The Media Industry

Reading this article it seems they are saying the attestation requirement to demonstrate H-1B applications meet salary/educational requirements is only for those making less than $89k and they want to increase the exemption to $130k. I've only sponsored H-1B applications above the $89k mark and have always had to supply attestation of a failed US based applicant search, comparable pay and education/experience level of the candidate.

There is an easy solution. The Federal government simply needs to subscribe to a standard salary survey service (i.e. Mercer) to ensure said applicant is getting paid market wages. There is also plenty of labor statistics in technical roles which is what consumes the H-1B program.
That will help companies suddenly discover newly minted, U.S. university computer science graduates and U.S. citizens.

The only computer science graduates that aren't getting job offers thrown at them are suffering from reasons other than their degree. This data is a little aged but the trend hasn't changed with the tech boom. This is what is driving the H-1B demand.


For technical roles, the unemployment rate is most major market is under 1.5% At this point, for companies to fill these roles their only option is to steal from other companies, overpay for the skillset and/or look internationally for help.

While our schools aren't putting out enough computer science grads, despite the increase in demand for the major, Indian schools are pumping them out by the 100's of thousands annually.

In the 90's, Microsoft used to target the "top 10%" of all computer science graduates every year. Though it's been a long time since I worked there I suspect they'll now take virtually any computer science graduate simply to fill the void.
Why does US media repeat each other so much?

I would assume because they get features off the wire like the print media does. But then I haven't worked in broadcast media so I can't say for sure. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they're getting copy from a news service.
I would assume because they get features off the wire like the print media does. But then I haven't worked in broadcast media so I can't say for sure. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they're getting copy from a news service.

They do same thing at the natl level with Trump
Today's word is "chaos"
And what did it end up being? Less than 200 people? Most of whom got where they wanted to go?

That number like many things was an "alternative fact". At the very least, it was cherry picked to say that only 109 people were "impacted" when actually it was only 109 people up to that point were held at US airports but didn't include any of the travelers turned around at International airports, border crossings or other means.

Nearly 1000 immigrants with valid visas were given approval to enter.
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So those people at international airports would have had to go home? And how many was that? Compared to the thousands of people who were traveling here, what's the percentage?

I guess I'm just not convinced it was this chaotic disaster as it was made out to be. I have no doubt people were inconvenienced. Just like the past times when actions have been taken to suspend travel from countries. We've done it before, and I'm sure people were inconvenienced then as well.
So those people at international airports would have had to go home? And how many was that? Compared to the thousands of people who were traveling here, what's the percentage?

You'll need to ask some of the airlines who claim to be reimbursing them.

I guess I'm just not convinced it was this chaotic disaster as it was made out to be. I have no doubt people were inconvenienced. Just like the past times when actions have been taken to suspend travel from countries. We've done it before, and I'm sure people were inconvenienced then as well.

That's your prerogative. It was chaotic enough to warrant weekend statements of condemnation by nearly every world leader, short of Putin. We know that as of Saturday the State Department was telling allies like Britain that Greencard holders were also on the "ban" list. It was only Sunday that Greencard holders were removed from the "ban" list and corrections sent to our allies.

I'd look to the administration's response to guage whether "chaos" ensued. They went from defending the EO on Saturday, correcting it on Sunday to announcing mass exceptions on Monday. Regardless of what anything thinks about the policy, there is ample evidence to show the implementation of the ban was bungled badly.
what amazed me was the speed with which the riots ... and protesting ... occurred.

Made for broadway play ... with all the rehearsal and planning necessary.

I'm glad I was OFF for that mess ... I'm on call now, so don't y'all start something!
what amazed me was the speed with which the riots ... and protesting ... occurred.

Made for broadway play ... with all the rehearsal and planning necessary.

I'm glad I was OFF for that mess ... I'm on call now, so don't y'all start something!

Social media. The left is amped up and ready to party...or protest right now.
yeah ... but it was MINUTES. There weren't that many people in DFW D baggage claim when Trump signed the EO.

Someone had foreknowledge and executed accordingly.
yeah ... but it was MINUTES. There weren't that many people in DFW D baggage claim when Trump signed the EO.

Someone had foreknowledge and executed accordingly.

If they did then they had more foreknowledge than DHS and the State Department that learned of it's details at signing. I tend to think all the "paid protester" stuff is a bunch of BS though. I also witnessed it first hand Friday evening trying to get out of Seattle. The streets were already filling with protesters.
To be clear on Sat the announced policy was not that green card holders were banned but we're considered on a case by case basis
I could not find any report that anyone was denied.
I also witnessed it first hand Friday evening trying to get out of Seattle.

Yessir ... we had at least one crew who had to use an emergency exit at the SEA. Capt made the command decision, having coordinated with the hotel for an alternate pickup point. Cops were evidently overwhelmed at that point.

Inexcusable behavior.
To be clear on Sat the announced policy was not that green card holders were banned but we're considered on a case by case basis

The EO doesn't specify and the original guidance from the State Dept. and DHS is that green card holders were scooped up.

You can pick nearly any article at this link to see references to UK taking our State Dept direction that green card holders were impacted. Theresa May and Boris Johnson both publicly stated that green card holders were impacted.

The White House took the unusual step of sending out clarification today because Stephen Miller's initial EO was ambiguous.

I could not find any report that anyone was denied.

I haven't searched for impacted green card holders. Confusion was reigning through the weekend.
Have fun over there Megyn

"Tamron Hall Exit Bashed as ‘Whitewashing,’ Black Journalist Group Tells NBC"

“Kelly has a well-documented history of offensive remarks regarding people of color,” the group’s statement said. On her Fox News show, the host said then-First Lady Michelle Obama’s commencement address at Tuskegee University pandered to a ‘culture of victimization.'”
"I dont know if this is true..."
Then why tweet it out?
This guy is one of the reasons journalism in the US is dead


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