So you deeply understand the motivations and values of people you ignore or denigrate at every turn? ......
Yes I do. It is very easy. How? I am glad you asked.
The reason it is so easy is that we we get it from all directions, at all times, whether we want it or not --
Social media (look at what Facebook, Google and Twitter did during this election)
Cable news (CNN, MSNBC, Al Jazeera (is this still even on?), Megyn Kelly)
Financial News - Bloomberg = ridiculous! Even CNBC is bad (they sent poor Ric Santelli to "thought camp" after he mildly made fun of Obama)
Network News (CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS)
Network Television -- ever watch Law & Order, or The View? How about Seth Meyer, Steven Colbert, or Himmy Kimmel? Did you ever watch David Letterman monologues? (year after year, decade after decade). Even NCIS was recently throwing shade on Trump
Cable TV - most all the pay channels (led by HBO). Have you read what the new season of Homeland (Showtime) will be about? the threat from the racist alt.right. Did you ever watch Jon Stewart or the Colbert Report? How about the Bill Maher Show?
Newspapers -- NYT (owned & controlled by a shady foreign billionaire without objection from the left) , WAPO (which has basically become Jeff Bezos' blog), the LA Times and every paper controlled by Hearst (horridly biased). Even the regular news under Murdoch at the WSJ has a liberal slant (but not the editorial page, yet)
Hollywood -- No explanation needed here, hopefully
The Music Industry -- [most of CW excepted (but not all -see dixie chix)]
Book Publishing -- jeez
From our perspective, this is why your question is so naive. American's are bombarded with constant messaging of the liberal point of view in all parts of life. It is impossible to escape (unless you are willing to live the life of a hermit).
This is one of the big things you guys missed about this election. You are sill missing it. All of this stuff ^ played a big role in Trump's victory. The American people (or enough of them) finally got sick of it. They grew tired of always being told they are wrong, they are stupid, they are racist, they are privileged, they are bigots, they are xenophobes, they are homophobes, they are islamophobes, their institutions are inferior, they are corrupt, they are backwards, they bitterly cling to their religion, they bitterly cling to their guns and they are deniers.
But, by all means,
please keep doing it.
Why do I say this?
So glad you asked.
Here is my response --
Look at the House.
Look at the Senate.
Look at the White House to be.
Look at the state Legis.
and look at the state Governorships.
And (soon enough baby!!!!) look at the SCOTUS (my personal #1)
You guys are killing yourselves and you still dont yet recognize it.