The Media Industry

Mother Jones gonna Mother Jones

Obama has been president for eight years and neither the media nor the President has given a fat about the homeless.

It's way too early to criticize Trump for this. Again, I need to correct you (sounds familiar huh?) on the Obama criticism.

Check this link for Obama's involvement in attacking homelessness. There was a specific program to combat veteran homeless (reduce 50% by 2016).

Criticizing Trump is premature and pure bias at this point.
The WAPO has been forced to admit that its story about "fake news" may have been fake, LOL

Editor’s Note: The Washington Post on Nov. 24 published a story on the work of four sets of researchers who have examined what they say are Russian propaganda efforts to undermine American democracy and interests. One of them was PropOrNot, a group that insists on public anonymity, which issued a report identifying more than 200 websites that, in its view, wittingly or unwittingly published or echoed Russian propaganda. A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot’s list, and some of the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group’s methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings regarding any individual media outlet, nor did the article purport to do so. Since publication of The Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.

original story

The Stock Market has been looking good lately.

That quote has been around way longer than Denzel Washington.

Yes but it's never been more true than right now.
The WAPO has been forced to admit that its story about "fake news" may have been fake, LOL

Editor’s Note: The Washington Post on Nov. 24 published a story on the work of four sets of researchers who have examined what they say are Russian propaganda efforts to undermine American democracy and interests. One of them was PropOrNot, a group that insists on public anonymity, which issued a report identifying more than 200 websites that, in its view, wittingly or unwittingly published or echoed Russian propaganda. A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot’s list, and some of the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group’s methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings regarding any individual media outlet, nor did the article purport to do so. Since publication of The Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.

original story

That quote from the Post is a massive cop-out. It's only true from the standpoint that they did not specifically state "we affirm that PropOrNot's list is accurate." If in fact they couldn't or didn't confirm this, then why did they publicize it? They either couldn't confirm it and posted it anyway, or they believed it and are now walking it back because they got called on it. I'm not really sure which one is worse.

When you write an article that assumes facts throughout, you typically are affirming by implication any quotes or citations you make in the article - particularly when you don't run any opposing viewpoint.
That quote from the Post is a massive cop-out. It's only true from the standpoint that they did not specifically state "we affirm that PropOrNot's list is accurate." If in fact they couldn't or didn't confirm this, then why did they publicize it? They either couldn't confirm it and posted it anyway, or they believed it and are now walking it back because they got called on it. I'm not really sure which one is worse.......

Here is that RT's take on this --

OK, let's see --
(1) She was a model
(2) Pretty sure you are not giving birth to any, and
(3) Drag queens dont really get to claim higher moral ground than anyone else

"Funny: The NYT spends months calling Trump's supporters racist, now is hit with its own race discrimination suit. "

Hillary Clinton, who "remembered landing under sniper fire," claims fake news is a problem.

Comedy writes itself

Less than a day after John Glenn passed away, CNN somehow interjected an identity politics story to his Mercury accomplishment. And they got the double whammy ethnic and gender identity award.

As a space nerd and Houstonian, I've read about Katherine Johnson and the computer pool. But I have no idea how any of that is material to John Glenn's passing.

John Glenn was a Marine, a combat naval aviator, one of the ridiculously brave 7 Mercury astronauts to ride in an unproven rocket in front of millions of people, and the first American to orbit the Earth. He did all of that - risking his life in service of and for the Honor of his country.

That is the story.

Less than a day after John Glenn passed away, CNN somehow interjected an identity politics story to his Mercury accomplishment. And they got the double whammy ethnic and gender identity award.

As a space nerd and Houstonian, I've read about Katherine Johnson and the computer pool. But I have no idea how any of that is material to John Glenn's passing.

John Glenn was a Marine, a combat naval aviator, one of the ridiculously brave 7 Mercury astronauts to ride in an unproven rocket in front of millions of people, and the first American to orbit the Earth. He did all of that - risking his life in service of and for the Honor of his country.

That is the story.

Glenn was a bad-***, but there was a supporting cast. He didn't "build his business alone". Other little known facts about the role of minorities and the protected classes in the space race that are often overlooked:

