The Media Industry

Since many of the fact checkers do lean left I'm kinda worried about this. I remember the republicans being ripped for telling the truth about the ACA(premium and deductible increases).

It's hard to believe anything when it comes to the left media and even the polling now. Why believe Obama's approval rating after what happened in this last election?
Since many of the fact checkers do lean left I'm kinda worried about this. I remember the republicans being ripped for telling the truth about the ACA(premium and deductible increases).

Without knowing anything about that standards board or the 12 org that have committed I'd say that conservative orgs would need to get their own organizations involved. To be sure, there is a hefty amount of misinformation coming from left leaning sites too. If this creates an environment of accountability for accuracy in media I'm all for it. Facebook's determination not to be the arbiter of accuracy is also admirable.
Maybe. Have the Rs maxed out? Is this it? One of the biggest, if not the biggest, factor will be Trump's performance, or at least the perception of his performance. I have drawn the Reagan analogy here since Day One. Back in the early 80s, the Dems and the media bashed Reagan every single day (sound familiar?). But it did not work because Reagan turned the US machine around (which was left in shambles by Carter (and Nixon even)). Twenty years later, they all offered nothing but praise for Reagan, as if they had all along. Will this repeat?

There are, of course, other factors. Let me give you one example. Polling of Dems say 57% want a candidate under 60, and 77% want one under 70. As of today, the Dems leaders are Joe Biden at 31%, Bernie at 24% and Liz Warren at 16%.

On Election Day 2020, Biden will be 77, Bernie 79 and Warren will be a spring chicken at 71. So, it is not and will not be all about Trump. The Dems have to put something and someone forward as well. As I have argued here, I hope they just keep doing what they have been doing.

Thank you for an actual response the second time around rather than the Call of Duty teabag of your first. I agree with what you say. The Dem's have a very thin bench and it didnt look to me like anyone was really showcased in the their convention. I think they spent too much energy trying to appeal to millennials rather than their traditional working class base.

The Republicans now must govern. They hold all the keys. We will see whether their prescriptions solve the growing problem of income inequality. I am skeptical but not like the Dems were any better at solving it. For this reason, I dont have loyalties to either party. As best said by Aristotle, I believe "The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes." My fear is that this election was just a change in the plutocrats that govern.
Not quite. One ballot box had 360 votes and 50 ballots. The reports state "5 or more", not 5.

They're not fooling anyone. This is fraud, pure and simple, and fraud is the reason Democrats don't want voter ID laws.

Link? Here's what was in the link I previously gave:

In Detroit, 158 of the 392 precincts with ballot discrepancies had just one extra ballot accounted for either in the poll book or in the ballot box, according to the Wayne County’s canvassing report.

For suburban Wayne County, 72 percent of the 218 precincts boxes with discrepancies in the number of ballots were off by one ballot.

The other ballot discrepancies in Detroit and Wayne County precincts ranged between two and five ballots, according to the report.
Another good Tucker Carlson piece
I think his guests are going to eventually catch on and just start refusing to come on
But, for now, its working
Here he gives this lefty alot of rope, and then just lets the guy hang himself
Eichenwald barely seems sane

Link? Here's what was in the link I previously gave:

I did some looking and found this, which indicates a different, bigger problem.

The initial discrepancies were between the number of people who signed in to vote and the number of votes reported. Everything I've seen to date supports what I originally said -- the discrepancies cured in roughly 600 precincts and ranged from 1 to 5 votes per precinct.

On Monday, reports came out about discrepancies between the number of voters who signed in and the number of ballots inside the sealed box. These discrepancies occurred in fewer places (roughly 20 precincts), but the magnitude was much bigger. This definitely needs to be investigated.
Is this really who Snopes.Com is?
Good lord.
A liberal couple with a cat?
Who decided they get to decide what is fake?

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Another good Tucker Carlson piece
I think his guests are going to eventually catch on and just start refusing to come on
But, for now, its working
Here he gives this lefty alot of rope, and then just lets the guy hang himself
Eichenwald barely seems sane

We will see whether their prescriptions solve the growing problem of income inequality.

This is a fake problem. If someone is making more money than you, you need to either accept your lot in life, or work harder/smarter. Any kind of government program that would "fix" this is nothing more than income redistribution, which starts with income confiscation.

