The Media Industry

Left out of NJ's summary is this fact
"While a driver's license is the most common form of ID in the state, Gov.Bentley said anyone without a driver's license can go to any county register's office and have a photo ID made and the closing of the DMV offices will not change that fact."
Every county in Al has a Registrar's office.
Need to renew a driver's license? Any probate judge can do that.
Left out of NJ's summary is this fact
"While a driver's license is the most common form of ID in the state, Gov.Bentley said anyone without a driver's license can go to any county register's office and have a photo ID made and the closing of the DMV offices will not change that fact."
Every county in Al has a Registrar's office.
Need to renew a driver's license? Any probate judge can do that.

Ahhh...why didn't you say so. I'm sure it's common knowledge in Alabama that you can go to the "Registrar's" office to get a photo ID with the closure of the DMV's.
Actually as it turns out in Oct 2015 Gov Bentley reopened all those DMV for some part , not full time but for some part of every month
And of course people could still go to the registers offices every gov't business day.
Plus there would have been signs on the DMV offices directing people to the registrars offices or the probation judges for renewal.
Ahhh...why didn't you say so. I'm sure it's common knowledge in Alabama that you can go to the "Registrar's" office to get a photo ID with the closure of the DMV's.

It's not that tough for a person to call around and find out where to go. If someone is smart enough to find where the DMV is he/she is smart enough to find out where to pick up an ID.
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Ahhh...why didn't you say so. I'm sure it's common knowledge in Alabama that you can go to the "Registrar's" office to get a photo ID with the closure of the DMV's.
My goodness. How dumb do you think we minorities are? From all your White Savior patronizing comments on West Mall, it doesn't sound like you think we can wipe our a$$es without some white liberal leading the way to get the government to help us.
My goodness. How dumb do you think we minorities are? From all your White Savior patronizing comments on West Mall, it doesn't sound like you think we can wipe our a$$es without some white liberal leading the way to get the government to help us.

I pointed out a specific example of voter disenfranchisement to stop an unproven problem. Maybe some data to prove systemic vote fraud exists might help the cause. How many years will that take?

Honestly, both major parties are fighting an imaginary issue. Do Dem leadership support immigration because it will help sway the demographic to their voting rolls? Yes. Do Rep leadership push for voter ID to limit Dem turnout? Yes.

I'll repeat, before we put in place laws and regulations to fix a problem shouldn't we validate that a problem actually exists?
I'll repeat, before we put in place laws and regulations to fix a problem shouldn't we validate that a problem actually exists?
This is apropos since this is MLK day, but the basis of all of this is inequity. What exacerbates this institutional inequity, which by definition is discrimination, is patronizing.

White liberals, who have controlled the Democratic Party for the last 50 years, have viewed themselves as saviors to oppressed minorities who need their intervention. The state of society 50/40/30 years ago necessitated government intervention in civil rights. But today's society and liberal motivations have changed. Blacks and minorities in general today do not need to be patronized. Is there still discrimination today? Absolutely and of all kinds. There are dumbass KKK idiots, Hollywood executives who type cast Asian actors, and white CEOs who talk about diversity while their entire C-suite are white dudes. Candidly, those kinds of issues are peanuts compared to the real problems minorities face.

Ironically, my white male PhD student who I tutor for his executive MBA program captures the issues of certain minorities groups. The guy is obviously very smart. He's completely capable of being the best student in his class by a wide margin. However, he comes unprepared and assumes I will just give him the answer and that he'll learn by just by showing up to our sessions. In other words 1) he's lazy, 2) he has no confidence, 3) he does not hold himself accountable.

I don't have a lot of real historical heroes, but I do have a few and many of them are black. Since I'm a bookworm, probably my earliest was Alexandre Dumas...the guy that wrote the Three Musketeers. As military man, the 54th Massachusetts...and as a docent at the National Gallery, I have the privilege to present Gardens' monument on tour groups. Louis Armstrong and every Motown artist you can think of. And course Ricky Williams and Hakeem Olajuwon. Ricky, a guy who's politics I probably disagree with, for his courage for being himself. Olajuwon for the man's constitution to dominate even when fasting during Ramadan. Even the fictional Deets from Lonesome Dove based off of the real life Bose Ikard was a prototype of the man I wanted to become.

