustered. Amazingly all for Hillary.
Actually what Trump said was he would likely win the popular vote if all the illegal votes were taken out.
Please notice he did not say illegal aliens votes just illegal votes

Your issue is with JoeFan who made that claim. Either way zero evidence has been supplied to support this. Until that happens it was a lie.

Stein and Hillary ' s recount exposed exactly what Trump was saying. In one city alone there were many illegal votes, more votes than ballots cast. In another county more votes than people regustered. Amazingly all for Hillary.

Please supply the evidence. That's a pretty bold claim. That sure sounds like the fake news claim of the 2012 vote results in Cuyahoga County in Ohio. In that case, the story goes that Obama received 100% of the votes in that county and he received more votes than registered voters. Both of which were laughable if they weren't shared among Trumpsters so regularly.
"Please supply the evidence."
"Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than they should have during last month’s presidential election, according to Wayne County records prepared at the request of The Detroit News.

Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday."

But hey I am sure it is just human error.:rolleyes1:

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