The Media Industry

What was telling about that was their response to Cruz. Pretty much summed up why progressive media shouldn't be given credibility for anything news-related.

Immigrants are not a problem because they have a different skin color, they aren't a problem because they are lazy. They are a problem because we've adopted policies that allow immigrants to take positions in school and in the employment arena away from Americans.

I'm not sure that's necessary the main problem. My issue isn't so much taking spots in schools because I'm just not buying that people aren't able to get into college because they're chock full of immigrants. The issue to me is that I know teachers in NYC who tell me that there are approximately 27 different languages spoken by their kids (the ones who can't speak English). That's not manageable. You have immigrants coming in who have no interest in assimilating, but rather recreating their own culture within the U.S. borders. That's not manageable.

Comparing immigration today to immigration of the 1800s to me is an apples-to-oranges type of thing. To the extent that the 1800s immigration model is followed, I think it's still an amazing thing. People coming because they are seeking opportunity and they believe in what America stands for - they want freedom. They want to work. They want something they can call their own. They want to worship and not be persecuted for it. They want a second chance. That's all good, and I would assert that 95 percent of Americans are on-board with that person coming to America legally.

When Mexican immigrants come illegally to America, do not learn the language, continue to see themselves as Mexican citizens first (i.e. the La Raza "give California back to Mexico" crowd), or when Muslim immigrants come from third-world countries in order to establish their own third-world communities under Shariah law with the intent on recreating their homeland (without the constant bombings), that doesn't work. That is the immigration that most people are in opposition to. It's the immigration that is slowly destroying Western Europe. That is clearly not all immigrants (illegal or otherwise), and it's almost certainly not even MOST immigrants. But it's still an issue that has to be addressed with some. And when you give in to open borders or refuse to enforce immigration laws or have an unworkable system, you effectively cede your control over which type of immigrant comes in.

That is why so many people are in opposition to progressive attempts at open borders and mass immigration - because progressives don't care about any of those things.
Voter ID law.

They're pretty adamant in their opposition to requiring validation of ID to vote. They stomp their feet and say it's because angry rich white guys want to gain/keep power ...

The odd thing is ... the current system certainly fosters the advantage in elections to the leftists/democrat/liberal candidates (Sheila Jackson Lee)

So, its yet another Shakespearean play ... The lady doeth protest too much, methinks.
I wonder if Megyn is already questioning her choice in joining the lefties?
Too late now girlfren



The 4 tweets you posted attacking the hiring of Megyn Kelly were ridiculous. But they weren't posted by prominent people. I don't know who any of the guys are, but the highest follower count was the first guy, with just over 10k. Two of the 4 had fewer than 1000 followers. By contrast, Kelly has over 2M. Why should she care what those asshats say?
When Mexican immigrants come illegally to America, do not learn the language, continue to see themselves as Mexican citizens first (i.e. the La Raza "give California back to Mexico" crowd), or when Muslim immigrants come from third-world countries in order to establish their own third-world communities under Shariah law with the intent on recreating their homeland (without the constant bombings), that doesn't work. That is the immigration that most people are in opposition to.
Immigration without assimilation = invasion
Immigration without assimilation = invasion

What do all of the following immigration waves have in common:
  • Germans to central Texas in the mid 1800s
  • Chinese to California in the mid 1800s
  • Norwegians and Swedes to the upper Midwest in the mid and late 1800s
  • Germans to Wisconsin in the late 1800s and early 1900s
  • Italians to the northeast in the early 1900s
  • Eastern European Jews to New York in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s
I'll give you a hint. It is NOT that the first-generation immigrants learned English and assimilated to the American way of life.

Were all of these "invasions"?
they did have the advantage of a culture which wasn't diametrically opposed to ours.

I've worked with and around many (Arab) Muslims. There are plenty of good people in that community ... those with whom I felt most comfortable convinced me they were not my mortal enemy, therefore, they convinced me they were cultural Muslims and not fundamentalists.

Maybe I was just lucky as I may have been in error. I'll never really know, but those were working conditions as part of our liberation force in Kuwait. That wasn't "open door" avowed enemies who are actively seeking this spread of a caliphate/shariah law.
What do all of the following immigration waves have in common:
  • Germans to central Texas in the mid 1800s
  • Chinese to California in the mid 1800s
  • Norwegians and Swedes to the upper Midwest in the mid and late 1800s
  • Germans to Wisconsin in the late 1800s and early 1900s
  • Italians to the northeast in the early 1900s
  • Eastern European Jews to New York in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s
I'll give you a hint. It is NOT that the first-generation immigrants learned English and assimilated to the American way of life.

