The key difference the Pro-Trump crowd is missing is something that hasn't been done before. This information was used to actively influence an election to our adversaries advantage.
That's not true, SH. Kruschev's KGB engaged these sorts of ops in the 60s ... they didn't have youtube and facebook, but they engaged, trust me. They didn't like JFK, remember! Didn't want a redoux of that. It was actually easier back then because buying the officials in the RNC and DNC was all that was required to influence the election. With the Ross Perot effect in '92 ... the election "canvas" changed.
I'm not dismissing the effort and I certainly don't appreciate it which is why I fully support all efforts to secure our nation. The reaction, on it's face, is stunning. However, when one realizes the reaction is based in the fact the left deny's their candidate ... and even their philosophy ... is a big loser overall for the interest of our nation and it's values, the reaction is actually predictable --- and ultimately inconsequential. This is just the latest in the like-minded media's firestorm ... and it has the bonus of ratings boost.
Wouldn't that concern you? Would you shrug it off with a "everybody does this?"
Shrug it off? No! But I wouldn't act like the effort to be hacked isn't "supposed" to happen. Don't misunderstand, I didn't say the success of the effort, but even that's been demonstrated to be "expected" under this Administration, too, with the OPM's being hacked by China and millions of (former) govt officials' information being released.
I would and DO support efforts to restore/augment efforts to secure our interests, which include cyberspace AND the physical construct of our border. (on the latter issue, Trump IS right though probably for a reason which isn't based in national sovereignty)
I would be interested to know just how effective this hacking campaign was. Did ANYONE change their vote as a result of hacking the DNC and Podesta email? I wasn't voting for #HisSilentinBengHazi for all the tea in China! Don't know anyone who was voting for her, but then didn't because of the information made available ...
And never mind the Russians wouldn't have had that information if the information wasn't there ... IE ... .it weren't TRUE! I think this is why there's so much outrage ... obscure the fact she, in particular, was just AWFUL and yet she was the nominee. WTG, democrats. The GOP dropped the ball in it's nomination process, but Democrats just simply mailed-it-in.