The Media Industry

People need to wake up about the Times shitcanning its editor for having the audacity to print a US Senator's article. It's a horrifically bad precedent regardless of the merits of Cotton's article. Link.
More media stupidity. And the "victim" was actually trying to be woke. You can't make this **** up. The Idiocracy is fully here, and it's being led by the people who think they're the smartest among us. Link.

People need to wake up about the Times shitcanning its editor for having the audacity to print a US Senator's article. It's a horrifically bad precedent regardless of the merits of Cotton's article. Link.

They should. We all should. But it is way past time for that. The NYT essentially covered up the holocaust and before that completely covered up the Holodomor. The NYT is the enemy of people. They are a shill for mass murder and have been for decades now.
mchammer, that is a great video. Whoever is making those for Trump is really doing a good job. Things like that will resonate with people. Anyone who just listens to his actual words and watches his videos firsthand may not love him or even vote for him, but it should be obvious that he isn't a racist. He is a verbal oaf, but he isn't what they claim him to be.
Maybe someone can explain this to me as it makes no sense that the Trump campaign would use this symbol in an ad? Or it half the story like the above examples?

Trump Ads With Nazi Symbol Are Taken Down by Facebook

Yeah, it could just be stupidity. The campaign says it's an Antifa symbol, but it certainly isn't the common symbol for Antifa or its predecessor organizations. That would be the black and red flags. Could it have been intended as a Nazi symbol? Anything's possible, but I'm not sure I'd really call it a "Nazi symbol" even if it was used in Nazi Germany. It was used as part of the coding system to identify political prisoners in concentration camps. When I think of Nazi symbols, I think of symbols that suggest Nazi pride. Obviously, the swastika comes to mind first. Beyond that, I think of the Reichsadler (the eagle over a swastika), the SS bolts, the skull and crossbones, etc. But a political prisoner code? Doesn't make a lot of sense.
Yeah, it could just be stupidity. The campaign says it's an Antifa symbol, but it certainly isn't the common symbol for Antifa or its predecessor organizations. That would be the black and red flags. Could it have been intended as a Nazi symbol? Anything's possible, but I'm not sure I'd really call it a "Nazi symbol" even if it was used in Nazi Germany. It was used as part of the coding system to identify political prisoners in concentration camps. When I think of Nazi symbols, I think of symbols that suggest Nazi pride. Obviously, the swastika comes to mind first. Beyond that, I think of the Reichsadler (the eagle over a swastika), the SS bolts, the skull and crossbones, etc. But a political prisoner code? Doesn't make a lot of sense.
Even the expert said it was obscure, but be careful not to use it! WTF? It’s like PC has moved to emojis now.
People need to wake up about the Times shitcanning its editor for having the audacity to print a US Senator's article. It's a horrifically bad precedent regardless of the merits of Cotton's article. Link.

Lol, chickens coming home to roost. For this to be something to be appalled about one would have to consider the Times an actual newspaper and those that work for it the press. I don't, they are nothing more than a propaganda rag for the left that employs their loyal followers and is run by elitist.

When you see fliers on phone poles from hate groups do you call them the press? No we call them what they are. So I call these leftist rags what they are.
Lol, chickens coming home to roost. For this to be something to be appalled about one would have to consider the Times an actual newspaper and those that work for it the press. I don't, they are nothing more than a propaganda rag for the left that employs their loyal followers and is run by elitist.

When you see fliers on phone poles from hate groups do you call them the press? No we call them what they are. So I call these leftist rags what they are.

Trust me, I get your point and don't have a lot of sympathy for the actual guy who got fired. He and his paper have pandered to the culture that cost him his job for decades. **** him.

What's disturbing is the precedent it is setting for other publications. Today it's the Times. Tomorrow, it could be any newspaper, website, or TV network in the country.
Trust me, I get your point and don't have a lot of sympathy for the actual guy who got fired. He and his paper have pandered to the culture that cost him his job for decades. **** him.

What's disturbing is the precedent it is setting for other publications. Today it's the Times. Tomorrow, it could be any newspaper, website, or TV network in the country.

Freedom of the press died long long ago. We just refuse to fight back, we will let them take the entire constitution from us and put us in their bondage and then we will wonder how we let this happen. The truth is we were afraid to fight back.

My forefathers risked their lives to sign that Declaration of independence, if we lost they were hung as traitors. When they put pen to paper they were putting their lives on the line.

Now we are watching everything given away. We aren't being conquered by external forces, we are rotting from the inside out.

The way I see it we have 3 choices

1. Let it happen
2. Fight back and just go into a Civil War.
3. Separate the red states from the blue.

I'm for 2 or 3. One is unacceptable.
Freedom of the press died long long ago. We just refuse to fight back, we will let them take the entire constitution from us and put us in their bondage and then we will wonder how we let this happen. The truth is we were afraid to fight back.

My forefathers risked their lives to sign that Declaration of independence, if we lost they were hung as traitors. When they put pen to paper they were putting their lives on the line.

Now we are watching everything given away. We aren't being conquered by external forces, we are rotting from the inside out.

