The Media Industry

Another example of how CNN spreads fake news
(1) Dramatic headline
(2) Unsupported in the actual text of the article
CNN is Fake News



CNN again
Here, they first note automation is a huge threat to jobs
Then, they inadvertently propose a solution (cut or stop immigration)



According to Politico (same writer) --
Trump “ousts”
while Obama merely “replaces”


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Also notice the different usage of "Trump team" and "Obama".

The writer attributes the harsher action of "ousts" on not just Trump but also his team. That way the intended negative response would widely paint his group as well.

However, when merely "replacing" in 2009, the 'common practice' intent was attributed to just Obama, even though Holder was mentioned in the first sentence.
In 2014, The New York Times legally PAID NO TAXES and received a tax refund of $3.6 million despite earning a $29.9 million pretax profit.
"In the new poll, 52 percent of voters approve of Trump’s job performance, more than the 43 percent who disapprove. But, on balance, most polls show more disapprove than approve of the job Trump is doing."

So the article is all about the conclusions of a specific poll. Yet they end by trying to keep reader's from accepting Trump's approval numbers by claiming that part is an outlier compared to other polls. :rolleyes1:

Here's the numbers showing why you should distrust the new healthcare proposal. But oh yeah, don't believe that good part about Trump, that's not really credible. smh
In 2014, The New York Times paid zero taxes
Even received a tax refund of $3.6 million
Despite earning a $29.9 million pretax profit

Just sayin
Hills on the eve of the election
Always the liar
Trump pays a higher tax rate than Obama, Biden, NBC, Bernie, Hillary and the NYT

Did Bernie really only pay a 13.5% tax rate in 2014? How is that possible given that a US Senator makes $174k? Should have been around 20% unless he was doing something shady.

Never mind, I found an article on this. As expected, he's just another liberal hypocrite that preaches one thing but practices another.
And when 60+% of Americans read 40% colleges see decline in foreign applications, they shrug and say 'cool, why are we educating foreigners over Americans anyway?'

The radical left argues constantly for the rights of foreigners over Americans. It's the greatest gift to the other side possible. Keep up the great anti-American work. :smile1:

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