Were all of these "invasions"?
I think one of the BIG things left off that list, as far as I know, is the LEGAL method of entering the country that all these groups did. Why is it hard to understand we want people here, legally, not illegally? Is there a rampant number of people from those groups who are or were undocumented and living here illegally?
I think one of the BIG things left off that list, as far as I know, is the LEGAL method of entering the country that all these groups did. Why is it hard to understand we want people here, legally, not illegally? Is there a rampant number of people from those groups who are or were undocumented and living here illegally?

You make a valid point. The fact that many Mexican and Muslim immigrants aren't assimilating is not a big issue imho, and that is the point to which I was responding. But the fact that many of the Mexican immigrants are here illegally is a big issue, as is the fact that a small fraction of the Muslim immigrants are violently anti-American. Those problems merit serious attention, but that doesn't justify making derogatory comments about the immigrants that are equally applicable to just about every wave of foreign-language immigration in US history. (Not saying you did that, but others did).
You make a valid point. The fact that many Mexican and Muslim immigrants aren't assimilating is not a big issue imho, and that is the point to which I was responding. But the fact that many of the Mexican immigrants are here illegally is a big issue, as is the fact that a small fraction of the Muslim immigrants are violently anti-American. Those problems merit serious attention, but that doesn't justify making derogatory comments about the immigrants that are equally applicable to just about every wave of foreign-language immigration in US history. (Not saying you did that, but others did).
Agreed, being civil is always good. Back on your list real quick, I think Italians in particular did assimilate. Maybe not in the northeast, but my ancestors were in the New Orleans area, and my dad, for one, tells how they were not allowed to learn and speak Italian because it was important then to assimilate and be "American".
A bunch of anarchists came to the US from Europe in the early 1900's immigration wave. The US kicked them out, sent them packing. This move is not unprecedented. Learn your history.
I know several Italian families in the NYC area who had the same rule. ONLY English was to be spoken by the children. They did learn to understand Italian but can not speak it and for sure their children did not. It was impressed on them that they were Americans first.
Another thing not mentioned about the legal waves was each had to prove they would not be a burden on our country. They were not given a life with taxpayer benefits. Many btw were sent back if they were sick.
All in all there is no comparison between legal immigrants who came here to become Americans and who did not drain resources with the millions of illegals and even legal who expect and receive billions in benefits. Not all of course but enough that we should examine our legal immigrant policies and tighten up ways illegals get here.
To the point of assimilation, I am curious if an American moves to, say, Syria, or a similar place, what is the expected protocol? Is it oaky to have a US flag displayed and have barbecues and wear jorts and tOSU jerseys, or would that be frowned upon, to say the least? Guessing it would be met harshly, but where is the outcry from the left about the way these countries do things? Why is it always okay for other countries and certain Americans to constantly criticize the way we do things?
they'd say because we are FREE ...
AND to the extent the celebration is limited to culture, I'd agree. Don't bring your big nanny government here. we have too much of that already ... though I did just see a clip comparing abortion in Western Europe to the USA ... and even specifically Texas. My ... it's a STARK difference, and the USA is hardly "restrictive" in comparison. So, maybe importing some reason into our abortion regulation from Western Europe WOULD be an improvement.

do I even need to address facets of shariah??? not even the shock value facets, either.
Agreed, being civil is always good. Back on your list real quick, I think Italians in particular did assimilate. Maybe not in the northeast, but my ancestors were in the New Orleans area, and my dad, for one, tells how they were not allowed to learn and speak Italian because it was important then to assimilate and be "American".

Many of my Italian-American friends in the NY/NJ area grew up living near their grandparents but unable to speak with them, 50+ years after the grandparents moved to the US. The generation between (some of whom were born here, some of whom came here as young kids) had to serve as interpreters during family get-togethers.
A bunch of anarchists came to the US from Europe in the early 1900's immigration wave. The US kicked them out, sent them packing. This move is not unprecedented. Learn your history.
I would have no problem with that, then or now. Anarchists, terrorists, criminals -- if they aren't citizens, they should not be allowed to stay.
I'm almost positive this is fake news...but it's hilarious none the less.

Rosie O’Donnell, Amy Schumer, Miley Cyrus and George Clooney are part of a group of celebrities calling for a total Hollywood strike “until Trump resigns”.

A group of liberal Hollywood celebrities are threatening a “massive, all-round Hollywood strike” unless Donald Trump resigns. Describing Hollywood as “the base of the entire modern American culture“, the group also claims to be speaking on behalf of “all of humanity.”


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