The Media Industry

I like Bing better as well, but I got similar results typing "cnn is " into Google. One that came up that Bing did not have is "cnn is b*llsh*t" only it spelled it out.
LA-Times - "How the University of California exploited a visa loophole to move tech jobs to India"

Using a visa loophole to fire well-paid U.S. information technology workers and replace them with low-paid immigrants from India is despicable enough when it’s done by profit-making companies such as Southern California Edison and Walt Disney Co.

But the latest employer to try this stunt sets a new mark in what might be termed “job laundering.” It’s the University of California. Experts in the abuse of so-called H-1B visas say UC is the first public university to send the jobs of American IT staff offshore. That’s not a distinction UC should wear proudly.

UC San Francisco, the system’s biggest medical center, announced in July that it would lay off 49 career IT staffers and eliminate 48 other IT jobs that were vacant or filled by contract employees. The workers are to be gone as of Feb. 28. In the meantime they’ve been ordered to train their own replacements, who are employees of the Indian outsourcing firm HCL Technologies.

The training process was described by UCSF managers by the Orwellian term “knowledge transfer,” according to Audrey Hatten-Milholin, 53, an IT architect with 17 years of experience at UCSF who will be laid off next month.

“The argument for Disney or Edison is that its executives are driven to maximize profits,” says Ron Hira of Howard University, a expert in H-1B visas. “But UC is a public institution, not driven by profit. It’s qualitatively different from other employers.”

By sending IT jobs abroad, UC is undermining its own mission, which includes preparing California students to serve the high-tech industry.

“UC is training software engineers at the same time they’re outsourcing their own software engineers,” says Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose), whose district includes much of Silicon Valley. “What message are they sending their own students?”

As we’ve reported before, H-1B visas were created to allow American technology companies to import uniquely talented individuals from abroad; visa holders can work in the U.S. for three years, with the goal of obtaining permanent residency and ultimately citizenship.

But the program has been co-opted by outsourcing firms that use the visas to import workers, mostly from India, to replace Americans in middle-level IT jobs. Those firms, including HCL, corral about half of all H-1B visas every year. The workers they import often live here barracks-style and are at the beck and call of supervisors who can revoke their residency at will. Eventually they return home to continue their assignments, without workplace benefits and at wages a fraction of what their American counterparts were paid.
283,000 US newspaper jobs have disappeared since the 1990s, and are now 58,000 jobs below the 1947 level.

thought it was interesting how the immigration case contained the media language of "chaos". After hearing that term echoed by so many on the left for the last week, the term was incorporated into the appeal of the immigration pause.

I don't know enough of legal wranglings to know whether this type of characterizing language is typical but it seems to me that an appeal should be based on legal or not, rather than chaotic or not.
.....Truth only matters when the opponent is in the WH? #Benghazi.

They should have been covering all of these events. All of them.
CBS admitted it did not (see other thread). The other network news probably covered even less. How do we know? Because they have not come forward with their own counts, like CBS did with its.
The reality is networks minimize or wholly omit news of Islamic terrorist attacks whenever they do not fit the narrative.
Undercover Lib lackey Shep Smith spent most of his show yest bashing Trump's claims of lacking terror coverage.

He staunchly defended MSM's solid reporting of the subject and aggressively accused the WH of spewing out false accusations towards MSM ever since DT took office.

Guess the moron thinks blaming terror truck maulings on the truck and scapegoating multiple terror crimes as workplace violence is solid coverage. :rolleyes1:

Why Fox employs this clown is beyond me.
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They should have been covering all of these events. All of them.
CBS admitted it did not (see other thread). The other network news probably covered even less. How do we know? Because they have not come forward with their own counts, like CBS did with its.
The reality is networks minimize or wholly omit news of Islamic terrorist attacks whenever they do not fit the narrative.

Are you sure that the narrative trying to be advanced here isn't assuming they should all be covered equally with the rest of the news?
Are you sure that the narrative trying to be advanced here isn't assuming they should all be covered equally with the rest of the news?

What is needed is more than just a summary mention
We all know what they bend over backwards to avoid saying, when they do cover these acts
Is it really asking too much of them to call for honesty and a full accounting of ALL the relevant facts?
Is it really asking too much of them to call for honesty and a full accounting of ALL the relevant facts?

If a white Christian male opened fire on a group of Muslim women yelling "Jesus is King"...the underlined description would be the first headline.

He'd be charged with terrorism and multiple hate crimes (race, religion, sex) by Noon.

We all know what's going on here. The MSM has their marching orders and most of the public has embraced they're completely full of shite. 1,000 too many "wolf" cries.
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What is needed is more than just a summary mention
We all know what they bend over backwards to avoid saying, when they do cover these acts
Is it really asking too much of them to call for honesty and a full accounting of ALL the relevant facts?

Look at the CNN reaction to Trump's brief comments
It worked

Click one time to enlarge
it is like the media lives in one reality. One that it created
While the rest of us live are forced to live in the real world
To whit, Joe Public supports Trump's EOs
Which ones you ask?

The Trump administration is more trusted than the news media among voters, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The administration is considered truthful by 49 percent of registered voters and untruthful by 48 percent.

But the news media is less trusted than the administration, with 53 percent calling it untruthful and just 39 percent finding it honest.

What those show us is that as you say John Q and Joan Q public are not buying the crap the media is trying to feed them.
Very encouraging.
thanks for those

Did you see where it was speculated that CNN planted people in the audience at the Sanders vs Cruz debate? When one of the questioners stood up the ask Cruz a question, you could clearly see the back side of her paper that said google email with the words titled "your question." She read the question off the paper. I honestly don't know if it was true or not because it was being passed around on FB. Didn't know if you heard anything on it. It's believable though because CNN is very capable of doing something like that.
Tucker Carlson is so good...he felt the need to prove that Steve Bannon is better than Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS! That's quality TV, in a "Political Maury Povich" way.

I cant tell if youre just being trying to be cheeky or do not actually know the underlying fact -- but -- a USA Today Editor did in facty compare Bannon to ISIS/Baghdadi. So, Carlson's take was purely responsive
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I cant tell if youre just being trying to be cheeky or do not actually know the underlying facts -- but -- a USA Today Editor did in facty compare Bannon to ISIS/Baghdadi. So, Carlson's take was purely responsive

The USA Today compared their mutual "war of civilizations" mantra. If that's the best defense Carlson can muster than we all give him too much credit because that practice in hyperbole towards building a strawman unrecognizable to the initial USA Today article should make people long for Megyn Kelly and reminds everyone why Tucker Carlson's previous shows eventually failed.
Apparently some US "journalists" love the idea that a couple of Pats say they dont want to go to the White House. But they did not always feel this way. What changed?



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