The Media Industry

The only computer science graduates that aren't getting job offers thrown at them are suffering from reasons other than their degree. This data is a little aged but the trend hasn't changed with the tech boom. This is what is driving the H-1B demand.


For technical roles, the unemployment rate is most major market is under 1.5% At this point, for companies to fill these roles their only option is to steal from other companies, overpay for the skillset and/or look internationally for help.

While our schools aren't putting out enough computer science grads, despite the increase in demand for the major, Indian schools are pumping them out by the 100's of thousands annually.

In the 90's, Microsoft used to target the "top 10%" of all computer science graduates every year. Though it's been a long time since I worked there I suspect they'll now take virtually any computer science graduate simply to fill the void.

Not sure where you came up with that graph since there is no source. Regardless, your information is incorrect.

Despite naysayers, the nation is producing more than enough quality workers in scientific and engineering fields—and policymakers and industry leaders should proceed accordingly.
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James O’Keefe claims he has some embeds in national media
Should be coming out this week, maybe today
Sounds like CNN, but he did not specifically say who
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski on Wednesday morning with a slip? --

SCARBOROUGH: "Exactly. That is exactly what I hear. What Yamiche said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters that I talk to who were Trump voters and are still Trump supporters. They go, 'Yeah you guys are going crazy. He's doing -- what are you so surprised about? He is doing exactly what he said he is going to do.'"

BRZEZINSKI: "Well, I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job."

Here's a different view of the same event, but this photo is taken during the event instead of hours before:


I wasn't there, but I know someone who lives in the area. She described the congestion as being comparable to Times Square on New Year's Eve. Knowing her, I strongly suspect she was exaggerating, but saying that it was fake news to cover the event is fake news.
Isn't all this from a CNN employee in 2009?
Will anyone Care?
What does CNN have in Viewership?
200k for some 2 mil for others.
Again will anyone care?
American News...a hyperpartisan news source? Want to see what the Kellyane Conway muffling news looks like from different perspectives?

This is probably as much a function of how Internet marketing works as anything else. It's all about creating a headline that will get people to click on it. Some organizations have more ethical approaches to that than others - but it seems more and more that the headlines aren't used as a summation or key point of the article (as used to be the case) as they are a statement of why someone should read the article.
The "undercurrents" of the anti-Semitic Trump administration are so strong they have become a riptide that is now gathering up Black-Hispanic democrats that work for liberal rags.

I have read some theories that the whole thing was manufactured and orchestrated by that part of the Democratic Party that wanted Keith Ellison defeated for DNC chair. They wanted a spate of anti-Semitic stories in the media going into that election.

And with Dem dirty tricksters like this guy running around free in the world, anything is possible

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So this guy Juan Thompson who was caught terrorising American Jews. He is an anti-Trump leftist whacko busted by NY US Attorney Preet Bharara. And it is Bharara who refused to let main Justice kill the investigation into the Clinton Foundation. He is also looking at DeBlasio.

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....The one glimmer of hope I see to improve this situation is with TV news. Cable, of course, offers the lucrative double-revenue stream. But the more folks cut the cable, the more we begin to get their attention. At some point, it will catch up with them, just like with ESPN. I think the same thing we see at ESPN is going to begin to creep into cable news. And sooner than later......

So this guy Juan Thompson who was caught terrorising American Jews. He is a whacko busted by NY US Attorney Preet Bharara. And it is Bharara who refused to let main Justice kill the investigation into the Clinton Foundation. He is also looking at DeBlasio.

FIFY. The dude was alleging trying to tie this to his ex-girlfriend who he was stalking. It was in the midst of the cyber-stalking investigation that they discovered his 8 calls to Jewish centers. That's not left, right, or political. That's just crazy.
FIFY. The dude was alleging trying to tie this to his ex-girlfriend who he was stalking. It was in the midst of the cyber-stalking investigation that they discovered his 8 calls to Jewish centers. That's not left, right, or political. That's just crazy.
The calls may not have been "left" in and of themselves, but the guy calling most definitely was.
Mika teared up today. She said Trump is pushing a very dangerwous agenda.
Secure borders, jobs, enforcing laws and protecting the US from terrorism are now vewy dangerwous.
It's not funny y'all

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I have read some theories that the whole thing was manufactured and orchestrated by that part of the Democratic Party that wanted Keith Ellison defeated for DNC chair. They wanted a spate of anti-Semitic stories in the media going into that election......

So it turns out that the JCC threats were from a Muslim fake news journalist.

And that the Jewish cemetery vandalism was a storm. But I suppose we cannot fully not rule out the possibility that the environment was emboldened to commit these anti-Semitic attacks by Trump's radical rhetoric.

Another example of how the media works -- this is the same guy, and the same news outfit.
And shows why Trump called out the BBC News
They are biased. They create fake news based on their left wing political stance of the day

Another timeline showing the fecklessness of our media
This is David Frum (The Atlantic) from July 2012 to just after this election.
The summary of his thinking seems to be that transparency is bad, until its good
What could possibly have caused David to so radically change his opinion?




....The one glimmer of hope I see to improve this situation is with TV news. Cable, of course, offers the lucrative double-revenue stream. But the more folks cut the cable, the more we begin to get their attention. At some point, it will catch up with them, just like with ESPN. I think the same thing we see at ESPN is going to begin to creep into cable news. And sooner than later.........

ESPN gets $7 per subscriber. By far, the highest user fee in cable.
And now some reports say they are up to 10,000 subscribers a day
They have lost about 12 million subscribers from a subscriber high in 2011
That is ~ $10B annualized
Supposedly, the next way of layoffs will include on air "talent"

Two reasons --
(1) They turned their on air "talent" loose to discuss politics, which means ~ 99% liberal bias. Indeed, they fired the one guy who tried to buck the system. Subscribers dont want to be lectured on how to think about politics and social issues by dumb sportsguy. Sports is supposed to be an escape from all that stuff.
(2) Millennials cannot afford them. Millennials think their TV should be free. Plus they have super high student loans to pay back.

ESPN is also now dragging Disney's stock down. How does Iger keep his job?


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