You wanna see real income inequality? Check out Cuba or Venezuela.
Tucker Carlson may be on a roll, but I could have taken Tariq Nasheed down in 9th grade.
The guy is an absolute moron who babbles incoherent mumbo jumbo.
It is criminal that he has an audience that listens and believes the garbage he spouts. He absolutely minimizes any real issues with his inflammatory rhetoric.
I estimate it is approximately 2.5 million times more important than whether Brian Williams actually braved sniper fire.

Though I didn't get to the end of "unread" posts, this one motivated me.

Crockett ... I didn't vote for DT ...

The fact #HisSilentinBengHazi couldn't defeat the most defeatable candidate SCREAMS mandate. Of the 5-10% of the voting population who voted other than HRC or DT ... the VAST majority of those votes were against leftists. Jill Stein and other lefty write-ins were dominated by righty write-ins and other on-ballot 3rd party (Johnson/Castle/etc)

So, since she should have been a shew-in (that's what Maddow was saying as late as 2030 on election night) ... and, if actually correct, gained 2.5 million more popular votes ... her market expectation of "earnings" to the reality of her performance was ... ABYSMAL.

All that remains is a bunch of sour grapes ... despite any intellectual analysis of DT's track record --- LEFT LEFT ... and MORE Left.
Face the Nation spent their entire show this week interviewing Stephen Colbert. WTH? Sadly, its one of the only two Sunday morning shows that I even bother watching anymore. MTP died when Tim Russert passed away. Sad state of affairs in the news media.
Yeah, she used to be smokin' hot, but now, with the new hair style, she's starting to get that Rachel Madcow look. Wouldn't miss her.

That's definitely the most important thing about her news reports?

I live in Texas and I can not remember Fox News being on in a single bar or restaurant that I have ever visited. At work, CNN is shown in most of the coffee/tea areas. Furthermore, the suggestion that Fox News is the only biased news network is beyond ridiculous at this point given the MSMs behavior during the recent election cycle

I find it interesting that the lone right-biased US tv news network gets more open criticism for bias than all the left ones put together. And many Republicans I know are pretty aware of Fox being right-leaning but few Democrats I know will own up to MSNBC, CNN, or ABC being left-leaning. It's like Patton said about Montgomery "We're both prima donnas - but he won't admit it!"
Face the Nation spent their entire show this week interviewing Stephen Colbert. WTH? Sadly, its one of the only two Sunday morning shows that I even bother watching anymore. MTP died when Tim Russert passed away. Sad state of affairs in the news media.

Back in the '90s, I used to watch all of those shows and rarely missed them. Russert was on Meet the Press. David Brinkley still hosted This Week (even though he was older than dirt). Bob Schieffer hosted Face the Nation. I wasn't always a fan of all of these guys, but they were worlds better than anybody who hosts those same shows today. They were all liberal and leaned Left, but they at least tried to be journalists first. Russert was the best of them, which is surprising because he worked for Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Mario Cuomo, so he was probably the most ideologically liberal. However, he was so committed to his role as host of Meet the Press that he was probably the fairest of any of them.

I got a feel for how far Meet the Press had fallen when I listened to their podcast a few weeks ago when John Podesta was on the show to discuss the hacking of his e-mails. Chuck Todd didn't ask a single friggin' question about the contents of his e-mails. That is indefensible. Russert would probably have spent at least a third of his time on that if he had conducted the interview.
Well what do you know. Harry Hurt III (wrote 1990's book bashing Trump) was supposedly booted off DT's golf course last weekend by Trump himself.

From sources near the key, impartial witness, he's spewing false accusations.

According to reps of Hurt's golf partner, billionaire David Koch, Hurt was the one who accosted Trump on course and then offered to leave himself.

"A Koch source tells Newsmax "at no time was DHK asked to leave."

Koch said "something to the effect when Harry Hurt offered to leave on his own, 'We came as a foursome and will leave as a foursome,'" the source said.

Another Koch associate in Palm Beach said the billionaire was not aware of the feud the two had in the past year. He was surprised his longtime friend had accosted Trump on the course and then went public with the episode.

The source added Koch has always personally liked Trump and he "loves" Trump's golf course, which he thinks is one of the best in the country.

The week before, Koch and his wife Julia had met Trump at Mar-a-Lago during a dinner hosted by Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy and Palm Beach heiress Talbott Maxey. Koch congratulated Trump on his election victory and the two had a cordial conversation."

These sick f's going after DT and then falsely blaming him for publicity are really getting old. Hurt's accusations were widely covered by the media.

However, this was the very first time I'd seen anyone cover the contradictions made by those associated with Koch who was right there.
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