-Transgendered individuals designed the unique unisex bathrooms on the space shuttle and space stations
-Undocumented workers were instrumental in pouring the high-strength concrete for the launch pad at Cap Canaveral
--Gays suggested a phallic shaped design for the Saturn V Rocket to reduce drag when inserting the ship into the bowels of space, as well as the maneuver of backing the command module into the atmosphere for re-entry
-The powdered drink "Tang" was actually named after a Chinese Dynasty (618-907) in recognition of the contribution to ethnic diversity made by Asians in the United States
-The Motown hit "Money (That's What I Want)" written by Berry Gordy was instrumental in convincing Congress to fund the original NASA program
-The alarming phrase "Houston, We Have a Problem" uttered by Commander Lovell on Apollo 13 after an explosion of an oxygen tank was actually borrowed from Texas hero Juan Seguin, who delivered the same message to the Texian army, led by Sam Houston, during the 13 day siege of the Alamo in 1836
Brian Williams exaggerated, lied in a very finite and well documented and apologized for way. That's not to say he cannot criticizie "fake" news, made up stories -- sometimes by Macedonian teen agers who make up stuff for part time income -- that in no way reflect the world's realities. I swear, half my Facebook friends believe Trump won the popular vote and that Hillary carried only 59 counties in the entire United States. Joe Fan, do you think that's good?
Brian Williams exaggerated, lied in a very finite and well documented and apologized for way. That's not to say he cannot criticizie "fake" news, made up stories -- sometimes by Macedonian teen agers who make up stuff for part time income -- that in no way reflect the world's realities. I swear, half my Facebook friends believe Trump won the popular vote and that Hillary carried only 59 counties in the entire United States. Joe Fan, do you think that's good?

LOL. Per this PPP poll released today look at the first item. Yeah, face news, in particular propaganda tweets are a problem.

(*no single poll is the end all be all of accuracy)

A couple other findings related to the vote in this year's election:

-40% of Trump voters insist that he won the national popular vote to only 49% who grant that Clinton won it and 11% who aren't sure.

-Only 53% of Trump voters think that California's votes should be allowed to count in the national popular vote. 29% don't think they should be allowed to count, and another 18% are unsure.

There's been a lot of attention to the way fake news has spread and been believed especially by Trump supporters and that's borne out in our polling:

-73% of Trump voters think that George Soros is paying protesters against Trump to only 6% who think that's not true, and 21% who aren't sure one way or the other. (I personally had to explain to my Grandmother that this wasn't true a few weeks ag0 after someone sent her an e-mail about it.)

-14% of Trump supporters think Hillary Clinton is connected to a child sex ring run out of a Washington DC pizzeria. Another 32% aren't sure one way or another, much as the North Carolinian who went to Washington to check it out last weekend said was the case for him. Only 54% of Trump voters expressly say they don't think #Pizzagate is real.

There's also been a lot of discussion recently about how we might be in a post-fact world and we see some evidence of that coming through in our polling:

-67% of Trump voters say that unemployment increased during the Obama administration, to only 20% who say it decreased.

-Only 41% of Trump voters say that the stock market went up during the Obama administration. 39% say it went down, and another 19% say they're not sure.

Trump's been in a variety of fights with the media recently, and he's losing all of them:

-By a 49/40 spread, voters say the New York Times has more credibility than Trump.

-By a 48/41 spread, voters say CNN has more credibility than Trump.

-While Trump's favorability rating is negative at 43/51, Saturday Night Live's is positive at 48/33.

Trump's certainly been effective at turning his voters against the various entities he's feuding with though. Among Trump voters the Times has a 7/71 favorability spread, CNN has an 11/76 favorability spread, and SNL has a 17/61 favorability spread. The musical Hamilton has an 11/45 favorability with Trump voters, compared to 61/3 with Clinton voters.
....I swear, half my Facebook friends believe Trump won the popular vote and that Hillary carried only 59 counties in the entire United States. Joe Fan, do you think that's good?

Trump won the election, and the vote distinction means nothing to any rational person. So, I would say your purported friends recognize what is material and germane, while you are bitterly clinging to your religion and fake news.

Nomination of Perry for Energy as "reported" by CNN.

I don't know what anyone here feels about the actual nomination, Perry would probably be better as agriculture secretary, but this report is actually one long editorial.

"Perry, twice an aspirant for the White House and for decades a swaggering figure in the Texas Republican Party, returns to the national limelight after his career in politics withered amid scandal and embarrassment."

"A hallmark of Obama's Energy Department has been the grants and loans it issues for research. The loan program was expanded to include renewable energy projects as part of Obama's economic stimulus package in 2009, and more than $30 billion in loans have been issued since then."

"And his selection is a nod to the traditional GOP emphasis on energy sources like coal and oil."

Those are all legitimate points, but they're all editorial and opinions.

Nomination of Perry for Energy as "reported" by CNN.

I don't know what anyone here feels about the actual nomination, Perry would probably be better as agriculture secretary, but this report is actually one long editorial.

"Perry, twice an aspirant for the White House and for decades a swaggering figure in the Texas Republican Party, returns to the national limelight after his career in politics withered amid scandal and embarrassment."

"A hallmark of Obama's Energy Department has been the grants and loans it issues for research. The loan program was expanded to include renewable energy projects as part of Obama's economic stimulus package in 2009, and more than $30 billion in loans have been issued since then."

"And his selection is a nod to the traditional GOP emphasis on energy sources like coal and oil."

Those are all legitimate points, but they're all editorial and opinions.

Perry epitomizes the swamp like few others - one of the sleaziest people in politics.
If this is all true, then should the NYT reporters and editors turn themselves in to the Feds for abetting a foreign espionage campaign?

It is all such a pile of horsecrap


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