The Media Industry

Then why is Trump considering Romney for Sec of State?

Let's talk if/when he actually nominates Romney to be Sec. of State. Until then Guiliani appears to be the frontrunner.

Look, Trump has to hire ~4k people in 2 months so any churn is negative. This is why most transition POTUS finalist start their transition work months before the actual election. Donald seems to have started it after winning or at the very least started over. Rather than 4 months to build his administration he's left himself with 2. Call it whatever you want but it's difficult to put a shine on that turd no matter how often he publicizes his schedule to show nay-sayers how busy he is.
Appointing Chris Christie to head his transition team then reversing course immediately after election couldn't have been planned. Adding Mike Rogers (and others) onto the National Security transition team, inviting them to meetings then promptly uninviting them and removing them from the transition team wasn't planned either.......

You dont know what they are doing. Stop pretending you do. Geez
You dont know what they are doing. Stop pretending you do. Geez

Was Chris Christie announced to lead the transition team? Then was Mike Pence later moved to lead the transition team? Was Mike Rogers initially part of the transition team? Is he still? Is it typical to see turnover on a POTUS transition team?
Was Chris Christie announced to lead the transition team? Then was Mike Pence later moved to lead the transition team? Was Mike Rogers initially part of the transition team? Is he still? Is it typical to see turnover on a POTUS transition team?

Now you are just making stuff up. Quit already

The one thing we do actually do know is that the media has gotten virtually everything about Trump dead wrong since June 2015. There is no reason to think this will change post-election, no matter which media you are relying upon.
Though their bias has been blatantly apparent in this election, media is still a requisite as a check against our government.
I wish they would serve as a check against BOTH parties. I wish they would serve as a check against stupid **** like omnibus spending bills and baseline budgeting. But no, they treat "news" like that thing that used to be called the gossip column. It's all about the superficiality of how x reacted to y, how c lashed out at d.

Our media is complete and utter **** because our so called journalists have neither the intelligence God gave the average turnip, nor the cojones of a typical fruit fly.
The NYT now thinks "Globalism" is not a real thing but rather only a right wing conspiracy theory.
How do these people keep their jobs?

Interesting reaction by Acosta.
He reminds me of several posters here.
Not for one second does he ever ever consider what might happen if CNN did not suck so bad. The lack of introspection of the US Media is staggering. They live their entire adult professional lives inside an echo chamber. It's kind of sad

Anyone think these people will EVER account for themselves with regard to what was revealed about them by WikiLeaks?

Remember how the media wet itself in panic over David Duke making a comeback?

He came in 7th place.

In Louisiana.

"President-elect Donald Trump exploded at media bigs in an off-the-record Trump Tower powow on Monday, sources told The Post.

“It was like a f—ing firing squad,” said one source.

“Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed.

“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added..... '
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Yeah, after being in the tank for Hillary and the DNC and completely trying to derail Trump, he should just give them all sorts of access and warm fuzzies. Morons.
He wasn't my 1st choice going in, but I am really starting to get some man-love for DT over this media dressing-down.

Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed.

That just gives me goose-bumps right there because DT is 100% right on that point.
He wasn't my 1st choice going in, but I am really starting to get some man-love for DT over this media dressing-down.
That just gives me goose-bumps right there because DT is 100% right on that point.

Trump wasn't in my top 5, but I had all 17 candidates way ahead of a Hillary Presidency. Now watching Trump in action (working hard and letting the networks have it) makes me question myself why I didn't have him higher in the first place.

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