As my heroes, I have the highest admiration for these individuals for their creativity, faith, and courage. And the sad truth of slavery and racial discrimination in the African American experience underscores and highlights the fortitude and strength of character of these individuals. It makes me, a guy with 100x more advantages, want to live up to their examples. But as a man living in the 21st Century, it does not make me pity them. And pity begets patronizing.

And why is that a problem? Because decades of patronizing, promoting victimhood, and intervention from the government and liberal saviors feed laziness/lack of confidence/and lack of accountability in the African American community. Forget what color your skin is - in Life, 95% of the time those three issues are what hold people back. It's not because you're not smart, or don't have opportunities, or your mom doesn't give you enough love.

So what is really causing this pervasive inequity in the black community? Well, who is the person that doesn't let you get away with laziness? Who gives you confidence when you need it? Who holds you accountable and doesn't accept excuses? IT'S YOUR FATHER. The patronizing manifested by these stupid entitlement liberal policies exacerbate the problem of fatherless African American homes. Don Lemon himself cited 72% of African Americans are born out of wedlock from a 2013 CDC Study. In 1965 it was 24%. Government entitlements do not solve laziness, affirmative action does not address lack of confidence, and with patronizing excuses who needs accountability?
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This is apropos since this is MLK day, but the basis of all of this is inequity. What exacerbates this institutional inequity, which by definition is discrimination, is patronizing.

White liberals, who have controlled the Democratic Party for the last 50 years, have viewed themselves as saviors to oppressed minorities who need their intervention. The state of society 50/40/30 years ago necessitated government intervention in civil rights. But today's society and liberal motivations have changed. Blacks and minorities in general today do not need to be patronized. Is there still discrimination today? Absolutely and of all kinds. There are dumbass KKK idiots, Hollywood executives who type cast Asian actors, and white CEOs who talk about diversity while their entire C-suite are white dudes. Candidly, those kinds of issues are peanuts compared to the real problems minorities face.

Ironically, my white male PhD student who I tutor for his executive MBA program captures the issues of certain minorities groups. The guy is obviously very smart. He's completely capable of being the best student in his class by a wide margin. However, he comes unprepared and assumes I will just give him the answer and that he'll learn by just by showing up to our sessions. In other words 1) he's lazy, 2) he has no confidence, 3) he does not hold himself accountable.

I don't have a lot of real historical heroes, but I do have a few and many of them are black. Since I'm a bookworm, probably my earliest was Alexandre Dumas...the guy that wrote the Three Musketeers. As military man, the 54th Massachusetts...and as a docent at the National Gallery, I have the privilege to present Gardens' monument on tour groups. Louis Armstrong and every Motown artist you can think of. And course Ricky Williams and Hakeem Olajuwon. Ricky, a guy who's politics I probably disagree with, for his courage for being himself. Olajuwon for the man's constitution to dominate even when fasting during Ramadan. Even the fictional Deets from Lonesome Dove based off of the real life Bose Ikard was a prototype of the man I wanted to become.

As my heroes, I have the highest admiration for these individuals for their creativity, faith, and courage. And the sad truth of slavery and racial discrimination in the African American experience underscores and highlights the fortitude and strength of character of these individuals. It makes me, a guy with 100x more advantages, want to live up to their examples. But as a man living in the 21st Century, it does not make me pity them. And pity begets patronizing.

And why is that a problem? Because decades of patronizing, promoting victimhood, and intervention from the government and liberal saviors feed laziness/lack of confidence/and lack of accountability in the African American community. Forget what color your skin is - in Life, 95% of the time those three issues are what hold people back.

So what is really causing this pervasive inequity in the black community? Well, who is the person that doesn't let you get away with laziness? Who gives you confidence when you need it? Who holds you accountable and doesn't accept excuses? IT'S YOUR FATHER. The patronizing manifested by these stupid entitlement liberal policies exacerbate the problem of fatherless African American homes. Don Lemon himself cited 72% of African Americans are born out of wedlock from a 2013 CDC Study. In 1965 it was 24%. Government entitlements do not solve laziness, affirmative action does not address lack of confidence, and with patronizing excuses who needs accountability?
Awesome post.
I pointed out a specific example of voter disenfranchisement to stop an unproven problem. Maybe some data to prove systemic vote fraud exists might help the cause. How many years will that take?

