The Media Industry

I don't think there is a bottom for people like this. This seems as astoundingly low as there can be but I know someone will sink further soon

"On Sunday night, Nikole Hannah-Jones, the lead writer of The New York Times 1619 project, encouraged her followers to read a crazy conspiracy theory that the government gave fireworks to minority communities.
The government handed out the fireworks to the minority communities “to get us so used to the sounds of firecrackers and other fireworks that when they start using their real artillery on us we won’t know the difference.”
'1619 Project' Lead Writer Pushes Conspiracy Theory About Fireworks in New York

But Alex Jones is a lunatic who should be banned from social media.
Speaking of Alex Jones. Read through this Twitter thread and see all the awfulness involved including the alleged pretense for deplatforming Alex Jones. It starts with Jeffrey Epstein but keep reading.

It all shows the complicity of the media with the greatest evils.

I don't believe on corona. I don't believe them on Trump. I don't trust them on the rioting. I don't believe them on anything at face value unless further research supports them.
Speaking of Alex Jones. Read through this Twitter thread and see all the awfulness involved including the alleged pretense for deplatforming Alex Jones. It starts with Jeffrey Epstein but keep reading.

Jones was a crackpot. Everybody knew it. (Still can't believe I was on his show back in 2005.). If Twitter wants to ban crackpots, that's fine. What bugs me is coming that they'll let leftists spout all kinds of offensive and loony stuff without consequence. Is the difference politics or something else? Hard to say.
He is a crackpot. Twitter shouldn't ban crackpots.

Even crackpots can be right at times and Jones probably was about the strange child abuse activities of government and intelligence communities.

Makes me think social media companies are influenced by intelligence community too.
He is a crackpot. Twitter shouldn't ban crackpots.

Even crackpots can be right at times and Jones probably was about the strange child abuse activities of government and intelligence communities.

Makes me think social media companies are influenced by intelligence community too.

I'm not saying they should ban them. I'm saying they can.
Not that I was active, but deleted my twitter account today. Let it be full of nothing but leftists lies. Without dissent, it dies.

come on over to Parler, It's liberating to speak freely over there. Now I can say mean things errrrrr I mean the truth, and no one is crying or calling me a racist.
Just remember. This woman won the Pulitzer Prize for 1619 mythology. And just imagine someone writing an article referring to the "black race" as anything negative.

I find myself wondering how much I would object if one of Osama Bin Ladin's sons flew an airplane into the NYT building ....

They hate the US, they hate its history, they hate pretty much everyone in it. Why do they stay here?

FvckTheFourth is trending on Twitter. This country is filled with so many worthless pieces of ****.
Trump gave a great speech last night. I think he was waiting for the right time to fight back. 4 months till election day
Trump gave a great speech last night. I think he was waiting for the right time to fight back. 4 months till election day

We need him more than ever to win. The thought of Biden as president scares the hell out of me. Hell, any democrat scares me right now.
Of course I just saw a discourse on how racist Trumps speech was. No surprise. As I and others have said it does not matter what he actually says, there will bar wailing and gnashing of teeth about the hate, venom, and racism no matter the content nor intent.
Of course I just saw a discourse on how racist Trumps speech was. No surprise. As I and others have said it does not matter what he actually says, there will bar wailing and gnashing of teeth about the hate, venom, and racism no matter the content nor intent.

I watched the speech. It wasn't racist. It was tough on the crackpot Left, but it wasn't racist.
McEnany's closing remarks yesterday -- calls them out for asking a dozen questions about the Confed Flag but none on violence and murders of blacks over the weekend

She should put them through the wringer over the coverage of the Rushmore speech. Several articles just flat out lied about it.

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