The Media Industry

I wish there was some accountability forMSM's crap
Like getting disbarred

The accountability is that they're not taken seriously the way they used to be. People still tune in from time to time to find out what's going on, so they make money. However, they don't have anywhere the political influence they once had. They preach to the choir, and that's about it.
WellMr D
Based on the Dems on here it is a loyal choir
I do hope the choir is getting smaller

I'm still amazed at the libs that still believe that Russian collusion is real or that Sullivan is fighting Barr's corruption. The MSM has brainwashed a large group of people in this country.

It appears Rubin is out to show she is still funnier than some dang bot
Is she a troll?
Has she always been just a troll?
These are both from the same woman -- Amanda Mull, a "staff writer" at The Atlantic

When workers in Georgia (R-Governor) were allowed to get back to making a living by plying their trades, she called it "unspeakably cruel." She is the one who penned the phrase "An Experiment in Human Sacrifice"

However, when workers in Brooklyn (D-Governor) were allowed to get back to making a living by cooking and delivering food, it's all good.

As you have already guessed, she lives in New York. These are only a week apart.


...Amanda Mull, a "staff writer" at The Atlantic -- When workers in Georgia (R-Governor) were allowed to get back to making a living by plying their trades, she called it "unspeakably cruel." She is the one who penned the phrase "An Experiment in Human Sacrifice"...

...Amanda Mull, a "staff writer" at The Atlantic -- When workers in Georgia (R-Governor) were allowed to get back to making a living by plying their trades, she called it "unspeakably cruel." She is the one who penned the phrase "An Experiment in Human Sacrifice"...

It never ceases to amaze how often people like Amanda Mull are so spectacularly wrong, as here, without repercussion. They never pay any price for it. People like her are protected by the warm cocoon of liberal immunity from having to deal with the reality of their failures. Baseball position players are good if they get right (or lucky) just 30% of their ABs. But that is still a higher percentage of the leftist media under the Trump Era. It's hard to remember them getting anything correct. They are the Mendoza line of current US society.
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It never ceases to amaze how often people like Amanda Mull are so spectacularly wrong, as here, without repercussion. They never pay any price for it. People like her are protected by a the warm cocoon of liberal immunity from having to deal with the reality of their failures. Baseball position players are good if they get right (or lucky) just 30% of their ABs. But that is still a higher percentage of the leftist media under the Trump Era. It's hard to remember them getting anything correct. They are the Mendoza line of current US society.

I just saw something from MSNBC that The Atlantic will be laying off 68
I wonder if getting laid off will change the tune for Amanda Mull? Will she suddenly be in favor of re-opening this economy?
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I agree. So what should be done if only Trump is "fact checked"
What will likely happen is sham checking on others and aggressively checking Trump
If EVRYONE gets fact checked then fine
If it is only Trump it is bs

It's BS, yes, but that doesn't give the government the authority to do what Trump wants done (especially since he's clearly in a conflict of interest and so even if he did have that authority he should be recusing himself, in essence).

It's also interesting to see many conservatives - who should be really used to, and really tired of, the idea that if don't want to the government to force X to happen it means you don't want X to happen at all - using this same fallacious argument themselves.

"I don't think the government should force their view of 'unbiased' on companies"
"Oh, so you don't have a problem with biased censorship then?"
Government shutting down the press is worse than a biased press.

I disagree. When the press engages in nothing more than propaganda for a political party, they are no longer the press and should not be held as such. There is no reason for them to even hold a press pass, they aren't the press. This goes for anyone that purposefully spreads disinformation to specifically sway public opinion.

I see CNN, WSJ, NYT MSM NBC ABC and such as nothing more than propaganda for the left. I know there are a lot more but those are off the top of my head. And I know there are a few on the right as well.

I have a hard time finding honest journalism and refuse to pay for any of it. So far I've been impressed with Newsy, but even they are reporting things with a left slant.
I disagree. When the press engages in nothing more than propaganda for a political party, they are no longer the press and should not be held as such. There is no reason for them to even hold a press pass, they aren't the press. This goes for anyone that purposefully spreads disinformation to specifically sway public opinion.

You have the false notion that the press has ever been unbiased and objective. History is full of examples in the US even of certain newspapers or other news media were closely aligned with one party or even one politician.

The answer isn't for the government to limit free speech. The answer is for MORE freedom and MORE voices.

I see CNN, WSJ, NYT MSM NBC ABC and such as nothing more than propaganda for the left. I know there are a lot more but those are off the top of my head. And I know there are a few on the right as well.

I have a hard time finding honest journalism and refuse to pay for any of it. So far I've been impressed with Newsy, but even they are reporting things with a left slant.

You are right it is propaganda. The only way to fight it is to patronize more objective news sources and allow all voices to compete in the market. Giving the government the authority to control the news will not give you what you want. It will only lead to more pro-government propagands. We want the press to hold the government accountable. If there people lieing in the press we want other people in the press to hold them accountable.

Less power for government y'all, not more.

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