Honestly, both major parties are fighting an imaginary issue. Do Dem leadership support immigration because it will help sway the demographic to their voting rolls? Yes. Do Rep leadership push for voter ID to limit Dem turnout? Yes.

I'll repeat, before we put in place laws and regulations to fix a problem shouldn't we validate that a problem actually exists?
Both parties opened a can of worms with their predictions or claims of voter fraud as to why they would or did lose the election.
Just because nobody has proven there is widespread voter fraud does not mean it does not exist. The fraud committed by Bernie Madoff did not exist until he was caught.
This problem is easy to solve. Every voter should have an ID. If someone cannot afford an ID, give it to them free. As well, claims of people old enough to have been born without a birth certificate cannot be significant and if someone is in that situation, let them use their tax returns over the years as a mean of obtaining an ID.
I also think they will have to return to a paper ballot now that the media has sold the story that the Russians hacked the election. While they likely were behind the wikileaks emails, that is still not hacking the election. Everyone seems to forget that the emails were never deemed fake. The democrats just got exposed for who they really are.
Both parties are responsible and both parties are guilty of underhanded tactics to win elections. And guess what, the good old USA also manipulates foreign elections. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
White liberals, who have controlled the Democratic Party for the last 50 years, have viewed themselves as saviors to oppressed minorities who need their intervention.

Do they do this because they genuinely want to help and think minorities need it? No, mostly they do it so they can pat themselves on the back and feel superior to other whites.

Who holds you accountable and doesn't accept excuses? IT'S YOUR FATHER.

This is backed up by my 10+ years experience serving in a prison ministry. This is the theme that runs thru the TDCJ even more than drugs. Black, white, hispanic, whatever - they mostly all come from fatherless homes.
Yes. Do Rep leadership push for voter ID to limit Dem turnout? Yes.

I don't believe that at all. Why is it such a big deal to have an ID? Everyone needs an ID for everyday use and they are easy to get now.

And why is that a problem? Because decades of patronizing, promoting victimhood, and intervention from the government and liberal saviors feed laziness/lack of confidence/and lack of accountability in the African American community.

Loved what you said with everything and this statement is right on target.

Do they do this because they genuinely want to help and think minorities need it? No, mostly they do it so they can pat themselves on the back and feel superior to other whites.

I believe they do this because they want their votes only. They want to make people dependent on them so they will get their vote. They really don't care at all or they would have addressed the Chicago problem long ago.
I believe they do this because they want their votes only. They want to make people dependent on them so they will get their vote. They really don't care at all or they would have addressed the Chicago problem long ago.

You need only look at voting rates to see the eligible voter participation rates drop after Voter ID laws are enacted. Texas experienced a 3% reduction in voting rates in 2016 compared to 2008. Alabama saw ~2% reduction. It's common sense, additional barriers to voting will more greatly reduce the average voter leaving only the politically oriented extremes. Remove the runaway leader Hawaii, and Texas leads the pack in having the worst voter participation rate in the country. That's promoted by the party establishment though. It makes the elections more predictable for them.

There are many variables to considered why from election to election why the participation rates go up and down. Maybe it's the candidates themselves to name one or it could be that they cracked down on illegal voters from voting. There is a guy from my HS posted on FB everything he had to do just to get his vote in from Panama. It was amazing the effort he took to get his vote counted. If an ID requirement is stopping people from voting then they must've not wanted to vote very badly.
There are many variables to considered why from election to election why the participation rates go up and down. Maybe it's the candidates themselves to name one or it could be that they cracked down on illegal voters from voting. There is a guy from my HS posted on FB everything he had to do just to get his vote in from Panama. It was amazing the effort he took to get his vote counted. If an ID requirement is stopping people from voting then they must've not wanted to vote very badly.

Voter ID's are a relatively new phenomenon just as its inverse, the all state vote-by-mail approach. A good study would be to compare the voter participation rates in the states that are putting roadblocks in the voting process with those removing them. This 2015 article says the data is inconclusive in the vote-by-mail states. Here is an article that supports my premise that voter ID laws suppress voter turnout.
Here is an article that supports my premise that voter ID laws suppress voter turnout.

