The Media Industry

Good lord.
The only way the WAPO or NYT stay in business is to have Billionaire owners who are willing to absorb losses in order to get their political views front and center

So Obama complained about "fake media" to ..... Rolling Stone.

Rolling Stone wrote perhaps the biggest fake news story of the last few years. In fact, RS' fake news was so bad, it was found guilty of defamation by a federal jury for that story (not easy suits to win).

Why did Obama pick these people to make this point? Has he gone brain dead? Are amoebas from out space eating his brain?

He did, of course, compare himself to Mick Jagger in the piece. Anyone surprised?
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Obama has truly become delusional at this point. I live in Texas and I can not remember Fox News being on in a single bar or restaurant that I have ever visited. At work, CNN is shown in most of the coffee/tea areas. Furthermore, the suggestion that Fox News is the only biased news network is beyond ridiculous at this point given the MSMs behavior during the recent election cycle. His comment suggests that he has locked himself in an echo chamber built of sycophants and yes men.
.... I live in Texas and I can not remember Fox News being on in a single bar or restaurant that I have ever visited. ....

Agree, it is CNN in most places, if they have any news on at all.
Certainly every airport too
He should know this. It has been this way for a long time. Nothing has changed in this regard since he was a 'community organizer.'
I've stayed in hotels across the state 90% of weekends over the last two years. Never once have I seen Fox News on TV in the lobby or other public areas.

Most of the time a news channel was on but never Fox. Spent plenty of breakfasts ignoring Trump bashing on hotel TV's.
Kelly is a narcissistic drama queen. Dropped that show a long time ago after she beat the Duggar family drama into the ground for weeks.

The initial segment was her biggest ratings draw for a while so she kept milking the cow with a lame, reality TV story. Chic will do anything to keep the light on her.

Never heard so many "I's" and "me's" when promoting her book. Sounded like Strong using "just" and "you look at" during PC's.
One could make the argument that culturally the country is run by militant gays, who at best is 2-3% of the population.
One could make the argument that culturally the country is run by militant gays, who at best is 2-3% of the population.

Is it run by actual gays or by people who aren't gay but don't like the traditional culture and are only exploiting gay issues as a weapon against that culture?
Is it run by actual gays or by people who aren't gay but don't like the traditional culture and are only exploiting gay issues as a weapon against that culture?

Are you near Düsseldorf? My company owns a facility near there in Moërs.
Denzel Washington --

"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed.
If you do read it, you're misinformed."
Mother Jones gonna Mother Jones

Obama has been president for eight years and neither the media nor the President has given a fart about the homeless.

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Another good job by Tucker Carlson. In this clip, he gives Calif Congressman Adam Schiff plenty of rope ..... and Schiff ends up calling Carlson a Russian agent.

I have long advocated this approach over the long-running format we have now on cable news of highly paid advocates from each side shouting at each other. Modern liberalism makes no sense and cannot withstand facts, reason and logic. So, instead, just put regular, everyday Democrats on the air and let them sink their own ships. Drop some facts on them, then turn them loose.


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