The way I see it we have 3 choices

1. Let it happen
2. Fight back and just go into a Civil War.
3. Separate the red states from the blue.

I'm for 2 or 3. One is unacceptable.
Bill, you’ve been around. Dems are only letting this happen because it’s an election year. If Biden somehow wins, all of this goes away as it will be used against them during the midterms (with GOP winning both houses). Biden and Harris will throw more black asses in jail it will make your head swim.
Bill, you’ve been around. Dems are only letting this happen because it’s an election year. If Biden somehow wins, all of this goes away as it will be used against them during the midterms (with GOP winning both houses). Biden and Harris will throw more black asses in jail it will make your head swim.

From what I can tell, the worst and most politically damaging offenders in this are white. I see blacks peacefully protesting and some looting, but the people destroying statues and memorials look like ****** up white people.
Freedom of the press died long long ago. We just refuse to fight back, we will let them take the entire constitution from us and put us in their bondage and then we will wonder how we let this happen. The truth is we were afraid to fight back.

My forefathers risked their lives to sign that Declaration of independence, if we lost they were hung as traitors. When they put pen to paper they were putting their lives on the line.

Now we are watching everything given away. We aren't being conquered by external forces, we are rotting from the inside out.

The way I see it we have 3 choices

1. Let it happen
2. Fight back and just go into a Civil War.
3. Separate the red states from the blue.

I'm for 2 or 3. One is unacceptable.
I’ll take 3.
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Ditto, but are nobody is going to prosecute them. We're being ******* at this point. It's time to stop them and with force if necessary.
Dems like them because they claim Trump = racist. They are acting out on behalf of all the TDS folks. They will be kicked to the curb if Biden wins. What happened to the Bush war protests when Obama won?
Dems like them because they claim Trump = racist. They are acting out on behalf of all the TDS folks. They will be kicked to the curb if Biden wins. What happened to the Bush war protests when Obama won?

I do recall how Cindy Sheehan went from being a media darling and superstar to bring a cranky old lady that nobody gave a crap about anymore the minute Obama was announced the winner. However, this is a different phenomenon. There are a lot more people in it, and it motivates Democratic voters. It might be in Biden's interests to keep it up. Besides, nobody's stopping them. We're basically acting like it's ok. So why stop?
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violent crime is way way up in blue cities, i personally don't care. They can do what they want in those places. Seattle, Portland, Oakland, San Fran, LA, Baltimore, Chicago, NY, Phili, DC and Boston, can all pound sand and kill each other for all I care. The rest of this country is what concerns me. After what has happened in Minneapolis I would not be surprised to see that state go red.
violent crime is way way up in blue cities, i personally don't care. They can do what they want in those places. Washington, Oregon, California, Illinois, New York Maryland, DC and Massachusetts, can all pound sand and kill each other for all I care. The rest of this country is what concerns me. After what has happened in Minnesota I would not be surprised to see that state go red.
As long as they don't come to my suburb.
I do recall how Cindy Sheehan went from being a media darling and superstar to bring a cranky old lady that nobody gave a crap about anymore once the minute Obama was announced the winner. However, this is a different phenomenon. There are a lot more people in it, and it motivates Democratic voters. It might be in Biden's interests to keep it up. Besides, nobody's stopping them. We're basically acting like it's ok. So why stop?
The money will stop - it will move elsewhere. With Dems in charge, Dems in Washington will be blamed. Note Trump is being blamed even though this is happening in cities controlled by leftists. The movement will be starved of oxygen in terms of money and airtime.
The money will stop - it will move elsewhere. With Dems in charge, Dems in Washington will be blamed. Note Trump is being blamed even though this is happening in cities controlled by leftists. The movement will be starved of oxygen in terms of money and airtime.

Democrats will be blamed? Lol. How much was Obama blamed for the Occupy junk? Pretty much not at all. Trump gets blamed, because he's a Republican and doesn't pander to these idiots.

I think this is different from the antiwar stuff. That died down, because it was ultimately driven by the media, which didn't actually care about it. I'm not saying that the people who were personally involved didn't care about it. For example, I think Cindy Sheehan was sincere, even if she was misguided and stupid. However, the media kept the momentum going by making casualties and failures a major daily story. They basically stopped that after the 2008 election, because they didn't actually care about casualties or how the Iraq War was going. For the media, the war was a political weapon, not a genuine concern.

I think the America-hatred and cop-hatred are real facets of the media's agenda. They actually care about it. Furthermore, they know that even if Biden personally disapproves of it (and I honestly think he does), he has to cater to it. Accordingly, I think they'll keep this up as long as they possibly can. They'll keep the pressure on Biden to keep appeasing and catering to it.
I don't think there is a bottom for people like this. This seems as astoundingly low as there can be but I know someone will sink further soon

"On Sunday night, Nikole Hannah-Jones, the lead writer of The New York Times 1619 project, encouraged her followers to read a crazy conspiracy theory that the government gave fireworks to minority communities.
The government handed out the fireworks to the minority communities “to get us so used to the sounds of firecrackers and other fireworks that when they start using their real artillery on us we won’t know the difference.”
'1619 Project' Lead Writer Pushes Conspiracy Theory About Fireworks in New York

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