We're not talking about suppressing a vote by making people climb a wall or mountains to vote. Or anything hard to do that can prevent them from voting. Nobody in their right mind would argue getting an ID is too hard to do. They are choosing to not get an ID because they don't care, too lazy, or they are illegally here. I believe its more they are illegal than anything else (around the 99% range). But for the 1% I guess they are use to being dependents and expect someone to bring them an ID to their house.
I agree, how many legal citizens can there be who do not have a valid photo ID?
I have asked Husker and others on here to give some examples of people who want to vote but do not have valid ID. These people would also not be getting any government assistance,have a bank account or credit card or get any medical treatment etc
So who are these people?
But for the 1% I guess they are use to being dependents and expect someone to bring them an ID to their house.

We'll even do that here in Texas. Last time I checked (about a year ago) ... there were up to 9 mobile units of the DPS. Their sole mission in life was to generate a certified ID for the indigent. Schedule is posted on the DPS website, accessible from any public library to learn that schedule.

The State of Texas (that is Texas Taxpayers) PROVIDE this service.

Now, maybe the Lone Star State is the only State in the Union doing this ... but ... it's the only State in the lower 48 which can require two overnight stays to cross it ... and remain within the traffic law, too.

Point is ... there is NO logical reason to oppose a Voter ID law. I'm pretty sure SH wouldn't appreciate my voting in his stead, so make me prove I'm SH during the open balloting. SH continues to hang-onto the "no substantial cases" ...

So ... as long as HIS boat isn't affected ... as long as HIS ox isn't gored, there's no problem. What about the vote of those precincts who were? Nasty gash?

NO rational basis for an objection to Voter ID law ... only an emotional appeal ... or ... the effort to protect the corrupted feather bed.
I am still waiting for someone, Husker?, to explain or provide examples of people who do not have photo ID and have no reasonable way to get one.
But then again I am waiting for Husker to explain the vetting process for refugees that he says is stringent enough to ensure we actually know who these people really are.
I have read that after voter ID laws are passed minority voting rates actually typically increase even if overall rates don't
If you have data to support that premise I'd happily change my tune. It is clear that overall voting participation decreases in voter ID states.
another strawman argument. Let me construct this non-sequitur bar for you to meet.

As if the existence of a Voter ID law is the variable which commands recognition of participation ... and that participation rates are necessarily the arbiter of righteousness or even propriety.

I think I'll just vote on SH's behalf ... SH, just stay home and don't waste your time next election, your vote will be cast FOR you in 2018. I get up there frequently enough. I hope you resemble your avatar --- or --- it really doesn't matter if I can present that appearance or not ... I'm gonna be YOU.

cool, huh? Now I gotta find 49 others for whom I can vote in their respective states.

VoteBurglar ...
I am still waiting for someone, Husker?, to explain or provide examples of people who do not have photo ID and have no reasonable way to get one.
But then again I am waiting for Husker to explain the vetting process for refugees that he says is stringent enough to ensure we actually know who these people really are.

SH, I guess you didn't see these two questions that Horn6721 asked?

If you have data to support that premise I'd happily change my tune. It is clear that overall voting participation decreases in voter ID states.

So you responded to ShAArk asking for data.
SH, I guess you didn't see these two questions that Horn6721 asked?

I saw them and chose to not answer them because we've gone round and round in this argument before. When you can show examples of widescale voter fraud then you'll have a justification of barriers to voting. Until then, the entire premise of voter ID is based on theory and anecdotal examples that in nearly all cases are attributable directly to incompetence and not fraud.

On the vetting process Horn6721 has shown nothing. No evidence but simply accusations. I've responded with my confidence in our leaders (like James Comey) stating their confidence in our vetting process. I've even posted the multi-step vetting process to ask for detail of where the problem is. In the end, he simply say "there is no data on these people" which is a valid concern if the vetting process amounted to a google search. The lack of sophistication of identity tracking that we have here and in Europe is a valid issue but not insurmountable, especially in the rather paltry numbers the US is letting in. I would never support a Germany process. That doesn't conform to Horn6721's world view though so it is immediately discarded thus an argument is fruitless. If there is a chance 1 slips through then we should reject all 10k refugees. I think the risk is worth it.
I am still waiting for someone, Husker?, to explain or provide examples of people who do not have photo ID and have no reasonable way to get one.
But then again I am waiting for Husker to explain the vetting process for refugees that he says is stringent enough to ensure we actually know who these people really are.
I have a feeling you'll be waiting a very long time.
I saw them and chose to not answer them because we've gone round and round in this argument before

We only have to look at Germany. The Boston Marathon bombers. Look, you are willing to put our child and generations to come just to agree with your party. WHY TAKE THE CHANCE? It's unnecessary and it's putting the refugees before our own American Citizens. You are okay with this? Besides we don't have to prove a thing. It's a possibility and that's enough for me. Are you okay with that possibility just to put them before Americans? Your logic on this subject is unexplainable.

On the Hacking. Can you or anybody else prove that Russia caused the results of the election? All Countries try to hack. We try to hack. We did hack and got caught by Germany. But because our DNC and Clinton Team were too stupid to protect our security it's all Russia's fault? We know they're going to try. Why are we mad at Russia? We do the same thing and it's our own fault that they were successful. If you are stupid enough to run across the rodeo Arena and the bull puts his horn up your a$$, are you going to blame the bull? Beside Russia didn't write those emails, your party did. Does it need to be fixed so it doesn't happen again? Of course! Your party got what it deserves because of your lousy candidate.
We only have to look at Germany. The Boston Marathon bombers. Look, you are willing to put our child and generations to come just to agree with your party. WHY TAKE THE CHANCE? It's unnecessary and it's putting the refugees before our own American Citizens. You are okay with this? Besides we don't have to prove a thing. It's a possibility and that's enough for me. Are you okay with that possibility just to put them before Americans? Your logic on this subject is unexplainable.

Look at Germany? I've admitted they've gone to far. The Tsarnaev's? Omar Mateen? 2nd generation Americans from immigrant families? They are tragic stories that we need to understand better to combat radicalization. While you point to the exceptions I'll point to tremendous successes like Zalmay Khalilzad, Zainab Salbi, Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, and many, many others. My list would like carry on into the thousands while yours would be lucky to hit double digits. Whose logic is unexplainable? That you'd build a metaphorical wall to remove the opportunity to enhance the American fabric with these foreign born (or 2nd gen) citizens or that I refuse to cower in fear of some radicalized Muslim?

On the Hacking. Can you or anybody else prove that Russia caused the results of the election? All Countries try to hack. We try to hack. We did hack and got caught by Germany. But because our DNC and Clinton Team were too stupid to protect our security it's all Russia's fault? We know they're going to try. Why are we mad at Russia? We do the same thing and it's our own fault that they were successful. If you are stupid enough to run across the rodeo Arena and the bull puts his horn up your a$$, are you going to blame the bull? Beside Russia didn't write those emails, your party did. Does it need to be fixed so it doesn't happen again? Of course! Your party got what it deserves because of your lousy candidate.

None of what you just wrote had anything to do with Russia's use of what they learned from hacking, the point you keep missing. In turn, I'll the rambling passage simmer on its own.
Do you understand there are no verifiable data bases, documents or proof these people are who they say they are, how old they are, from where they come.
Remember this from Comey, before Congress?
"We can only query against that which we have collected,” Comey said in response to a line of questioning from Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson.

“And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them.”
in OUR database. There is no database for Syria or yemen etc. No one knows who these people are.

Husker does Comey sound like he is as sure as you are?

BTW the Tsarnov brothers are NOT second generation. I am not sure it means what you think it means. They were not born here.
Do you understand there are no verifiable data bases, documents or proof these people are who they say they are, how old they are, from where they come.
Remember this from Comey, before Congress?
"We can only query against that which we have collected,” Comey said in response to a line of questioning from Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson.

“And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them.”
in OUR database. There is no database for Syria or yemen etc. No one knows who these people are.

Husker does Comey sound like he is as sure as you are?

BTW the Tsarnov brothers are NOT second generation. I am not sure it means what you think it means. They were not born here.

Thank you for proving my point. Horn6721 thinks our vetting is a google search.

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